"That's a story you need to ask Dust, Lass." Sky's heart sank.

How am I meant to ask him if he'll never look at me again? Her view had changed. Never had she imagined the captain of this ship would be in the Kings Navy or save slaves. And yet if what Thomas' said is true then maybe he had. Perhaps I was wrong. She felt guilt claw at her. She looked for something to say to distract herself.

"So technically The Belladonna is yours?" She asked.

"We share her. Aye, she may be 'technically' mine but Dust leads her. Hence this monstrosity!" Thomas gestured to the bird behind them. Sky looked up at it and finally made the connection.

"Captain Dustin Hawk, at you service." That had been what he'd introduced himself as when he'd claimed the navy Brig. The hawk was at the very front of the ship as if pulling her forward through the water on its back.

"I like it." Sky admitted as she gazed up at the hawk feeling an odd sense of safety under its huge caved wing and keen eyes.

Thomas grinned at her. "Of course you do." His tone implied something and Sky's eyes snapped back to him. She opened her mouth to scold him but he suddenly stood up, holding on to the railing for support. "Come on. The sun 'll be rising soon and we've got a long day ahead of us."

She watched as he easily lifted himself over the railing and onto the deck. Sky was less graceful but managed to get one leg over and from there she climbed back onto the ship. Sure enough there were already pirates on deck letting down the sails in preparation for the morning wind. Sky felt oddly refreshed despite her sleepless night. She certainly did not want to see Dustin, but she no longer wanted to throw herself into the water which was a start. Once the sails were down the ship moved across the water with such ease that Sky felt like she was flying. The sensation nearly distracted her for the cabin door opening. Nearly.

Dustin stepped out, his hat so low over his face that all Sky could see was his chin. She smiled at the thought of Thomas giving him the hat and caught herself; she didn't want him to see her smiling at him. He might take it as a challenge and after last night she didn't really want to challenge him like that again. More alarmingly she found herself wanting to ask him his story. Have him sit down with her like Thomas and just talk. She wanted to hear his voice; see if his eyes got lost in past memories too.

Skyler! She yelled to herself not liking where her thoughts were taking her. Thomas met him at the wheel and Sky watched the exchange between them. She saw Dustin shake his head and take the wheel. Sky looked away and helped the other men untie the side sails to make the ship go faster.

She looked up at the fading stars to get her bearings. The cradle was close now and there were currently in a 'red zone' or so she'd learnt from Fane's map. The waters here were under strict guard and if any navy vessel saw a ship bearing a flag that wasn't blue and red it would be gunned down and boarded.

Apprehension filled her at the idea but she pushed it aside; these men had taken a Brig with little effort, a patrol ship would go down in seconds.

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