Alex: Aria and I are watching a movie. Shouldn't you be working?

Leo: Yes I should, I was getting bored during my meeting. 

Leo: What movie are you watching?

Alex: The notebook :)

Leo: What's that about? 

Alex: What? Don't tell me you haven't seen it?!! 

Alex: You've been living under a rock. 

Leo: haha I'm a very busy man Alexandria. 

Alex: Well then Mr Busy Man, you shouldn't be texting me if you're busy.

Leo: I miss you :) 

My heart fluttered at his message. He missed me. He actually missed me. This whole time I thought he had hated me, but it seemed as if he didn't. But what if he was actually playing me. 

"Kids, dinner's ready." Mama yelled throughout the house. 

"Finally, I was getting really bored of watching this movie," Aiden sighed from the couch opposite us, getting up and walking into the dinning room. 

I took a seat at the dinner table, in my usual seat which was beside Aiden. I looked in front of me to see mama had made steak with vegetables. "Is father not home yet?" Aria asked. 

"Yes I am." Father says, walking into the dinning table and taking his seat which was opposite mama. I looked up at him, "Ah Alexandria what a surprise." 

"Yes, father I thought I would surprise you all today." I Told him. 

"It was a nice surprise, I was missing my baby." Mama says smiling. I wish my father would say he missed me, but he wouldn't ever dare to. "How was work?" 

"It was fine, we pulled another investment today." He told her, shoving a piece of the meat into his mouth. 

"That's great honey." I don't know how my parents were still so in love. My father was an absolute dickhead where as my mother was the sweetest soul you would ever meet. 

ping, I heard the sound of my phone going off again. 

Leo: Are you just going to ignore me? :(

Alex: I'm having dinner..

Leo: Okay, text me after you're done. 


Dinner had finished and I was now currently in my old bedroom. Aria had gone to sleep as she had school tomorrow and Aiden was just an early bird. I scrolled through my phone, watching all the videos Val had sent me today of her  so called 'vlog'. 

"Why are you here?" Father's voice startled me as he walked into my room, closing the door behind him. 

"What?" I whispered. 

"Why did you come home?" He says again, "Did you ask for my permission to step into my house." 

"I came to see mama." I muttered, tears filling my eyes. 

"I do not care who you came to see," He grabbed onto my chin, lift my face so my eyes met his, "You are a worthless slut, no one loves you. You think your mama actually loves you, your siblings, your husband. I'm surprised he's still even married to you. You're ugly and you're fat, no one would ever want you."

"Shut up." I told him. 

"Don't you dare disrespect me," He bought his hand up, slapping me across the face. Tears filled my eyes as I fell to the ground. "You're such a whore Alexandria, I Neve wanted you, you were a mistake." He says kicking me and punching me all over my body. 

I could slowly feel the energy in my body draining, "I hope you die." he says before walking out of my bedroom, closing the door behind me. 

I tried to get up, slowly, lifting my body up so I could find my phone. I couldn't stay here. I clicked onto Leo's contact. I know it was late, he would be sleeping, but I couldn't stay here. After a few rings, he answered. 

"Hello?" his husky voice says. I didn't reply, I simply sobbed, "Alex are you okay?" 

"No," I cried. 

"I'm coming, hang on Principessa, I'm coming to get you." He says through the phone, "Stay on the phone with me Principessa." All you could hear were my sobs.

It wasn't long until he spoke through the phone again, "baby, I'm outside." I quickly ran out of my room and towards the door, leaving the house. Running towards him. He stood at the passenger side door, I ran towards him, running into his arms. "It's okay, I'm here now." 

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