Chapter 24

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At Porsche ward..

Porsche walk towards his ward following by Vegas behind him.. Porsche then say.. I want to take a warm shower... Vegas then reply.. I will help you.. Come here baby.. Porsche start to feel shy and his face becomes red all of a sudden and quickly go into the bathroom.. Vegas chuckle and shake his head then start to fix the bed for Porsche.. 10 minutes later.. Porsche come out and see the bed is already prepared.. Vegas hold Porsche hands tightly and help him to walk towards the bed.. Cindy then open to door slowly and look at them then ask.. Oops.. Im truly sorry love birds.. Am I interrupt? Porsche chuckle then reply.. No.. Of course not Dr Cindy... If you want to check on me.. Go ahead.. Cindy smile and start to check on Porsche.. Cindy smile brightly while looking at Porsche and say.. You is really strong Porsche.. But you must take a medicine.. So that you can heal quickly.. Porsche.. I need to check your belly.. Porsche nod and see Dr Cindy put on the stethoscope on Porsche belly and say.. The babies are moving... Don't forget to eat the vitamins.. Im sorry if I have to say this.. Even you and your babies are still need to be careful Porsche.. You almost lost both of them.. Luckily Mr Vegas brought you here.. Or else.... Vegas then say.. Its ok Dr Cindy.. Thank you for the advice and thank you for the present.. You bought it so early... Porsche then notice about the present and say.. You shouldn't have Dr Cindy.. Cindy smile and reply.. I will come here again tomorrow.. If you need anything.. Just press the red button ok.. Good night.. Cindy then leave the wards.. Vegas help Porsche to lay down.. Vegas then help Porsche to eat the vitamins... Porsche then drink a water and lay down slowly.. Vegas then sit near Porsche and stroke his head gently.. Porsche trace Vegas whole face and ask.. What if Kinn escape from prison? Vegas shake his head and smile then reply.. He won't be able to escape.. Trust me... Vegas take Porsche hand and kiss it softly... Porsche then ask.. How is Khun and others? Vegas then reply.. They are fine.. Kim send a regards to you... Porsche then reply.. I really miss them... Baby.. Lets escape from hospital na? I really hate to stay here.. Im afraid.. Vegas pinch his beloved wife nose and ask what are you afraid off hmm? A ghost? Porsche nod and say.. Im really afraid Kinn will come here... I know he is in the prison but I.. Vegas then kiss Porsche deeply to make him keep quiet... Vegas then touch their forehead together and say.. Baby.. Theres no Kinn in here ok.. Don't worry.. I will protect you.. Now.. Sleep ok.. Porsche nod as Vegas start to humming a lullaby... Vegas put his head beside Porsche and sleep too...

In Porsche dreams..

Porsche is walking at the park.. And surrounded by black rose... Porsche then see Vegas is standing there...Porsche then say.. Vegas.. Porsche then run towards Vegas and hug him tight... Vegas then push Porsche from him and say... Im sorry... I need to go... I don't belong in this world anymore... Please take care of your self... Kinn suddenly appear and shoot Vegas to death... Porsche then yell and catch Vegas and say.. Vegas!! No!! Vegas!!

Porsche Pov..
Porsche is crying in his sleep while saying.. No.. Vegas.. Please... Porsche cry even harder.. Vegas.... Vegas then open his eyes slowly and see Porsche is crying in his sleep and slowly shake Porsche and say.. Baby.. Hey.. Its OK.. Im here Porsche... Porsche then wake up and quickly hug Vegas and cry hard... Vegas stroke Porsche head and say.. Shh shh... Baby.. Its OK.. I know you have a nightmare.. Im here sweetheart.. Im right here... Vegas kiss Porsche forehead.. Porsche shake his head and cry then say.. Please.. Please don't leave me Vegas... Vegas then say.. No.. I will never leave you Porsche... Its OK... Vegas humming a lullaby and help Porsche to lay down again.. Vegas humming a lullaby and pat Porsche slowly until Porsche sleep again.. Vegas then continue to sleep..

Next morning..

Vegas wake up and see Porsche is standing at the window and stare outside.. Vegas walk towards Porsche and rub his big belly gently and say good morning my sunshine.. Porsche lean his head at Vegas neck and kiss him deeply.. Porsche then say.. You should take a shower sweetheart.. I can't wait to go home... I want to meet everyone! Porsche chuckle and Vegas laugh softly and ask with tease.. You can't wait to meet everyone or you can't wait to have a sex with me hmm? Porsche then push Vegas away and say.. Take a shower now.. Porsche pout his lips and stare outside again... Porsche then smile as he see Vegas already go into the bathroom... Cindy then knock the door knock and see Porsche is standing at the window.. Porsche then say.. Oh.. Good morning Dr Cindy.. Cindy smile softly and say.. Good morning to you too Porsche.. Hoe are you feeling? Porsche then smile and reply.. Still feel a bit hurt on my chest... Cindy then help Porsche to sit down and change the plaster... Cindy then start to check Porsche pregnancy and reply... Everything is fine now.. And you can discharge today... Porsche suddenly feel a sharp pain and say.. Shh.. Babies.. Whats wrong hmm? Cindy then rub Porsche big belly slowly and say.. The babies feel so excited.. Porsche then bow her head and say.. Thank you for everything Dr Cindy... Cindy stroke Porsche head and say.. I already considered you like my little brother Porsche.. I need to go now.. A lot of work to do today.. Don't forget to take care of your self na.. Don't forget to eat and drink properly... Medicine and vitamin and also the milk that I gave.. Please take it too.. If anything.. Feel free to call me or.. Come here right away.. Porsche nod and smile.. Cindy pat Porsche shoulder and leave..A few minutes later.. Vegas come out and walk towards his wife and say.. What did Dr Cindy say.. Porsche then say.. I can go home today... I will get ready.. Vegas then frown and reply.. Just like that? You should go and get a shower baby.. Porsche kiss Vegas lips deeply and say.. I already shower before you woke up.. Porsche smile and go to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth... 5 minutes later Porsche come out and see everything is settled.. Vegas then say.. Porsche.. I need to talk to Nop.. Wait here first ok? Porsche nod and let Vegas to go out.. Vegas then take out his phone and call Kim... Kim then answer.. Hey dude.. What's up.. Vegas then reply.. Porsche can go home today.. Kim then reply.. Don't worry.. Its almost done here.. We will wait for you both.. Macau and Chay can't wait to see Porsche again.. Vegas then say.. Alright.. We will be there.. Wait for us.. Then hung up the phone.. Vegas then go back into the wards and say.. Lets go back.. We aren't going back to our house because our house is need to be clean.. We will go to main family house.. You say you miss them right? Porsche nod excitedly and reply.. Yes.. Please...lets go! Vegas hold Porsche hand tight and leave the hospital..

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