The Aftermath

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It was silent among everyone, and no one moved. Giorno held onto your body, keeping you close, but he had long stopped whispering. Polnareffe observed the situation before remembering your words.

  " So, the Boss has two personalities? Right? " You asked, stating your theory.

  " Yes. "

  " Then is it possible that one of those personalities is in Bucciarati's body?

  " It's possible. "

Jean looked toward the turtle before looking at Mista, trapped in Trish's body.

  " If everyone here switched with themselves, then that means one of the personalities, is in Bucciarati's body. Mista, shoot the body, before he can get up! "

  " A-Are you sure? "

  " Yes, there is no one else in the same range as Davolo was with us. And your team switched with each other, so we can only assume, that one of the personalities must be in Bucciarati's body. For safe measure, when your minds travel back to your bodies, the injuries will not last on Bucciarati. Just as Narnacia's wounds went to Giorno's body, once they switched. "

   " Bucciarati! I've figured it out! "

Bucciarati turned toward the turtle, wiping the tears off of his face. He took a deep breath and let it out as he looked down at Polnareff.

   " Y/n said it earlier. There are two people within Diavolo! It's the only possible reason why this happened. Inside that body now is the boy I met. The boy and Diavolo have one figure, but they have different minds! A person's mind can sometimes fissure due to a shock received as a baby. As the child grows, each side of the fissure grows into two characters. The two separate characters become clear as day by the time the child is a youth. One side controls the other and is theorized to be a  split personality. You understand? "

   " What I'm saying is not conjecture. In Germany and England, I've heard reports of two personalities taking on different bodies and faces. Chariot Requiem's ability has pulled their souls out of their body. The boy's soul was transferred to Bucciarati's body, but the other one possibly coincidentally, transferred into someone else's body. That is Diavolo. He is attacking with King Crimson from that body. "

   " What are you saying? " Mista asked, not entirely understanding the turtle.

   " Two people? That's the Boss's true identity? " Trish questioned.

   " Outside, people are gradually waking up. That's why we don't know where he's lurking. But he's coming again! He's going to attack immediately! " POlanreffe shouted with urgency.

   " Possibly. However, he may be nowhere near us. "

Bucciarati stopped his sentence and walked toward the archway out of the Colosseum, where Chariot Requiem had walked out. He looked around the streets at the people, looking for anyone that seemed suspicious, but he was sure about his theory. 

   " Diavolo is also after the Arrow. That's why he attacked Y/n first. She has always been stronger than all of us; she could have anyone's power with one touch. If any of us were taken out, she could still use their stand abilities. He's going to aim for Narancia next to take out the radar. To prevent himself from being tracked, he's going to take out Aerosmith. "

   " Yes, but even so, you must obtain the power of the Arrow. It's the only way. However you defeat King Crimson, you must find the Arrow faster than him and use any means necessary to obtain it. " Polnareffe said, trying to convince Bucciarati to leave and get the Arrow.

   " Which way did Chariot Requiem go? "

   " To the left. It seems people are waking up depending on which way he is walking. "

   " You say follow him, but what about your body? What are you going to do with it, Bucciarati? " Trish asked, glancing toward Bucciarati's unmoving body. 

   " He's missing a vital part of him, and he can't stand and move. That's for sure. " Mista said, raising his pistol. 

Everyone nodded in agreement, except for Giorno, who was unresponsive. Everyone looked toward him, but Bucciarati was the first to approach the boy.

   " We will come back for her, Giorno. And you know she would tell you to leave her and chase after the Arrow. Let's abide by it, and get the Arrow. "

Giorno didn't say a word, but he stood up and walked over to a pillar that wasn't covered in your blood. He laid you on the ground beside the pillar and placed his hand against the pillar's base. His face was still solemn, and his eyes were filled with grief, but he knew Bucciarati was right. He caressed your face, trying not to cry again.

   " We will leave you here, amore mio. I pray that no one will ever hurt you again. Never. But we will bring you home with us for sure. "

Giorno slowly pulled his hand away from your body and stepped away. Around your body, white creeping gloxinia grew and covered you. The green vines with white blooming flowers attached themselves to the base of the pillar above you so that nothing would fall on your body and hurt you. The vines and white flowers wrapped around your legs and loosely around your waist, blooming. One vine climbed around your body and rested beside your head, with white flowers appearing on the vine and resting beside your temple.

In the distance, the sun was starting to rise, creating a pink and orange sky. Giorno looked toward the entrance and realized that the white creeping gloxinia would be the last flower he would ever give you. 

   " I'll leave these flowers in my stead, so you won't be alone. I'll come back, Y/n. I promise. "

Giorno slowly turned his back toward your body and started running out of the Colosseum with the others, leaving your body behind in the flowers and the streaming light coming through the clouds.

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