Chapter 27

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Kim Pov..
Kim bang the steering wheel and yell in anger and make Big feel shock.. Big then touch Kim hands and say.. Khun Kim.. Please.. Calm down ok... Kim then notice Big hand on his hand.. Kim then hold Big hand and ask how the hell am i suppose to calm down? That bastard escape from prison! Big then say.. Just act normal Khun Kim.. Vegas is the type of person who can sense other people fears easily... Please think about Porsche and the babies.. Just think.. How does Porsche feel if he found out that Kinn is already escape? Luckily Macau and Porchay are at school today.. Kim then park his car and get out from the car following by Big..

Vegas Pov..
Vegas go outside and see Porsche is standing near the pool while blowing the air bubbles.. Vegas smile softly and about to walk towards his beloved wife.. Suddenly Nop come to Vegas and say... Im sorry for disturbing Khun Vegas.. But Khun Kim and Big is here to see you.. Vegas nod and say.. Please watch over Porsche.. Nop nod and watch over Porsche.. Vegas then see Big and Kim then ask.. What happen? You both come here all of a sudden... Kim then look at Big.. Big sigh heavily and ask.. Khun Vegas.. Did you watch today news on Tv? Vegas shake his head and say.. No.. I didn't.. Why? Kim then sigh slowly and say with slow voice... Kinn is already escaped from the prison just now...Vegas feel shock as he hear those news.. Vegas then squeeze his fist and say.. If he dare to touch my Porsche.. I will kill him with my bare hands.. I swear... Porsche then reply.. Is it true?.. Vegas then walk towards Porsche and hug him tight and say.. Shhh... Baby.. I won't let that bastard hurt you again.. I promise.. Vegas kiss Porsche forehead and hold his hand tight.. Big then reply.. We need to go back.. Kim nod and reply.. We need to secure our house... If anything.. Don't forget to call us.. Lets go Big! Big then leave the house with Kim... Porsche suddenly feel a sharp pain and rub his belly gently and say.. babies... Vegas then take Porsche to their bedroom and lay Porsche down on the bed and let him sleep.. Vegas go downstairs and see his cousin.. Kinn is standing there and smirk evilly and say.. Hello cousin.. Vegas then about to attack Kinn.. Kinn quickly put his hands above and say... I won't hurt you Vegas.. I just want to say sorry for everything... Vegas then reply.. A bastard like you.. You think i will trust you?! Kinn then reply.. Up to you then... Send my warm regards to Porsche... I hope that he will give birth to the twins safely... Kinn smirk and walk away then speak in his heart.. This time... You will die Vegas.. Vegas trembling and ask Nop to go back to main family house.. Nop then ask.. What about you Khun Vegas? Vegas then say... I know what am i doing... I know Kinn want to play a game with me... I rather die than see my wife die because of that bastard.. Off you go now! Nop sigh heavily and say.. I will see you again Khun Vegas.. Vegas then lock the door and windows and go upstairs... Vegas then sit beside his beloved wife and take out his diary and start to draw sleeping Porsche.. Vegas tears start to fall out from his eyes and turn into the next pages and start to write something in it... Vegas take out the necklace he bought at Chiangmai and keep together with the diary and speak in his heart.. Porsche.. I hope you will wear this necklace na... I will keep it in this diary... Vegas wipe his tears and sleep beside Porsche...

At main family house..

Big and Kim arrives and go inside.. Khun then run towards them and ask.. How is Vegas and Porsche Kim? Kim then reply.. Both of them were fine... Big look away.. Suddenly Arm then say... We need to secure this house Khun noo... We wont know what will happen later on... Even right now.. Im also feel afraid.. Pol then reply.. Yes Khun noo.. We need to do something... Mr Karn then reply.. I will ask a bodyguard from minor family to secure Vegas house... Kim then reply... I will ask our bodyguards to secure this house... Where is Pa? P Chan then reply.. Mr Korn is resting.. He feels shock after he heard about the news... Pete then reply... I really hope that.. Porsche and Khun Vegas are alright... Im so worry about Porsche and the babies.. While hugging Khun.. Khun then kiss Pete softly and say.. They will be fine sweetheart.. Don't worry... Kim then summons all the bodyguards and say.. Please help us to secure the house! Remember! Kinn Anakin is no longer a part of this family! But now.. He is our enemy! All the bodyguards starts to secure the house... Karn then reply.. I will go home now.. Take care everyone.. Kim then say.. We will.. Be careful! Karn then leave the house...

Porsche Pov..

Porsche wake up and see Vegas is sleeping beside him.. Porsche then kiss Vegas forehead.. Vegas then reply.. I know im handsome.. Stop starring.. Porsche face become red and clear his throat and say... Yes... But i didn't say that you are handsome.. Porsche is about to get up but got pull by Vegas slowly.. Vegas hug Porsche from behind and say.. I will punish you again... Just wait.. Porsche then make a cute face and say.. Please don't Vegas... You should rest sweetheart... Porsche stroke Vegas head gently and smile softly.. Vegas kiss Porsche deeply and say I love you so much sweetheart... Even if I die... I won't regret anything... Porsche frown then ask.. What are you talking about hmm? No one is going to die... Please don't say that... Ermm.. I will go down stairs and make a milk.. I will be right back... Porsche start to tremble and try hard not to cry... Porsche go downstairs and walk towards the kitchen and start to make a milk... Porsche tears start to fall out from his eyes... Porsche cry even harder and hit his chest and say.. No Vegas... I won't let you die... I can't live without you by my side.... Why Vegas... Why you must say that huh... Did you ever think about my feelings? If my heart didn't chose you since the beginning... No need to wait for Kinn to kill you.. I also can kill you Vegas.. But i didn't.. Because I love you so much... Our babies need you... Vegas slowly hug Porsche from behind and say.. so sorry baby...I didn't mean to hurt you or anything... Please.. Don't cry.. Vegas kiss Porsche head softly.. Porsche hit Vegas twice and cry hard.. You are bastard... I hate you.... I hate you.. While hit Vegas chest again... Vegas hug Porsche tight and say.. I love you more baby.. Trust me... Vegas kiss Porsche deeply.. Porsche deepen the kiss and touch their foreheads and say... I will punish you! While pouting his face.. Vegas then help Porsche to sit and make a milk for him.. Porsche then drink it slowly.. Vegas then sit beside Porsche then kiss his belly gently and rub it... Vegas then help Porsche to clean the glass and hold Porsche hand tight and walk upstairs.. Porsche take out his pyjama and put on the bed.. Porsche go to the bathroom.. Vegas then follow Porsche and lock the door... Porsche then pull off the curtains and start to shower.. Vegas then stand behind Porsche and start to help Porsche to shower... Porsche gasp and lean his body at the wall and hug Vegas neck and smile... Vegas kiss him deeply... Porsche wrap his legs around Vegas waist and moan.. Vegas... Vegas thrust Porsche without give any signal then reply.. Moan baby.. Porsche bite his lips.. Vegas suck Porsche nipple while thrust him again and again.. Porsche deepen the kiss and moan louder... Mmmhh.. Vegas... Vegas then kiss Porsche forehead and ask... What is your husband name... Porsche moan.. More.. Please... Vegas smirk and thrust Porsche.. Porsche then reply Vegas Theerapanyakul... Porsche then lay on the floor and stroke Vegas cheek.. Vegas feel shock and say.. Porsche.. No.. What are you doing... Porsche once again wrap both of his legs around Vegas waist while look at him with begging... Porsche then say... Do it baby... Im yours.. Forever yours... Vegas then say... Porsche... You will get sick... Porsche then say... Then.. You didn't love me anymore... Porsche is about to get up... Vegas then thrust Porsche and say.. Moan louder Porsche.. For me.. For us.. Porsche then moan.. Vegas.. Vegas.. More... Vegas then thrust Porsche again and again and ask... Who is your husband.. Porsche then moan... Vegas... Vegas thrust even deeper and ask back.. Vegas? Who is Vegas? Moan baby... Porsche moan louder... Vegas.. Please.. More... Vegas thrust Porsche again.. Porsche then reply.. Vegas Theerapanyakul... Vegas release it inside Porsche and quickly take a shower together... 10 minutes later they wear the pyjamas and dry their hair.. Vegas then say.. Im sure you must be bored with the questions that I asked.. Everytime when we have a sex together.. Porsche then sit on the bed.. Vegas then sit beside him while cover them with a blanket and.. Porsche then say... Because you are my beloved husband.. One and only husband for me... Now..lets sleep.. Porsche kiss Vegas and sleep.. Vegas kiss Porsche forehead and sleep too..

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