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Elena's POV:

I had to stop biting nails. I had to act normal. I had to stop myself from tapping my feet. I had to do all these things as my dad looked at me suspiciously. Alex, who was standing right beside me did no help either. He was looking at me sceptically as well.

After that little incident in the basement, we decided to leave back up towards chief's office. The silence in the elevator was suffocating as my mind was running through the events that happened.

First, a killer/creep is out there to get me, Alex and I don't know how many more. Out of nowhere, Alex was attacked like the creep told me in the riddle, which definitely was a stupid riddle by the way. He could have directly told Alex=dead. Why act all mathematical about it?

Anyway, though the creep has a little less IQ than an average person, he seems to have his men in control. I mean, who can find loyal people these days who are ready to sacrifice themselves to hide the identity of their leader?

Apart from all these, there's another thing which concerns me. He said those notes will turn true very soon and this definitely stirred something in my dad's and Alex's brain. Their peripheral looks says everything. I tried to act nonchalant about it. And to top it all, my acting skills totally sucks.

After an uncomfortable walk, we finally reach chief's office. He takes his seat behind his desk as I and Alex sit in front of him. I watch my dad place his elbow on the table as his eyes concentrated on his empty mahogany table. I wait for him to talk because if I start talking, I definitely would slip on my words.

"So someone is out to get you Alex," Dad started as he looked up. Alex nods his head.

"It seems so sir."

"Do you have any idea who it could be?"

"I can't tell it specifically. The list is huge."

"But we can shorten it," I say. "The tattoo guy said 'he'. So, its a male. No ordinary person can hire professional hitman who's so loyal. It has to be someone with a good rank but who?" I ask, as my eyes narrow in concentration. Who could it be? I thought the threats were fake and today's attack confirms that they're real. Alex has been lucky today that Ben and Liam were with him. If not, I can't even imagine what would have happened.

"We forgot to tell you something," dad said. I look up and raise my eyebrow. He takes a deep breath and lets out a sigh.

"Alex got a threat."

As soon as the message sank in, my eyes widen as I snap my head towards Alex. He got a threat. Just like me. How long has he been getting threats?

"How many threats did you get so far?" I ask. He squints his eyes as he tilts his head.

"This is the first threat. I've never received one before."

Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!

I clear my throat and look away. I nod my head as I twiddle with my fingers. When I realise my body language is revealing the nervousness, I stop fiddling and clench my hands on my lap.

"What did the threat say?" I question with my eyes back on Alex. He keeps staring at my eyes like he could read them. I patiently wait, not daring to look away.

"I am sparing your life for now. But your doom is near twenty-two. People will hunt you like a deer and she can't do anything about it," he recites, without breaking the stare, like he memorized it.

So he got a threat today. They purposely attacked to let me know the threats are real. And the 'she' they're referring to is me. What if Alex realises it's me?

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