Bergen 3

57 1 2

You helped Yoongi clean up the apartment as best possible so everyone could get ready to leave in the morning. When they returned late in the evening, they all went straight to bed.

Yoongi had tried to get more food in your system, but the pain made you nauseous and challenging to eat. After several attempts, you finally gave up, and both went to bed. Yoongi snuggles you from behind, his lips pressing against your neck.

You smiled at his cute action. Allowing sleep to take over you finally.

~Time skip~

The morning was hectic as usual. People forget things and then almost miss the boat. You sat across from Yoongi as he calculated how much money they had and budgeted out for what they could spend today.

"Okay, lets get four meals and then we'll split them all," Yoongi suggested.

Taehyung sat next to you, telling you about the adventure he went on yesterday with his own money. You tangled your feet around Yoongi's and watched as he stared you down. You couldn't help but smile at his innocence.

You smiled at him as he gave the money to buy food to Jimin and then waited for him to react. His legs squished closer together, pinning your feet between his. You laughed softly but quickly returned to normal since the cameras were filming.

It didn't take long for them to return with four sandwiches already cut.

"Which one do you want, Y/N?" Yoongi asked.

"I don't care. Any of them are fine," you answered.

"Alright, then you can have this half," Taehyung said, sliding a plate towards you.

You took a couple of bites before your mouth tasted sour.

"What is this?" you asked.

"Some ham and egg sandwich?" Jimin answered, unsure.

You pushed the sandwich away from you, your stomach turning.

"What's wrong?" Yoongi asked.

"I'm good," you answered.

"Do you want mine?" he asked.

"No," you answered, your stomach already churning.

The motion from the boat and your pain medicine on an empty stomach from this morning were killing your intestines.

"Who wants my half of the sandwich?" you asked.

"Me!" Jungkook answered, his hand shooting up in the air.

"Are you sure you don't want to save it for later?" Yoongi asked.

"I'm sure," you answered.

The nausea was slowly building in the back of your throat, and nothing seemed to be working.

"Y/N are you okay, you're looking a little pale there," Jungkook commented from across the table.

"Yeah, I'm- Taehyung Jimin move!" you said, trying to slide out.

They quickly moved and you jogged for the bathroom. Letting your stomach empty into the toilet what little content it had. A knock came at the door as you dry heavier into the toilet.

"Y/N, you okay?" Jin asked.

"Y-yeah," your voice quiverd.

You dry heaved again the bile rising in your throat, but your stomach had nothing left to bring up. Standing up from the floor, you braised yourself against the sink, with your elbows, washing your mouth out the best you could.

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