Chapter 22

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At the hospital
Vegas Pov

Vegas finally arrives at the hospital.. Arm and Big help to bring Porsche to go inside the hospital.. Dr Cindy feels shock as he see Porsche then reply.. Quick! We need to take him to surgery room.. After everything is settle.. I will do a medical check up on him.. Then a few nurse come and help to bring Porsche to the surgery room.. Vegas cry non stop while sit down.. Arm and Big rub Vegas back body.. 3 of them are waiting outside of the surgery room... Kim and Khun appear and notice Vegas is crying non stop.. Khun walk towards his cousin and kneel infront of Vegas and hug him tight and say.. Shh shh.. Vegas... Its OK na... Porsche will be fine.. Trust me na.. Porsche is really strong.. Keep praying to God... Vegas hug Khun tightly and reply while sobbing.. Im afraid Khun... I don't want Porsche to leave me.. Why Porsche need to protect me? Kim rub Vegas shoulder and say.. Because you are everything to him.. Porsche will be ok.. Trust me.. Suddenly Mr Karn come towards them.. All of them bow towards Mr Karn.. Karn then say... Vegas.. My son... Vegas then rise up his head and see his father standing beside him while look at him with a worry face.. Vegas then say.. Pa!! Vegas cry even more and hug Mr Karn tightly and say.. Pa... Mr Karn rub his son back body and say... Its ok my son... Cry as much as you want... 1 hour later.. Arm then see Dr Cindy come out and walk towards Vegas and say.. Mr Vegas... We managed to save Mr Porsche life.. Thanks to God.. Your babies are alive too.. Vegas kneel on the floor and crying even more and say... Thank you.. Dear God.. Thank you... All of them breathe out of relief... Then.. 2 nurse along with Dr Cindy come out while pushing the bed and decides to put Porsche into a private ward.. Karn then say.. Well.. We can't stay here for too long my son.. We will go back first.. Then we will come back later.. Kim nod and reply.. Yes.. For now.. Please stay with Porsche.. If anything.. Don't forget to call us ok.. Khun then hug Vegas and say... Everything will be ok.. We will see you later.. Arm and Big bow.. All of them leave the hospital.. Vegas then go to Porsche private ward and see Dr Cindy is doing a medical check up on Porsche.. Cindy then pour a gel on Porsche big belly and start to move the scanner... Vegas stroke Porsche head gently and look at the monitor.. Cindy then reply.. It's already 8 months.. Only 1 months left.. The babies are fine.. I will prepare a vitamins.. And some medicines for Porsche.. Cindy give Vegas a small packet of milk then reply.. Porsche really need it.. Make sure to give it to him... Vegas then ask.. How is my wife Dr Cindy? Cindy smile and reply.. Porsche is really strong Mr Vegas... We managed to take the bullet out from his chest.. Luckily the bullet didn't hit his belly.. Or else.. I don't know what will happen to the babies.. If you decide to stay with Porsche.. You should go back... You can come back later if you want... Vegas nod and reply.. Yes.. But please allow me to stay here... Im still afraid.. I can't even leave him all alone.. Cindy nod and reply.. Its OK.. You can stay here..Cindy then give an ultrasound picture to Vegas and leave.. Vegas look at it and say.. Baby... Our babies right now is already 8 months... I can't wait to see both of them... Please wake up baby.. Don't leave me... Vegas starts to cry again as he rub Porsche belly gently...

In Porsche dreams..

Porsche is walking at the park which surrounded by lily and rose... Suddenly his family come and hug Porsche.. Porsche then say.. Mae.. Pho.. I really miss you so much... Mae kiss Porsche forehead and ask.. What are you doing here hmm? Pho then say.. Your family are waiting for you.. Vegas suddenly appeared with their twinnies and smile softly... Porsche then say.. Vegas... Vegas walk towards him with the twinnies and kiss Porsche deeply.. Porsche carry one of the twins and walk towards his parents.. Pho and Mae smile softly and kiss their grandchildren... Mae then say.. Son.. You already found your happiness na... Go back to where you belong... Pho then reply.. Your mae is right my son... We will be always watching over you guys from above... Now.. We need to go.. Please take care of your self na Porsche.. Please take care of your little family..Porsche parents slowly dissappear.. Porsche hold Vegas hand and say.. Let's go back... Vegas smile and walk with Porsche along with the twinnies..

Porsche Pov..
Porsche open his eyes slowly and see his beloved husband is sleeping soundly.. Porsche then see an ultrasound picture and take it and rub his big belly gently and speak in his heart.. Its already 8 months.. Mommy and daddy can't wait to see you both.. Porsche stroke Vegas head softly and tears start to fall from his eyes.. Vegas open his eyes slowly and see his beloved wife is already awake.. Vegas then kiss Porsche forehead for a long time and say.. Baby.. You are awake... Porsche nod and stroke Vegas cheek gently and say.. Yes... Im already awake... Vegas kiss Porsche hands and help him to sit down properly... Porsche then touch his chest slowly and see a plaster on his chest... Vegas cry silently and cover his face.. Porsche then reply.. Shh... Its OK sweetheart.. Im here.... Don't worry na.. Im save.. Our babies also save.. Vegas bring Porsche hands towards his cheek and kiss it then reply.. You didn't have any idea how afraid I was... I thought I already lost you baby.. Porsche kiss Vegas deeply and say.. Its OK... Don't cry na... Porsche take Vegas hands and put it on his big belly and smile softly... Porsche then ask.. Baby.. Where are the others... Vegas then reply.. They already went home sweetheart... Porsche then remember about Macau and Porchay then ask.. What about our little brothers? Vegas smile and reply.. Both of them are fine.. Kinn is already in jail now.. Porsche sigh slowly and reply.. I really miss our brothers.. Vegas smile and see Cindy come in with a bowl of porridge and babies stuff and say.. Porsche.. You are awake.. Porsche then smile and say.. Thank you so much Dr Cindy.. Cindy then give a porridge to Porsche.. Porsche take it and about to eat it.. Vegas then take the porridge and feed Porsche.. Porsche smile and eat it until finish.. Cindy shake her head while smiling and reply.. You can discharge tomorrow Porsche.. Don't forget to eat the med..vitamin and drink the milk.. I will leave now.. I will see you later ok.. Porsche nod and bow his head.. Vegas then give Porsche a med.. Porsche eat the med and vitamins.. Vegas then make a milk to Porsche and give it to him.. Porsche then drink it until finish then reply.. Im so sorry baby.. For being a burden to you.. Vegas shake his head and say.. No.. Please don't say that baby.. Im your husband remember? Vegas rub Porsche belly and feel the strong kick from the inside.. Porsche then say.. Shh.. Babies.. Vegas... Its hurts... Vegas humming a lullaby while rubbing Porsche big belly gently.... Vegas then kiss Porsche forehead for a long time and say.. Sleep sweetheart.. You still need to rest.. I need to go back to take some of our clothes.. I will come back later.. Porsche nod and say.. Be careful ok.. I will see you later.. Vegas kiss Porsche cheek and let him to lay down.. Bible help to put the blanket on Porsche.. Porsche sleep soundly and Vegas then leave the hospital and drive away to his house..

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