| Guido Mista |

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It was a calm day in Naples, Italy. No commotion, no robberies, but outside the city, in the countryside, near a manor, bullets were ringing throughout the house. 

   " Mista! Why are you shooting!? " Fugo yelled.

   " There's a rat in here! "

After hearing the bullets ricochet to the third floor, you climbed down the stairs with Book Keeper behind you, book open and ready to attack. Initially, you thought it was an intruder who had come to try and kill Giorno since he was the Boss. But Book Keeper disappeared after hearing Mista yell that there was a rat.

   " Mista, why are you shooting at a rat!? Your bullets are flying everywhere! "

   " Because it's the only method of defense I have! "

   " But your bullets aren't even hitting the rat! "

Mista shot his Sex Bullets twice, and neither bullet hit the rat that scurried toward the couch Mista was standing on. After seeing the rat get closer, Mista jumped off the sofa, holding his gun tightly. Then, he jumped on you and knocked you to the ground while shooting at the rat.

   " Get away! "

   " Mista, get off! "

Mista tried to scoot further away, but you stood up and helped Mista stand. 

   " Fugo, can you try to catch the rat? Preferably before Narancia gets back from school? If he gets back, he'll also start shooting up the place. I'll take Mista somewhere else. "

   " Okay. "

You guided Mista from the living room toward the stairs, showing him upward. Mista had asked to go as far away from the rat as possible, so you brought him to the balcony on the third floor, near Abbacchio's room. On the balcony was a nice view of the ocean and the hills beyond, with a small table to sit at. You sat Mista down in one chair and sat in another, looking at the gunslinger.

   " Are you better now? "

   " Yeah. . .much better. Sorry I just don't like rats. Usually, if there's one, there's more, and there's a possibility that there could be four, and four is the worst num--"

   " I know, the worst number to ever exist. But don't worry, Fugo is taking care of it now. "

Mista nodded and took a deep breath, turning his head to look at the view. You did the same, looking out to the sea, and you even saw Bucciarati sailing a boat on the ocean.

   " You know, this would be a very romantic spot, for a late night date. " Mista mentioned.

You looked toward Mista to see him already looking at you. You nodded and leaned your elbow on the table with your head in your hand. 

   " It honestly would. If you have a few fairy lights, some candles, and a plate of food, it would be a good date to have under the stars. "

   " Would you want to go on that romantic date? "

You noticed Mista's cheeks turn slightly, read, and turned his eyes to look at the ocean. 

   " Sure, we can do it tonight. "

   " Yes! Thank you! "

Mista stood up from his chair with a big smile, and he hugged you while you still sat in your chair. You giggled and patted Mista's arms since you were trapped between a hard place and a chair.

   " No need to thank me. Just meet me here tonight, I guess and we can have that date. "

   " You got it. "

Impulsively, Mista leaned forward and pecked your lips before standing and turning to walk away from the balcony. Mista left the balcony and started heading downstairs.

   " Now, I can rub it in Narancia's face! "

   " Watch out for the rat! "

   " Ahhhh! "

You shook your head and leaned back in your chair. The view was still in its prime, and you planned to stay there until you got tired or until it was time for your date.

Guido Mista's story would start and end the same, with life. Mista was a loyal member of Bucciarati's team and a massive asset to the team with his Sex Pistol. But through the journey, he would grow resolve and learn many things from his teammates, including Giorno Giovanna. You taught him to let his expressions be free and to be himself. You taught him what it meant to have someone to put all your trust in, and he did that to you. 

Guido Mista's Story: Complete

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