"Come on," I said grabbing Connor's hand walking towards the living room.

"I have to get better at this," I said to Connor as we approached the living room.

"I heal on my own Danielle, I don't understand how you can heal me," Connor explained.

"Maybe I can help you heal faster," I said to Connor shrugging my shoulders.

Connor got up and got a wooden chair from the kitchen. He broke the chair into pieces to get to the wooden legs of the chair. He came back to the living room and sat on the floor. He didn't say anything before he plunged one wooden leg into his stomach and fell back.

"Oh my god!" I said as I sat back and covered my mouth.

"Connor why would you do that?" I said as I stepped back and then rushed over to his side.

"Daniel! What am I supposed to do!?" I yelled.

"First pull it out," Daniel said.

"Okay," I said as I placed both of my hands on the wooden leg. I tugged on it but it wouldn't come out, it looked like I was causing Connor more pain.

"I can't pull it out!," I yelled at Daniel.

"Pull harder Danielle," Daniel said firmly.

"I'm trying!" I yelled. My eyes started to water as I seen Connor laying there with his eyes almost shut. When I saw blood hit my knee I started to cry uncontrollably.

I stood up and tugged harder on the wooden leg until it came out. I looked at Connor's stomach and kneeled down beside him. I wiped my eyes and focused on the wound and only that. I just thought about how I wanted him to be okay. I felt a cold sensation through my hands, this time it didn't even come through my shoulders, just directly to my hands. I looked at the wound and noticed it was closed.

Connor opened his eyes and looked at me. I got up and walked into my room. I could hear footsteps behind me but I didn't turn around.

"Danielle you did good," it was Daniel's voice.

"I don't want to do this," I said to him without turning around.

"What's wrong Danielle?" Daniel asked.

"I felt like if he would have died and it would be all on me. I don't like that type of stuff on my conscious. I couldn't even fathom what the hell was going on," I said looking at Daniel.

"I know it's scary but you did fine. And if you couldn't do it then I would have helped but I knew you could do it," Daniel said.

"It's not like I'm throwing you out there by yourself, I'll always be there to help you," Daniel added.

I took in what Daniel said and realized that I did do good. I healed faster then I thought I would because I actually focused and concentrated. I was scared shitless of the thought of losing Connor. That's what made me focus even more.

I took a long shower. So long of a shower the water turned cold. But I didn't care, I was taking in everything today and everything that would possibly happen. I realized that a lot was to come and if I take it in slowly then everything would be alright.

I came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around me and saw Connor sitting on my bed. I tried to act as if I hadn't saw him so I wouldn't have to be reminded of the way I freaked out about almost losing him.

"I didn't try to scare you Danielle," Connor added.

"But you did," I mumbled quickly, forgetting that vampires have excellent hearing.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know how scared you would be," Connor said getting up from my bed.

"I didn't know either, so that makes two of us," I said.

"I felt like your life was in my hands. If I would have lost you ...", I paused.

"But you didn't Danielle," Connor said approaching me.

"But you didn't," he repeated standing in front of me.

"I know. When I saw the blood.. I freaked out," I said chuckling to make light of the situation.

"I saw that," Connor said laughing.

"I don't want to lose you", I said to Connor with a serious face.

"I'm not going anywhere Danielle," Connor said as he lifted my chin and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"Get dressed," Connor said as he walked away and then looked back at me before closing my door.


"Is she still freaking out?" Daniel asked me when I left her room.

"She's fine, she just needs her space," I replied walking back downstairs.

"Do you know how much space she needs because we need to get back to her training?" Daniel said following me back down the stairs.

"I'll check on her in an hour or so," I said as I sat on the couch.

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