Chapter 2: Helping You Understand

Start from the beginning

"But Nico has the same memories as me. He says you murdered me all so you could avenge the Director. You valued the life of your dead mother figure over the lives of your still-breathing friends who always wanted the best for you. You can't tell me that both of us are lying but you're telling the truth. You're the minority here." I reply, also getting to my feet.

"You're right. I am the minority. However, I was never stuck with a memory-altering snake like Agrona. Can you trust Nico's memories either? He was brought back as a child like I was. Agrona could have cultivated his mind over the past two decades just for the moment you finally came back. No matter what you try and tell me, I know I can trust the information in my head because I had to live with the deep-seated regret of being without the two people who gave me emotions for nearly two decades after the King's Crown Tournament," Grey says. 

"I... I don't know what to think," I mutter. 

"Mull it over. Those cuffs aren't coming off any time soon because there's no way in hell I'm going to trust you. Now get moving because we have to get back to the Sanctuary." he says while motioning everyone to leave the room and head into the tunnel on the far side of the room. 


We walk for a what feels like hours before we encounter two pockets of other survivors of whatever happened here. Grey seems saddened by a few of those who didn't make it. It's hard to imagine him having emotions like this. Was everything a lie? Was it all some sham that Agrona created? But can I trust Grey? He could also be lying. But he left me alive despite the fact that we're enemies. Though is that because this Tessia Eralith is someone important to him? He just couldn't damage the body in fear of what would happen to her? Is she actually in my body too?

'He changed a lot.'

I stop dead in my tracks. Is that her?

Can you hear me?

'Who are you?'

I'm Cecilia. Who are you?

'I don't really know anymore. Everything is so fuzzy and hazy. I feel lethargic.'

Am I just having a conversation with myself? Is this all in my imagination? The voice I'm hearing in my head isn't mine though. What is happening to me? What am I? Am I some body thief? Have I committed a sin I can't take back without even knowing?

"Keep moving, little one. We need to get to the Sanctuary," a wizened old Elven man says as he places a hand on my back. His sunken eyes are full of pain and regret. He must be nearly worked to death but still manages to keep going. 

Why does his touch make me feel so calm?


We finally arrive at a large chamber with hundreds of stone buildings, though most of them seem to be destroyed. Seriously, what happened here?


After some of the survivors begin to fan out through the makeshift city, a shout is heard off in the distance. 

Who is that? Grey begins to make his way over to the screaming. I follow him only to see three figures huddled around a fourth figure on the ground. A tall, blonde, human man in heavy armor rests on one knee while rubbing the bridge of his nose- either agitated or wiping away tears. Another human, this time a woman with white hair and a single arm stands behind the man with her remaining hand on his shoulder. Her cold gaze looks down with a pained expression. Lastly, a small Dwarven woman with tanned skin, black hair, and a single eye kneels at the side of the figure on the ground. She uses her remaining eye to pour tears on her fallen comrade.

TBATE: Let The Truth Be Known {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now