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Elena's POV:

"You really didn't have to do that," I say. Alex's mother smiled at us as she passed the cup of coffee to all of us. I reached forward and grabbed a cup, muttering thanks. Alex's mother has been with him, helping him throughout his recovery which I was really thankful for.

He is currently upstairs, speaking to his father. Now that most of us already know, Alex called his father and faster than a bolt of lightning he was here to see his son. It was suitable that we gave the father and son some time to talk things through.

"You look a lot like your mother."

I paused the cup when it reaches my lips and glanced up at Alex's mother. She sat on the couch in front of me. I look at Ben to notice he had the same confused look I had, then at her.

"You know my mother?"

"Yes, I do. She's the one who helped me get away from Antonio and in return, I gave her the location of the warehouse."

"Wait-You mean you were the one who told my mom about the coordinates?"


"Why did you not try to find Alex? You could have easily found out that Meghan and Alex were under the care of an agent if you asked my mother. Alex wouldn't have-" I stop when I realise I am ranting. She smiled sadly.

"-He wouldn't have had to live a life without a mother?"

When she finished the sentence, I realized how bad it sounds. I have no right whatsoever to dig into her past and question her like that. But at the same time, if there was a chance for Alex to have his mother in his life, why won't I be upset at the unchosen chance?

"I really wish. But Meghan and Alex were taken away from me before I could even hold them. Antonio considered them mere recruits for his mission. When I escaped with your mother's assistance, I searched for them everywhere. I told your mother as well. But within a short span of time, Antonio, he..."

Killed her.

I nod. "Why did you not approach anyone else? My grandpa, who was the chief back then? He would have helped you." Ben asked. I turn to look at Alex's mother.

"I was scared. I was, after all, Antonio's wife. Do you really think your grandfather would not take me under trial after his daughter's death?"

Ben didn't say anything. That's a lot of information within a day, nonetheless, there was contentment when I realized my mum has been saving many by staying under the radar. I might have her legendary number as mine but I could never live up to the way she did.

Liam and Jen left back to the agency to have some rest. Alex's mother bid goodnight and left for the guest room. Alex is still upstairs which leaves just Ben and me on the couch.

"Not that I want to put you down, but when Alex was dead, you literally aged ten years."

"Shut up," I grab a nearby book and throw it at his head. He chuckles, dodging the book.

"I am happy that Alex survived but on a serious note, I don't know how I am gonna survive in the agency anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"Liam, my best friend, barely speaks to me ever since he got engaged to Jen and now, my sister would forever forget my existence. I am gonna die of loneliness."

"You're being dramatic."

"I must keep myself entertained."

I shake my head as I lean against the couch and stare at the ceiling. I remember back when every little fibre of control in me snapped when I saw Alex. The way my suppressed emotions overflowed without any resistance. The way I ran towards him.

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