Chapter 20

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Vegas and Porsche arrives at main family residence.. Vegas then hold Porsche hands tightly and help him to get out from the car.. Porsche suddenly feel nervous.. Vegas kiss Porsche head and say.. Stay calm and stand behind me.. Porsche then reply.. Let's play some game shall we? Porsche then pull Vegas and go inside.. Porchay is talking with Khun noo and his bodyguards..Porsche and Vegas walk towards them and smile.. Khun stands up and hug Porsche tight and say.. Oi Porsche!! How are you na... Khun touch Porsche belly softly and smile... Arm Pol and Pete hug their best friend tightly.. Arm then ask.. Porsche.. Where have you been huh.. Pol then reply.. Do you know.. You already put us through the hell? Pete smack Pol head and are you doing buddy? We really miss you... Porchay hug his big brother slowly and say.. Welcome back P Porsche.. Kim hug Vegas then reply.. Welcome back bro.. We all worried about you and Porsche.. Porsche then reply...Im truly sorry Khun Kim.. I left so that I can find a peace... Big suddenly appear and hug Porsche and say.. Im happy that you are back... Porsche then bow his head and say.. Thank you Big.. Kinn then appear and say with a mocking tone.. Well2.. What do we have here? Porsche smile and remain calm.. While in his heart.. Porsche starts to cursing Kinn.. Vegas then pull Porsche away and ask.. What the hell you want from him Kinn? Enough is enough.. Kinn then ask.. Well.. How do you feel Porsche? How do you feel after being chased out by your hero? Porsche smirk then ask.. Are you done talking? Who the fuck are you? Do I know you? Everyone stay silent and didn't dare to speak.. Porsche then chuckle mockingly at Kinn and reply.. Ooh.. Now I know you.. You are the loser.. And that loser name is Kinn Theerapanyakul... Kinn then about to slap Porsche.. Porsche punch Kinn face until he fall on the floor.. Vegas feel shock and quickly pull Porsche away from Kinn.. Porsche then yell.. Don't you dare to touch me.. Your fucking asshole!! Porsche grab Kinn collar and punch him again... You think you are the only one who is really good in acting? I also can do the same loser... A loser like you.. Should learn how to reflect your self... You think everything that you did.. Will make me fell in love like I used to? No way Kinn... My heart and souls are no longer yours.. Im Porsche Kittisawat Theerapanyakul.. And my husband is Vegas Theerapanyakul.. You better stay away from me and my family Kinn.. One more time....if you dare to cross the line... One and only person who is really wants to kill you its me.. Don't you dare to mess around with me Kinn..My patience also have a limits.. You better choose Kinn.. Live or die... Im sorry guys.. I really need to go back now.. Looking at this asshole.. Make me feel sick.. Porsche then push Kinn and walk away following by Vegas.. Everyone laugh at Kinn and leave him alone.. Kinn squeeze his fist and say.. Just wait for my revenge Porsche... Kinn then take out his phone and call someone... Kinn then say.. Don't forget about our plans... Please make sure that you won't fail. Kinn then hung up the phone.. Porsche is about to get into the car.. Suddenly Porchay then come towards him and say.. Let's go home na.. Vegas then nod and say... Lets Macau stay with us too.. Porsche then reply... The more the merrier.. Macau then join them and get inside the car... 10 minutes later.. They arrives at Porsche house... Porchay and Macau go inside and rest on the sofa.. Meanwhile.. At outside of Porsche house...2 of Kinn bodyguard is staying outside... Porsche then say.. I want to cook.. Lets go to the kitchen.. Vegas Porchay and Macau go towards the kitchen.. Porchay open the fridge and noticed.. Some stuff is already finish.. Porchay then reply.. I will go to the supermarket.. Macau then reply.. I will join you too.. Vegas then say... Dont forget to bring handphone.. One of you.. If anything.. Phi or Phi Porsche will call you two.. Macau and Porchay go to the supermarket..Soon after Macau and Porchay left... Kinn bodyguards kidnap Macau and Porchay and cover their mouth until both of them faint then leave.. The man then reply.. I can't wait to see our boss reaction.. We aren't kidnap one.. But two.... Lets bring these to our boss.. And let's Khun Kinn decide.. Either he will kill or keep them as a prisoner..

At main family house..

Khun Pov..

Khun is feeding his fish suddenly feel a sharp pain through his chest.. Khun then rub his chest slowly and ask.. Whats wrong with me? Why i have a bad feelings about Porsche.. Big then ask.. Are you ok Khun noo? Khun then reply.. Suddenly.. I have a bad feelings about Porsche and his little family.. Pete then hug his boyfriend and say.. Everything will be fine.. Kim then join and ask.. Have you seen Kinn Big? I thought he is here.. Khun then ask.. Where have you been? You are with us just now.. Kim roll his eyes and reply.. I know... But right now.. Kinn isn't in the house.. Pete then reply.. Maybe he is going out.. Who knows.. Now.. Lets go inside.. Then.. All of them go back inside..

At the warehouse..

Kinn bodyguards arrive at the warehouse and drag Macau and Porchay inside... Kinn then laugh evilly then ask... Porsche.. Porsche.. You think I will let you and that bastard Vegas to be happy? No Porsche. I will end your life today.. Kinn then throw the envelop to his bodyguards.. Kinn then say.. Just stay here.. Real show is about to begin... Kinn smirk evilly and say.. You dare to mess around with me Porsche... Another surprise is waiting for you...

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