"Maybe....I will be okay....after I will get to play with my grand children...." said Ziyi smiling.

"so take good care of Yibo...." said Ziyi as she plated the steamed buns and gave them to Zhan.

"Hmm....I will..." said Zhan and nodded. He walked back to his room and looked at Yibo who was playing games on his phone.

"Here your majesty....your food..." said Zhan and gave the food to Yibo.

"Thank you ge...." said Yibo happily and started eating.

"Ge....will you bring mooncake for me too...." said Yibo.

"Yibo...." said Zhan.

"Not now.... tomorrow...." said Yibo.

"Okay fine....I will...now eat..." said Zhan ruffling Yibo's hairs.

Next day
Yibo was getting ready as it was first day for his college he was very excited.

"Yibo...let's go...." said Zhan and Yibo nodded as he picked up his backpack and went after Zhan.

They went downstairs to eat the breakfast.

"Ohh...my baby Yibo...you are ready..." said Ziyi.

" said Ziyi

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"Yes mom...." said Yibo.

"Yeah...looking so handsome...." said Ziyi and Yibo giggled.

"Come and have your breakfast...." said Ziyi. They walked towards the dining table.

"Lanren had said he will join you in the college...." said Ziyi and Yibo nodded.

After they finished eating they walked to Zhan's car and got inside and Zhan started driving.

"Yibo...is it necessary for you to go..." asked Zhan.

"Yes ge...I can't miss my classes.." said Yibo.

"I really Don't want you to go....I am so worried....who will take care of you there...." said Zhan.

"Zhan ge....it's fine....moreover I am not weak that I will not be able to protect my baby...." said Yibo.

"Still....you will be out of my sight....how will I be able to bear that..." said Zhan.

"Ge....you are being over protective now...." said Yibo pouting.

"Ofcourse I am....that's what a father do..." said Zhan and Yibo chukkled.

"okay okay....future father....no need to be so tensed..." said Yibo as he caressed his tummy.

Zhan stopped the car in front of the college gate and got down. Yibo also got down. Zhan held Yibo's hand and started walking inside the campus.

Everyone were looking at Zhan with awe, some omega girls have already fainted on their spots, and even the alphas were no exception to get awestruck with Zhan's aura. Zhan walked straight to the office and entered inside.

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