Chapter 11

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Next morning...

Porsche wake up and take a shower.. Suddenly Vegas wake up and use another bathroom and take a shower too.. A few minutes later.. Porsche go downstairs and walk to the kitchen and start to make a breakfast.. Suddenly Macau come towards Porsche and kiss his cheek and say.. Morning phi.. Porsche then reply.. Morning too sweetie.. Porsche then notice Macau didn't wear a school uniform.. Macau then reply.. I have 2 days off.. A few minutes later.. Vegas hug Porsche and kiss his lips deeply.. Porsche then chuckle and hug Vegas neck and deepen the kiss.. Suddenly.. Porsche phone buzz.. Porsche then take out his phone and see a message from Kinn.. Porsche then read it silently.. Don't forget to come to work.. Vegas read it too and ask...should I just block this guy from texting you again and again.. You are pregnant Porsche.. Porsche then say.. Its OK love.. Im still his bodyguard.. Let's eat shall we? The food is starting to get cold.. Vegas and Porsche eat happily..

10 minutes later..

Vegas and Porsche arrive at main family house and see Khun already waiting outside.. Vegas and Porsche get out from the car and receive a warm hug from Khun.. Khun then reply.. What are you guys doing here.. Especially Porsche.. He need to rest.. While looking at Porsche.. Porsche face expression changes all of a sudden as he see Kinn is standing there.. Kinn then say.. Come on Porsche! Honeymoon time is over! Time to work.. Kinn then walk away.. Porsche then sigh slowly and about to walk away but Vegas stop him and say.. I will teach Kinn a lesson.. I really hate him.. Khun then reply.. Its OK Vegas.. Let Porsche work first.. If Kinn cross the line.. Then we will think about another way to stop Kinn.. Come on.. Lets go inside.. Vegas then reply.. I have a meeting with Kinn as well.. Porsche then walk with Khun.. Pete run towards his best friend and hug Porsche tight and rub Porsche belly and say.. Porsche.. The meeting is about to start.. But... Khun Kinn ask you to make him a coffee... Porsche then nod.. And go to the kitchen and start to make it.. Then.. Porsche go to the meeting rooms and put the coffee on the table.. Kinn slowly drink his coffee and hold Porsche hand and look at him.. Vegas then clear his throat and Porsche pull away and leave.. Porsche then wandering around and see Porchay is feeding a fish along with Kim.. Porsche phone buzz again.. Porsche sigh heavily and say.. I need to bring another drink for Kinn.. Porsche then walk past the cafeteria and see there's a drink on the counter... Aunty then reply.. Khun Kinn ask you to bring this to him..I already ask someone to replace.. But Khun Kinn still want you.. You are pregnant Porsche.. Please be careful na krub.. Porsche smile and take the tray and go towards shooting arena.. Then Vegas suddenly appear and ask.. Aunty.. Did you see Porsche? Aunty sigh slowly and reply.. Im sorry Khun Vegas.. But just now.. Khun Kinn ask Porsche to bring him another drink.. Khun Kinn is waiting at shooting arena.. Vegas squeeze his fist and follow Porsche.. Porsche then arrive at shooting arena and see Kinn is practising with a gun... Porsche put the tray on the table.. Kinn quickly hug Porsche from behind and rub Porsche belly slowly and start to kiss his neck.. Porsche kick Kinn leg and push him away and ask with anger.. The hell are you doing Kinn?! Im Vegas wife now! Im no longer yours! Kinn smirk and reply.. Well.. I want to see how long your relationship can last with Vegas.. What he will think after he see his beloved wife got seduce by another man.. Kinn start to touch Porsche again.. Vegas then burst in and yell.. Kinn! Vegas walk towards Kinn and punch his face hard.. Porsche pull Vegas and tears start to come out.. Vegas then reply.. One more time Kinn.. One more time if I see you dare to touch Porsche again.. I will kill you.. I don't give a damn about who the hell are you to me.. But you already cross the line Kinn.. You dumped Porsche Kinn.. I know your stupid plan Kinn.. Stay away from Porsche.. Lets go baby.. Vegas hug Porsche shoulder and leave the main family house.. Vegas hit the steering wheel and make Porsche feel shock.. Porsche rub his 6 months old belly and say.. Baby.. Please calm down na.. Vegas then say... How the hell am i suppose to calm down.. You are my wife Porsche! 10 minutes later.. They arrive at their house.. Vegas pull Porsche slowly to go inside and quickly go to the room.. Vegas is about to go down and but got stop by Porsche.. Porsche then ask.. Baby.. Where are you going now... Vegas kiss Porsche deeply and whisper.. Punishment is waiting for you baby..As Vegas leave.. Porsche open the door and hide outside.. A few minutes later.. Vegas return to the room and see Porsche isn't in the room.. Vegas open the door and go outside and say.. Porsche... Where are you... Porsche is about to escape but see a hands around his belly and see Vegas look at him with a smirk.. Vegas then take Porsche back to their room and slowly push Porsche to lay down on the bed.. Porsche then say.. Please baby.. Don't punish me na.. Vegas then take out the rope and tie Porsche hands.. Vegas takes off Porsche pants and throw it away.. Vegas start to touch Porsche junior and stroke it slowly.. Porsche close his eyes and say.. Baby.. Please.. Vegas then take an ice cube and rub Porsche junior with it.. Porsche moan louder and say... Vegas... Its cold.. Stop.. Vegas kiss his husband deeply and touch their foreheads and take another ice cube and rub on Porsche nipple.. Porsche bite his lips and Vegas start to thrust Porsche.. Porsche then say.. Vegas... Mmmhh.. Vegas then ask while thrust Porsche deeper.. Who are you belong to hmmm.. Porsche then reply.. Only to you my husband.. Just you.. Mmmhh.. Vegas smile and untie Porsche hands.. Porsche hug Vegas neck and kiss his forehead for a long time.. Vegas then say.. Moan baby.. Moan for me.. Vegas thrust Porsche even more.. Porsche then reply.. More Vegas.. Please.. Make me moan.. Vegas smirk and thrust Porsche deeper and fast.. Porsche chuckle and kiss Vegas deeply and say.. We belong together Vegas.. Vegas release it inside Porsche and pull Porsche closer to him while cover themselves with a blanket.. Porsche rest his head on Vegas chest and sleep..

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