Malaysia 3

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Your second day in Malaysia wasn't so bad. You were going to be going into the sea. Everyone was concerned about your knees, but you wanted to participate in the watercraft so much you didn't say anything.

You were all getting your life jackets on, but you could tell that Hobi wasn't excited about going on it. Climbing on behind Yoongi, you grabbed hold of his life vest while everyone climbed on.

Hobi was the last one, and the craft drifted slightly away from the boat.

He screamed as his feet went into the air, leaving him still on the boat.

"I want to die! I'm not doing this! No!" he screamed as Jin's infectious laughter filled the air.

You laughed more as the screams of Hobi could be heard louder each time the craft jumped slightly. You wrapped your arms around Yoongi tighter, your laughter growing.

The boat turned sharply, pulling the craft out and dumping all of you into the water. The life jacket that you thought was strapped onto quickly flew off you.

"Yoongi!" you called out, trying to find him.

The waves crash into you each time you try to take a breath, leaving you to inhale more water.


Yoongi swam back to the boat, assuming Y/N had already made her way back since she was the strongest swimmer.

"I thought I was the only one thrown off. Everyone got thrown off."

He looked up, expecting to see Y/N, but she wasn't there. Turning his attention back to the water, he looked around for anything in orange but instead saw Y/N splashing in the water. Her life jacket floated far away from her.

"Y/N!" he screamed.

"What?" everyone's attention was drawn to Y/N, struggling to stay afloat in the water.

"Okay, hang on!" the captain of the boat called.

They were moving the boat closer to her. Yoongi paced back and forth until they were close enough for him to jump in the water to get her.

He swam as hard as he could until he got to where Y/N had been. Looking around, she was nowhere to be seen.


Looking into the water below him, he sees her for a moment before she disappears out of view beneath him.

Gulping in as much air as he could, he pushed himself into the water as fast as he could. His hand was just millimeters away from hers. He made himself swim further, his hand finally grabbing hold of hers. Swimming to the surface, he pulled her with him. Their heads finally broke the surface, allowing Yoongi to take a long deep breath.

Pulling her limp body to the boat, the captain helped pull her onto the floor.

"Is she breathing?" Jin asked.

Yoongi pushed his way to her, his ear pressing against her chest. He prayed that he would hear at least something, but all he heard was silence. Her once reassuring heartbeat was gone. Doing only what he could think of, he began chest compressions. Tears sting in his eyes as her blue lips remain.

Stopping chest compressions for a moment, he pressed his lips to her, blowing as much air into her lungs as he could.

"Y/N, please, please," Yoongi begged as he continued CPR.

After looking at her blue lips, she finally coughed on her own, the water in her lungs coming out. She took a deep breath, turning onto her side as she continued coughing and inhaling.

"Y/N!!" Yoongi called, moving closer to her.

Her brown eyes finally met his, and they were filled with relief. Pulling her into a hug, Yoongi couldn't resist anymore. Cupping her cheeks, he kissed her lips softly. He didn't care anymore. He almost lost her, and he wasn't going to live the rest of his life without having kissed her. She kissed him back softly before he pulled away, pulling her into a bone-crushing hug.

"What happened?" Y/N asked.

"You drowned!" he answered, pulling to look at her.

"My lungs hurt."

"They should!"

"We kissed," Y/N whispered.

He laughed softly at her comment before resting a hand on her cheek.

"We did."

~Time skip~


You were both sitting in manner Nim's hotel room. Yoongi had not let you go since you'd gotten back from the boat.

"Yoongi, Y/N, you wanna tell me what that kiss was about?"

"We've been planning to date when Y/N turned eighteen. I just couldn't help it when I almost lost her today." Yoongi answered.

"You realize you are five years older than her, right?"

"I do."

"We'll leave this alone for now, but no more of that. We'll talk about this with Bang PD when we return tomorrow."

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