Chapter 18

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Porsche POV..

Porsche who is done eating.. About to get up but got stop by Vegas.. Vegas then take all the plate and wash the plates.. Danaya then give Porsche water and tissue.. Porsche then wet the tissue and clean his hands.. Porsche rub his big belly and smile softly.. Dorothy then sit beside Porsche and stroke his head gently and smile softly.. Then... Vegas and Danaya sit together with Dorothy and Porsche.. Dorothy then ask..are you both going to go back today? Its already evening now.. Mr Vegas surely feel tired after having a long journey.. Porsche then hold Vegas hand then reply.. You can use my clothes sweetheart..Its ok.. Vegas kiss Porsche softly and say.. Thank you.. While touch their foreheads together.. Dorothy and Danaya smile softly.. Danaya then ask.. Phi Vegas.. Mind to tell us about yourself? Dorothy then say... Danaya... Please.. Don't ask too much na..Mr Vegas need to rest... Vegas then reply.. Its ok Mrs Dorothy.. I will tell you both... My name is Vegas Theerapanyakul.. Im from minor family.. A 2nd mafia family... Porsche then rub Vegas hands...Vegas then continue..1st time I meet Porsche.. It was when he is still working as a bodyguard... His ex boss name is Kinn Theerapanyakul.. Kinn is my cousin.. If you both want to know.. Porsche accidentally bleeds my little brother head.. Macau... Porsche hit Vegas slowly and start to feel shy... Porsche then say.. Baby...stop it... Dorothy and Danaya chuckle together.. Vegas then reply.. Luckily I forgive Porsche at that time... Then we ride a bike together... We also worked together as a team.. Porsche then reply.. We are on the same team now.. You and I.. Vegas kiss Porsche forehead and say.. You remember it sweetheart.. Porsche smile and reply.. Of course I do remember it.. Vegas then continue.. Something happened... Kinn ex boyfriend.. Tawan.. Suddenly appeared and my plans to steal Kinn property is failed... Some of my plans are failed because of Porsche... Porsche smile fade away and look away.. Vegas then reply.. I kidnapped Porsche.. I tortured him.. I kept Porsche as a prisoner... But... Vegas turn Porsche face towards Vegas and reply.. My beautiful wife never give up on me.. Not even a bit.. His personality make me fell in love with him even more.. My father used to hate me with my little brother.. But Porsche change everything... Porsche managed to change me.. I become a better person because of Porsche.. So was my father... My father is able to accept me.. Because of Porsche.. We fell in love.. Until Porsche is pregnant with the twins.. Vegas rub Porsche belly gently and reply.. And now.. We already married.. Wait for a right time for our babies to be born soon.. Porsche then reply.. No matter what happen between me and Vegas.. I made a promise to him... I promise to always love Vegas until the end... My heart already choose him Mae... I can't even stop this feelings... I also can't live without Vegas either.. Vegas is everything to me... Vegas then continue rubbing Porsche big belly... Porsche suddenly feel a sharp pain.. Porsche then say... Sshh..babies... Vegas.. Its hurts... Porsche trying to endure the pain... Vegas feels the strong kick from the inside and kiss Porsche belly...Porsche stroke Vegas head and smile softly..Dorothy then reply.. Now.. God already reunite you both... Mr Vegas... Please take care of Porsche and the babies na... Vegas nod and reply.. I will Mrs Dorothy.... Vegas pull Porsche slowly to get up and say.. Mrs Dorothy..I want to say thank you so much for everything...thank you for taking care of Porsche....Vegas then take out a hairclip and give it to Danaya and say.. This is for you.. I hope you will like it.. Danaya hug Vegas tight and say.. thank you uncle Vegas! Porsche stroke Danaya head and say.. Always be a good girl and listen to your mother ok... Danaya then reply.. We will pray so that Phi Porsche will give birth to the twins safely na... Porsche nod and smile softly.. Dorothy then kiss Porsche forehead for a long time while rubbing Porsche belly and say... Thank you for staying with us Porsche... We will miss you... Always take care of your self na... Danaya then help Porsche to pack his stuff.. Vegas then carry Porsche bag pack and say... Please take care of your self na... Once again.. Thank you for everything... We need to leave now... My family are so worried about Porsche...Dorothy nod and smile... Danaya then say.. Have a safe journey na... Take care! While wave her hands.. Vegas and Porsche wave their hands and leave... Vegas then help Porsche to sit.. Vegas then lower the sit so that Porsche can rest comfortably... Vegas then put on the sit belt for his beloved wife and ask.. Are you ready to go home sweetheart? Porsche nod and reply.. Yes baby.. Im ready... Lets go home.. Vegas kiss Porsche deeply and say... I can't wait to touch you baby.. God.. I really miss you so much.. Porsche chuckle and stroke his beloved husband cheek and say... Im all yours.. Always yours Mr Vegas... Lets go home na.. Vegas kiss Porsche forehead and start to drive back home.. 2 hours later.. Vegas and Porsche finally arrive at their house.. Vegas then open the door and let Porsche to go inside... Nop then help to carry the bag.. Vegas then ask.. Nop.. How is Macau? Nop then reply.. Khun Macau is staying at main family residence Khun Vegas... Vegas then reply... Its OK.. You can go home Nop.. Nop nod then leave... Porsche go upstairs and walk towards their room.. Porsche smile softly and look around... Porsche then see a letter and all the ultrasound pictures that he left for Vegas.... Porsche suddenly cry in silence... Vegas put the bag and hug Porsche tight and Im truly sorry.. Im so sorry for hurting you... Please forgive me na... Vegas then ask..what should I do so that you can accept me back... Porsche hug his husband neck then touch their foreheads and reply....touch me sweetheart...Vegas smirk and lock the door and window then pull off the curtains.. Vegas push his wife slowly to lay down on the bed while take off Porsche clothes until he is fully naked...Vegas then take off his clothes and throw it on the floor... Porsche then say.. Please baby... Vegas kiss Porsche deeply while stroke Porsche junior.. Porsche moan slowly and say.. Vegas.... Vegas suck Porsche nipple while his hand rubbing Porsche junior.. Porsche then say.. Baby... Please... I need you so much right now... Vegas put Porsche legs on his shoulder and say.. Moan louder baby.. I really miss that... Porsche smile and nod... Vegas thrust Porsche deeply.. Porsche then moan... Vegas.. Vegas.. More baby... Please.. Vegas thrust Porsche harder and deeper and say moan sweetheart... Moan for your husband... Porsche feel his tears start to fall out... Porsche moan again.. Vegas.. Mmmhh... Vegas.. Vegas keep doing it... Vegas then suck Porsche junior slowly.. Porsche bite his lips hard.. Vegas suck Porsche junior even more.. Porsche then scream... Vegas!! Vegas continue to thrust Porsche.. Porsche then reply... I love you Vegas... Mmmhh... Vegas thrust Porsche again and ask.... Who is your husband... Porsche moan louder.. Vegas Theerapanyakul... Vegas...more... Come to me sweetheart...its OK... Vegas thrust Porsche deeper... Porsche moan.. Vegas.... Sweetheart... Mmmhh... Vegas release it inside Porsche and kiss him deeply... Porsche stroke his husband cheek put his head on Vegas chest... Vegas kiss Porsche forehead and say.. Now.. Explain to me.. What actually happened at that night.. Porsche then reply... Do you still remember.. You told me that you went out to smoke with khun Kim? Vegas keep stroking Porsche head and say.. Yes.. I remember.. Porsche then reply.. At that time.. Macau is busy with Porchay... While Khun noo is having a party with Arm Pol and his bf.. Pete... Then got drunk too.. Then.. Kinn appeared out of nowhere and offered me a drink.. Trust me sweetheart.. I already refused.. But Kinn keep forcing me.. I drink it... Suddenly.. I started to feel dizzy.. My vision started to get blur.. I can't even stand properly...then i fainted.. When i woke up.. I already saw you.. And me and Kinn were shirtless... Porsche start to cry... But please trust me sweetheart...i swear i didn't do anything with Kinn... I beg you Vegas... Please trust me.... Porsche cry hard... Vegas starts to cry and hug Porsche and say... Shh.. Baby.. Im truly sorry.. Its my fault.. Its all my fault... Slap me honey... Punch me... Its OK.. I deserve it.. But.. I beg you baby.. Please.. Please don't leave me anymore.. I was so afraid.. I thought I already lose you... Porsche shake his head and wipe Vegas tears and say.. We belong together forever my husband... Porsche then start to sing a song.. I get to love you.. Its the best thing i ever do.. I get to love you.. Its a promise i making to you.. Whenever may come.. Your heart i will choose.. Forever im yours.. Forever i do... Vegas kiss Porsche deeply and say.. I love you more my wife.. More than you can even imagine.. Now.. Let's sleep ok.. We will go to main family house tomorrow morning... Khun and others must feel so happy to see you again.. Porsche hug Vegas.. Vegas kiss Porsche softly and sleep... 10 minutes later.. Porsche suddenly wake up after he feel a sharp pain... Porsche slowly wearing his outfit and cover Vegas with a blanket... Porsche open the door slowly and close it.. Then go to bench and sit down while rubbing his big belly... Porsche then say.. Aow.. My babies... Please.. Don't disturb daddy na.. Have a pity on daddy please.. Daddy is working hard for 3 of us... Please.. Shh.. My babies.. Whats wrong hmmm... Please let daddy sleep na..please listen to mommy... Shhh.... Vegas wake up and see Porsche isn't beside him.. Vegas wear his pyjama and see Porsche is outside.. Vegas go out and walk towards his beloved wife and sit down beside Porsche... Vegas then ask.. what happen sweetheart? Are you in pain? Porsche shake his head then reply.. Our babies want me to take a fresh air outside.... Babies really miss you honey... Vegas then rub Porsche belly and kiss it... I will make a milk for you.. Come on.. Vegas then pull Porsche slowly to get up and hold Porsche waist and hold his hand tight then go to the kitchen.. Porsche sit down slowly and look at Vegas and smile softly... Vegas then give a milk to Porsche.. Vegas sit beside Porsche then rub his belly.. Porsche feel their babies starts to kick from the inside.. Porsche feel a sharp pain again... Vegas then wash the glass and hold Porsche hand and go back to their room and continue to sleep..

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