Chapter 7

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Porsche is walking alone suddenly stop after he see a red bike.. Without asking.. Porsche already know who is the owner of the bike.. Vegas then say.. Porsche.. Sweetheart.. My father wants to see both of us.. Come on.. Porsche then ask.. What if your Pa hate me Vegas? Those words... Vegas then reply.. Shh.. Its OK.. If Pa still cant accept you... I will try to talk to h again.. Lets go now.. Porsche surrender and ride the bike with Vegas.. 10 minutes later.. They arrive at minor family residence and see Mr Karn already waiting for both of them along with Macau.. Mr Karn then say.. Lets go inside.. There's something that I want to say.. Then 3 of them go inside the house and sit at the living room... Mr Karn suddenly kneel infront of Vegas and Macau and hug both of his son knees and cry.. Then say.. Im truly sorry my sons.. Please forgive your stupid father... Im so sorry for everything... Vegas and Macau start to cry as well then slowly pull his father to get up and hug him tight.. Vegas then say.. Pa... While cry hard... Karn then reply... Thank you to Porsche.. He made me realize that every people deserve a 2nd chance.. And I never meet someone brave like Porsche before.. Porsche then smile softly and bow his head and say.. Now you finally realize it Mr Karn.. How important your sons to you.. Please appreciate them more from now on..thats all I ask.. Mr Karn then reply.. You really inherited your mother personality Porsche.. Thats the reason why I fell in love with Nampheung... Everytime i see you.. I will see her in you Porsche.. You both deserve to be happy.. Also Macau.. Karn then reply.. You both already have my blessings.. Vegas shock and ask.. Pa... What do you mean.. Karn smile and reply.. I already considered Porsche like another son to me Vegas.. Please make Porsche happy.. Always protect him... Me and Macau can't wait to see the wedding.. Porsche and Vegas look at each other and smile.. Vegas then reply.. I don't want to be rushing Pa.. If Porsche is ready.. Then.. I will prupose to him.. Karn then reply.. I wish you both the best.. Macau.. Please listen to them na.. Be a good boy.. While kiss Macau head softly.. Karn then leave 3 of them.. Macau then reply.. If you want to go back.. Then feel free to go.. I don't mind to stay alone.. P Nop is here with 2 bodyguards..Don't worry ok.. Porsche stroke Macau head and say.. Ok.. We will leave now.. Don't forget to lock the doors and windows.. Vegas and Porsche return to their house.. Vegas then pull Porsche and make him sit on the bed and kiss Porsche whole face and say.. Thank you so much my love.. My Pa finally can accept me and Macau.. Porsche nod and smile then say.. Its almost dark honey.. Go and take a shower ok.. Vegas kiss Porsche lips shortly and start to take a shower.. While Vegas is taking a shower.. Porsche slowly open the door and see a guardian then approach him and say.. Excuse me phi.. The guardian then reply.. Oh.. Please forgive me Khun Porsche.. Is there anything that I can help you? Porsche smile softly and reply.. Ermm.. I just want to know either this river is safe to be use.. Because I want to swim in the river later... That guardian then reply.. Yes.. Its safe to be use.. Don't worry.. Its almost night sure Khun Vegas will be looking for you later... Porsche then ask again.. No crocodile? That guardian chuckle then reply.. Theres no crocodile inside this river Khun Porsche.. Don't worry.. The water is clean.. I need to go now.. Porsche nod and let the guardian leave.. Vegas come out from the bathroom and see Porsche is nowhere to be found.. Vegas then see the door is open.. Vegas run outside and see Porsche is already in the river while looking at the moon and stars...Vegas smirk then take two towels and put it on the bench and start to take off his clothes and throw it on the bench.. Porsche feel shock as he see a hands is already around his tiny waist.. Vegas kiss Porsche neck and shoulder and ask.. Start to get naughty hmm.. You even didn't tell me... Vegas kiss Porsche ear and lick it.. Porsche chuckle and say.. Its tickle Vegas.. Stop... Vegas keep licking Porsche earlobes.. Porsche then stroke Vegas cheek and kiss him deeply.. Vegas turn Porsche around to face him and slowly lift him up.. Porsche quickly hug Vegas neck and look at him softly.. Vegas kiss Porsche deeply and start to thrust Porsche without giving any signal.. Porsche moan slowly.. Vegas... Vegas.. Vegas look at Porsche with full of love and thrust Porsche even more.. Vegas then say.. Moan louder baby.. No one is here except both of us.. Porsche then lift his head up as he feel more pleasure... Vegas ask while touching their foreheads together.. You want more baby? Lets go inside.. Vegas quickly get out from the river then wrap themselves with a towel.. Vegas lift Porsche and put him on the bed and start to kiss Porsche again and again.. Porsche then say.. Baby.. Please.. Lock the door and windows then pull the curtains.. Im not going anywhere.. Vegas growl then lock the door and windows then pull off the curtains.. Vegas then say.. You make me crazy for you even more baby.. Vegas put Porsche leg on his shoulder and thrust Porsche.. Porsche then say.. Vegas... More please.. I need you.. Vegas kiss Porsche deeply and say.. Me too my love.. I need you more than ever.. Moan louder...its OK.. Vegas thrust Porsche again and deeper.. Porsche then say.. I belong to you.. Only you Vegas..mmmhh.. Both of them already sweating... Vegas then reply.. You are mine Porsche.. Only mine.. Porsche kiss Vegas deeply and touch their foreheads together.. Vegas release it inside Porsche.. Porsche then come closer to his lover and hug him tight and ask.. Vegas.. Vegas then kiss his lover forehead and reply.. Yes sweetheart? Porsche then say.. Tomorrow.. I will work at main family house..Vegas stroke Porsche cheek and say.. You better rest at home... I didn't want to see you get hurt again..Porsche then reply.. Tomorrow morning.. After you wake up.. Don't forget to pick the outfit that you want to wear.. I will iron it for you na.. Vegas kiss Porsche and say.. Ok baby.. Lets sleep now.. Then both of them go to sleep..

Lion Fell In Love With A Lamb(Vegas Porsche) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu