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Elena's POV:

"Stop her."

An order. From my father.

I spin on my heels and throw open the door as I ran. The thudding footsteps echoed behind me as my team tries to get hold of me. A rush of adrenaline shot through me as I pushed my legs to run faster and faster. Few agents who were walking around stopped as they watched us race in the corridor. Some were so oblivious that they were minding their own business.

"Out of the way! Out of the way!" I yell at the bunch of agents crowding near the elevator. Stepping in, I quickly press the close button. I see Alex come to a sliding stop as he met my eyes. I tilt my head and send him my usual smile. He glared at me as he tries to get inside the closing elevator. But thankfully he's far. Too far. I send him a mocking wave to rile him up. Just as he gets close enough, the door shuts close.

I lean against the wall of the elevator and sigh. My chest rises and falls as I gulp the generous air around me. My fisted hand open up as I stare at the black box. I can't believe my dad is agreeing to this plan! Clearly, Meghan would take advantage of this situation no matter how prepared we are. Why aren't they understanding this?!

The door dings open. I sigh as I pocket the black box with a shake of my head. I turn to step out but pause when I look up. You have got to be kidding me!

"Hi," Alex greeted.

"Hey," I reply, pulling up a smile.

"You have something which I need."

"There is a lot of things I have, Agent Twenty-two. Charm, intelligence, elegance, confidence. You have to be a lot more specific."

He gave me a bored look. "The box. Give it to me."

"Let me think," I pretend to think with my index finger under my chin. Then I look back at him in all seriousness. "Nope. Just...no."

"I know you would say that," He clicked his tongue as he walked towards me.

I have to get out of this elevator. If I get stuck with him in this, there is more possibility for him to get the box. I quickly stride forward and use the sides of the elevator to hold on and throw a high kick on his face. Though it didn't hit his face, it got his shoulder. He stumbled back but got his footing right the next second. I quickly run the other way as I make a right turn but stop in my tracks when I saw Ben standing there, blocking my path.

I turn around swiftly and rush towards the left but too bad, Liam blocked that escape route. I sigh in frustration when I see Alex walk confidently behind me as Jason stood in the front. I raise my eyebrows.

"When did you shake hands with them?"

Jason shrugged. "Ever since your father promised for a batch if I catch you."

"Sounds promising."

"Let's fight!" Ben jumped on his toes, sounding excited. I roll my eyes away from him back to Alex. He stood at a fair distance, his body stiff in anticipation.

"Let's discuss this properly. We don't have to fight over this," He said in his calming relaxing tone. I shake my head.

"There is nothing to discuss. I already kept my point of not agreeing with the plan."

I see Alex's hands clench in a tight fist as I hear his teeth grit. "You can not decide what I want to do, Eighteen. I want my reputation back and I am doing this for the collective good."

"Collective good? My foot! You are being delusional. Meghan is not what you think she is!"

"I have already decided what I want to do. I don't plan on changing my mind."

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