Chapter 2

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Next day at Vegas room..
Porsche slowly open his eyes and see his hands already have a chain.. Porsche then sigh heavily and speak in his heart... Why Kinn didn't come here to save me? Kinn.. Please.. Come here and save me... Suddenly.. Theres a door open and see Vegas coming with a medicine and bowl of porridge... Vegas then give the porridge to Porsche and say.. Here.. You need to eat... Porsche then say.. I want to go back .. I want Kinn.. Let me go... Vegas sigh and say.. Porsche.. Please.. Don't make me torture you na.. Porsche then say.. Kinn.. I want Kinn... Vegas suddenly throws the bowl on the floor and start to take off his belt and torture Porsche even more.. Porsche cry in pain and say... Stop! Vegas! Please! Vegas keep doing it without having any mercy on Porsche... Porsche then reply with a weak voice.. Please... Vegas... Please spare me... Vegas then reply with stern voice.. One more time.. If i hear you mention about Kinn.. I will kill Kinn by myself.. And for your information.. Kinn never love you Porsche.. Keep that in mind.. Vegas then walk away... A tears suddenly come out from Porsche eyes... Porsche then see a small key on the bed... Without wasting any time.. Porsche then open the lock with the key and take off those chain... Porsche then open the door and see no one is around... Porsche use this chance to escape.. Suddenly.. Vegas appear and say.. You think you can escape easily from me huh?Porsche then slowly walk away until he almost fall in the river but quickly got hold by Vegas.. Porsche trying to fight but his body is too weak... Vegas then drag Porsche back to the room and chain him up again... Vegas then leave Porsche alone and take a fresh air outside...

At main family house..
Arm start to hack Porsche position but fail.. Khun then ask.. Arm.. How is it? Did you found anything... Pete then reply..Im really worry about Porsche.. Khun then hug his beloved and say.. Its OK.. We will find him.. Trust me ok.. Suddenly Kinn and Big walk together and hold hands.. Khun then slap Kinn face and say.. Ooh.. This is what you have been doing huh?! After you put Porsche in danger.. Now you dare to flirt with Big! Pete then pull Khun away and say.. Calm down Khun noo.. Big then walk back wards and say.. Im truly sorry Khun noo.. Khun then reply back.. I feel so disappointed with you Kinn.. I don't know.. What the hell is wrong with you now.. Porsche is your bodyguard.. Pa asked you to take care of him.. You know what Kinn..without Porsche.. You will surely dead by now.. What ungrateful man! Arm then say.. Khun noo... Please.. Kinn then say.. You should be focus more on Pete than my personal life Khun.. Kinn then walk away.. Khun suddenly punch the wall and say.. Fine... I will cut ties with Kinn... Pete then reply.. Please Khun noo.. Don't do it na... Khun hug Pete.. Lets pray for Porsche.. I really have a bad feeling about him...Pete then say.. Arm..please check about Porsche position again.. Then report to us.. Arm nod then try his best to search a position about his best friend..

Back to minor secondary house....
Vegas is walking towards Porsche and see Porsche is faint... Vegas then say..Porsche.. Porsche.. Hey.. Wake up.. Please don't leave me.. Wake up.. Porsche is still unconscious.. Vegas then lay Porsche down on the bed... Slowly.. Vegas start to put a big plaster on the wounds and kiss it softly... Porsche then open his eyes slowly and look at Vegas... Vegas then smile softly and say.. Porsche.. You are awake... Porsche then ask... What are you doing here... Vegas then say... I can be wherever i want to... Here.. You must eat the medicine... Once you heal.. You can kill me.. Porsche then shake his head and reply.. Leave me alone khun Vegas... Stop being nice to me.. You can kill me if you want to.. I don't have any reason to stay alive.. Kill me already... Vegas chuckle then ask... How about Porchay? Please think something before you speak Porsche.. Please eat this med.. So that you can heal quickly.. Porsche then reply.. Let me die.. Leave.. While turning his face to the other side... Vegas then put the med into his mouth and lift Porsche head and put the med into Porsche mouth.. Porsche feel shock with Vegas behaviour towards him..Vegas then help Porsche to drink a water.. Vegas then help Porsche to sit slowly... Porsche then notice a bruise on Vegas face... Porsche slowly trace the bruise with his fingers.. Vegas then close his eyes as he enjoy every touch that Porsche give to him... Porsche then reply.. You are like this because of Mr Karn... You never want to be like this aren't you? Vegas then reply... Pa always hit me.. Pa always hate me.. Vegas feels his cheek wet.. Porsche slowly wipe the tears on Vegas cheek and say.. Then.. Please show to your father that you aren't that weak... I can't stand to see you get hit like that.. I know its painful Vegas.. Vegas then reply.. How? How can I show it....Porsche then reply.. Forget your past Vegas.. Never ever consider main family is like an enemy to you.. Take them as example... I know.. Everyone deserves a 2nd chance.. So were you Vegas... Vegas then reply.. Ok.. I will keep that in mind.. Then leave Porsche all alone again.. Porsche touch his chest and feel his heart beat like crazy and ask to himself.. Am I starting to fall in love with you Vegas??... Porsche then rest on the bed and fall asleep..

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