American Hustle Life P.1

Start from the beginning

"Her neck will kill her if her head keeps lolling like that," he commented. 

Yoongi gently reached his hand over, pulling her head to rest on his shoulder. Yoongi smiled softly before turning his attention back to him. 

"What?" Yoongi asked. 

"Nothing; it's nice seeing you treat her kindly."

"What are you talking about?"

"Usually, you're teasing her or making her cry!"

"Not intentionally," Yoongi grumbled. 

"So, what do you want to do once we get off the plane?"

"As soon as I get off the plane, I want to first breath in the air."

~ Time skip~


The plane landed with a jolt, startling you awake. You looked around to see Jin and Yoongi both sleeping next to you. You tapped Yoongi's shoulder gently, a moan escaping his lips. 


"We've landed."

He slowly opened his eyes to look around. You turned to do the same to Jin, only to earn someone tickling your side. A loud up-pitch scream escapes your lips. You turned to look at Yoongi, who was busy packing his bag. Looking over the seat, you saw Jungkook laughing. Shooting him a dirty look, you moved forward in your seat to avoid being tickled. 

"You know, Y/N, if screams could kill, I think yours would be the ring leader," Yoongi grumbled. 

You slumped in your seat, embarrassed. 

"Jungkook, leave Y/N alone!" Jin snapped. 

Following the group off the plane and through the airport, you laughed as Jungkook continually talked with you. 

Walking out towards the outside of the airport, you could hear the screams of many people. As soon as you took a step into the lobby of the airport, there were hundreds of cameras flashing to take your picture. 

"I didn't know we had so many fans," you commented to manager Nim. 

"You're a celebrity, Y/N. Get used to it." he smiled. 

Following closely, you all climbed into a large van, sitting between Namjoon and Hobi. 

"America's pretty crazy, huh, Y/N," Hobi asked. 

"Yeah," you answered, still amazed by how many fans showed up. 

"Here's the envelope that Bang BP gave," handing the envelope to you.

"How much money?" everyone asked. 

You hid the envelope in your bag, ignoring everyone's question. 

"So we've prepared a Dodger's game for you all." 

"What're the dodgers?" you asked. 

"It's a baseball team," manager Nim responded. 

"Oh," you grumbled.

Following everyone in, you held onto Jimin tightly, not wanting to get lost as you made your way to your seats. 

"What do you think, Y/N?" Jimin asked. 

"Eh?" you answered, bored and hot in the sun. 

The game felt like hours to you; as the boys cheered and seemed to enjoy the game, you sat with your hands covering your face from the sun. 

"Ya, Y/N, your hands will get burned like that," Jin commented. 

"Better my hands than my face," you retorted with a soft smile. 

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