Chapter 25

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At main family house

Kim Pov..

Kim is busy with the decoration.. Khun then join his little brother and ask.. Who call you just now? Kim then say.. Its Vegas.. They are on their way.. Suddenly Macau and Porchay along with Mr Karn and P Chan help to prepare for the food and drink... Big and Pete then come with hat party and give it to others.. Then Mr Korn come with babies gift and put aside... Arm and Pol then come towards them and say.. Guys! Hurry up! Khun Vegas and Porsche is already here! We should go and hide somewhere! Pete quickly pull Khun to hide with him.. Big Arm and Pol hide at other side... Mr Korn Mr Karn hide along with Kim Macau and Porchay.. Chan look around and see everyone is already hiding..

Vegas Pov..

Vegas and Porsche arrives at main family house and park the car.. Porsche is about to go out from the car but got stop by Vegas.. Vegas then say.. Wait.. You can't go out yet.. Vegas then get out from the car and slowly pull Porsche to get up and blindfold Porsche eyes and slowly take him to go inside the house and walk to the back yard... Chan then lead Vegas and Porsche towards the back yard.. Porsche then ask.. Baby.. Why are you blindfold me? Where are you taking me?? Vegas then stop walking.. Kim is giving signal to Khun and Pete while counting... Vegas then say.. Ok.. We already here.. I will take of the blindfold.. Don't open your eyes yet... Porsche feel the blindfold is already free from his eyes but remain to close his eyes... Vegas give a signal to them and say.. You can open your eyes now baby.. Porsche open his eyes slowly and everyone appears and cheer.. Surprise!!!... Porsche feel shock and smile brightly while looking at everyone.. Khun hug Porsche and rub his belly and say... Welcome home my little kitty!! Pete then hug Porsche from behind and reply.. Porsche.. We really miss you so much na... Pete touch Porsche belly and smile brightly.. Arm and Pol hug Porsche and say.. Welcome back Porsche... Mr Korn give a babies present to Porsche and say.. Welcome back my child... We are so worried about you... Mr Karn hug his son in law and ask.. How is my grandchildren in there? Vegas chuckle and reply.. Twinnies are fine Pa.. Don't worry.. Karn then hug Vegas and pat his back... Suddenly Macau and Porchay run towards Porsche and hug him tight.. Porchay cry and say Phi....i really miss you na... Macau also cry and kneel infront of Porsche while holding both of his hands and say... Please forgive me and Porchay mommy... Porsche shake his head and pull them to get up and hug them tight and say... We are a family... And I won't let anybody to hurt you both.. Thats my promise... Porsche kiss both of his little brothers.. Big pat Porsche shoulder and say... Im sorry about Kinn...i should suppose to stop him from the beginning.. I also know.. Kinn never love me... He just used me all this time.. Because you chose Khun Vegas over him...Porsche then reply.. My heart choose Vegas.. Thats it... Kim then hug Porsche and reply.. Im truly sorry na Porsche... Porsche wipe his tears roughly and say.. Enough everyone.. Please.. Stop apologizing... Suddenly Khun stomach growl all of a sudden.. Pete hit Khun slowly and say.. Let's eat everyone..Look someone is hungry now.. Chan then touch Porsche shoulder and say... Thank you for coming back Porsche... Porsche nod and reply.. Yes... Thanks to you too P Chan.. Let's eat together...After they done eating... All of them resting and Porchay then take his guitar and start to sing a song... Vegas hug Porsche and rub his belly gently and kiss his forehead... After Porchay done singing.. Mr Korn then reply.. From now on.. Kim will be a new leader for main family... All of them stand up and bow towards Kim.. Porsche is about to get up but got stop by Kim immediately.. Kim then say.. No need Porsche.. No need to bow... Nothing is special... Just promise that you take care of your self na.. Porsche then bow his head and say.. I wish you all the best Khun Kim... Please take care of your family na.. Vegas then say.. Its time for us to go back now.. Karn then reply.. Be careful.. Arm and Pol hug Porsche.. Pete then reply.. Porsche.. Feel free to come and visit us.. Khun then say.. We can watch series together.... Porsche then hold Pete hands and put Khun hands on Pete hands and say.. I can't wait to see you both get marry.. Pol and Arm smile while looking at Pete and Khun.. Macau then reply.. I will come and visit you both with Porchay.. Porsche hug Macau and Porchay and say.. Listen to Khun noo and Khun Kim.. Vegas then hold Porsche hand tight and say.. We will go back now.. Take care! Then Vegas and Porsche leave the main family house and return to their house... 10 minutes later... Vegas and Porsche arrive at their house.. Vegas quickly get out from the car and see Nop.. Nop then help to lock the gate and help Vegas to carry their bags and go inside.. Vegas slowly pull Porsche out from the car and hold his hands tight and say.. Go upstairs first.. Be careful na.. Porsche nod and go upstairs and walk towards their room... Vegas then say keep the spare keys with you and go home now Nop.. Nop nod and leave the house... Vegas lock the door and switch off the light then go upstairs and walk towards their room.. Vegas then go in and lock the door... Vegas then notice his beloved wife is hiding behind the curtain and slowly hug Porsche from behind and put his chin on Porsche shoulder and kiss his shoulder.. Porsche stroke Vegas head and look at the moon and stars... Vegas hand start to rub Porsche big belly and go down to his junior.. Porsche bite his lips while close his eyes.. Vegas smirk and bite Porsche earlobes and lick it... Porsche then moan.. Mmmhh.. Vegas... Don't... Vegas then pull Porsche slowly and push him slowly and help him to lay down on the bed..Porsche stroke Vegas cheek and kiss Vegas forehead and smile softly.. Vegas then take off Porsche clothes until he is fully naked... Vegas kiss Porsche big belly and take off his clothes too.. Vegas slowly stroke Porsche junior.. Porsche then moan... Vegas... Please... Vegas then suck Porsche junior... Porsche then scream.. Vegas! Please... Mmmhh... Vegas then ask.. Please what hmmm... Porsche then reply.. Please touch me... I miss it... Vegas smirk and put Porsche legs on his shoulder and start to thrust Porsche slowly.. Porsche then reply... Vegas... Vegas.. Mmmhh... More.. Please.. Vegas then say.. Moan baby.. Moan for me... Vegas thrust Porsche even deeper.. Porsche moan louder while moving his other legs.. Vegas... Vegas.. Vegas... Vegas smile and ask..who am i to you... While thrust Porsche deeply.. Porsche then moan.. Mmmhh.. My husband.. My beloved husband... Vegas thrust again and ask again.. What is your husband name... Vegas then say.. Moan.. Moan sweetheart... Porsche close his eyes as he feels more pleasure and reply... Vegas Theerapanyakul... Porsche then say.. More Vegas.. I miss you so much... Porsche kiss Vegas deeply and moan louder.. Mmmhh.. Vegas... Vegas thrust Porsche again and ask.. Who are you to me... Porsche moan.. Baby.... Mmmhh... Vegas thrust Porsche deeper... Porsche is sweating and Vegas thrust Porsche even more and say.. Moan baby... Who are you to me.. Vegas ask again... Porsche then reply.. Mmmhh... Im your wife Vegas... Vegas thrust Porsche again and again and ask... What is my wife name? Porsche then reply... More baby... Please... Vegas thrust again and again.. Porsche then reply.. Im Porsche Kittisawat Theerapanyakul.. I'm Vegas wife... Porsche kiss Vegas lips deeply.. Vegas release it inside Porsche and pull him closer... Vegas then wipe the sweat on Porsche forehead.. Porsche put his head on Vegas chest... Vegas stroke Porsche head and look at him softly... Porsche then trace Vegas face and lips... Vegas close his eyes and enjoy it.. Vegas kiss Porsche fingers and humming a lullaby.. Then.. Both of them fall asleep..

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