Save Me

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It'd only been a few months since you and Yoongi began dating. Things weren't always perfect, but it was better when you two were on the same page versus when you weren't. Many arguments were solved with conversation and time.

"You can't seriously be jealous over Jungkook!"

"I am. You have a boyfriend; you shouldn't be doing things like that!"

"Like what?!"

"Letting him lay in your lap while you play with his hair!"


"It's like you're trying to get attention elsewhere!"

"Is that what this is about? You think I want more attention?"

"Yes! You're the youngest of the group. It makes sense!"

"He came to me, not the other way around! And when did me interacting with our band members become an issue?!"

"When we started dating!"

"Well, it shouldn't have been!"

You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Yoongi had never had issues with your relationships with the other band members, and you couldn't understand why it was an issue now. Your relationship with them never changed. They were still your goofy older brothers. Yoongi was never that. You always had a crush on Yoongi.

Yoongi huffed, walking out of your studio, leaving you shocked by your argument. Sitting on your couch, you pulled your knees to your chest. This wasn't your first argument over how the boys treated you, but you had hoped that the last argument was the last time, but it wasn't.

A knock came at your door. Quickly wiping your cheeks, you stood opening the door to see Jungkook.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"We could all hear your argument with Yoongi."

"Oh, it-it's nothing."

"Can I come in?"

"I-I I'd like to be alone for now. Okay?"

"Alright, if you change your mind, text me?"

"I will."

Closing the door, you walked towards your desk, running your fingers through your hair with frustration.

"Save me," you groaned.

"Save me," you whispered, an idea for a song hitting you.


He couldn't help but feel jealous. She was so close with all of them that it made him insecure. Y/N was his everything; he didn't want to lose her, and these petty fights were getting out of control.

"Oh, save me," he groaned to himself.

"Save me," he whispered, pulling out a notebook.

BOTH POV ~ Back & Forth

Y/N: I want to breathe. I wouldn't say I like this night. I want to wake up. I hate being in a dream. I'm trapped inside of myself, and I'm dead. Don't want to be lonely. Just wanna be yours.

Yoongi: Why is it so dark when you're not here? It's dangerous how wrecked I am. Save me because I can't get a grip on myself.

Y/N: Listen to my heartbeat. It calls you whenever it wants.

Yoongi: Because within this pitch black darkness. You are shining so brightly. Give me your hand.

Y/N & Yoongi: Save me, save me; I need your love before I fall, fall.

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