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Elena's POV:


The most beautiful word in the world. The very word holds so much sentiment and is personal for every human being. The giver of life and nurturer of mankind.

And not to forget, the most dreadful word for a babysitter to hear.

The tea we were having, stopped midway as we looked at each other. Ben immediately chunks the tea down his throat then hangs his tongue out like a dog. His burning tongue or throat is none of my concern right now. With a heavy heart, I place the cup down waiting for someone to get up. Nobody did.

Alex let out a sigh as he got up from his place. We all follow suit. Slowly, with increasing anxiety and heartbeat, we walk up the stairs through the most frightening way towards the horrendous room.

Before we enter the room we pause. Nobody seems to make a move to open the door. Not even Alex. The boy kept screaming for his mother and breakfast. What a luxurious life. Stay in your bed and scream for food and viola, food arrives. Lucky tiny people with tiny brains. Hate them already.

"Who has been assigned for Mike?" Alex asks as he turns around to look at the rest of us.

I remember dividing the team for the assigned targets. Yeah, that's what I call these kids. Get over it.

Ben and I were supposed to take care of Mike, the male twin. Jen and Liam were supposed to take care of Maria, the female twin, while Alex takes care of Mila, the infant, who the rest of us might drop due to anxiety.

When Alex asked that, both Ben and I paused before looking at each other, urging the other sibling to go in first. Let's just say after few threats and scary glares Ben decided to step in after few words of prayers, which was totally jumbled.

Just as the door opens we notice Mike, screaming for his mother. And yes, I also want to mention he was lying on his bed. He didn't even sit upright. Oh, the luxury...

I notice the other twin, Maria, stir in her bed. She makes a sour face and grabs her blanket which had a stereotypical pink colour and hides her face behind it.

Drama queen and a tantrum thrower. How delightful!

I see Ben walk towards Mike, our assigned target and picks him up.

I go static as my eyes widen. My jaw drops out of shock as well. The rest of the team had the same reaction.

Ben didn't just...

"Put me down, you big fat squirrel!" I hear Mike say in his funny voice. I might have laughed at his vocal cords if I wasn't so shocked. And he called him fat squirrel. That's the best insult he could come up with? And fat? Ben is one of those gifted people who can eat everything in the world and still not gain a pound.

And Benjamin, my only brother with dysfunctional brain, dared to hold a kid, upside down, dangling him as he held his leg. Mike tried to punch Ben but he held the feisty beast at his arm length so he doesn't get punched.

Alex was hot on his heels as he quickly got hold of Mike and placed him back on his feet. He looks up and glares at Ben.

"That's not how you hold a child!"

"What? I didn't know. Why did no one say you weren't supposed to hold them upside down," Ben shrugs nonchalantly.

"It's an universal fact. I don't have to tell you."

"Who are you all? What are you doing here?"

Here comes the moment of utter embarrassment.

"We are babysitting you."

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