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Alex's POV:

I had felt dejected once. When Meghan revealed her true colors. When she was tied to a chair like a prisoner and I kept repeating over and over again that it has to be a misunderstanding. But it was not. She was, indeed, the daughter of Antonio. Making me realize I am his son. It was rather hard to admit. But this, the scene I am looking at is making me more dejected than I was the first time.

Ben, Liam and I are hidden behind a tree, spying over Elena. And she was in a coffee shop, sitting in her casual style, a cap on her head and her luscious brown hair left open. The rays of sun hit her side making her look more radiant. A steaming cup of coffee in front of her is left untouched. I am so far that I couldn't make out her eyes. One of her legs was crossed as she leaned against the chair.

And she was talking.

To a guy.

"Alex, how does the first heartbreak feel?"

"Shut up, Liam."

I narrow my eyes at them as the guy said something, shaking his breakable hands as he explained. She nodded as he continued. I look again at the not-so-good-looking guy with a punchable face in scrutinizing glare. Why does he look familiar? Have I met this person before? I know I have seen him somewhere but where exactly?

"Do we know him?" Ben asked.

"He looks familiar," Liam said, agreeing with my thoughts. Then it clicked. I know him. We all do. And I gave him a choice. Either gun or knife. And looks like this kid chose both.

"It's him. The high school kid at MacDonald," I say.

"The one who asked Elena's number?" Ben asked and I nod back.

"Hold my jacket. I'll go break his nose," Ben muttered. Liam gave him an incredulous look.

"Dude, you don't even have a jacket."

Ben looked down at his hoodie. "Oh, right. Hold my watch," He said, removing watch and passing it to Liam and pulled his sleeves up as if he's going to a war. I should have come here all alone. What was I thinking? Bringing drama companies to tag along?

Liam examined the watch in awe like a kid during Christmas Eve. "Does it mean it's mine now?" Liam said as he places it on his wrist. Ben, who was about to walk towards the kid stopped midway and turned towards Liam, snatching his watch. I place my head in my palms and groan. I am done with these two.

"Hey, it's alright. Though I don't understand, I've seen enough movies to relate how devastating it must be for you to admit your love for a lady and then to watch her—"

"Benjamin, I swear to God, stop it—"

"I totally understand the grief—"

"I don't have any grief—" Maybe a tiny bit, but he doesn't have to know.

"—I can't imagine my life without Jennifer. I feel bad for you man," Liam patted my shoulder, pulling me for a hug. I roll my eyes as I pull away.

"Thanks for your sincerity. But please, can we concentrate on the situation? It looks like Elena is interrogating that kid," I say as I turn once again to look at her.

"Or maybe she is confessing—" Ben cut himself off when I give him a look. When I lift my eyebrow he shakes his head with a smile. "On closer inspection, it does look like interrogation."

"What would Elena interrogate? Maybe about dark dragons? Is it possible?" Liam asked as I shrug.

"Maybe. There's just one way to find out."

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