Texting Harry has become one of my favorite activities.

At the mall, my cousins pull me into almost every store, showing me many options, most that don't fit the casual theme, and they end up shopping for themselves. I try things on, but I fear I won't find even a single article of clothing.

When we go to Abercrombie & Fitch, Hayley finds something that may actually work. Just a simple, darkish skinny pair of jeans with a few rips here and there, and a beautiful, white, sleeveless floral blouse that is a little loose but comfortable. I'm not crazy by the low neckline but I fear this may be the only option for me.

The two push me to try it on, and it fits pretty well. I haven't yet gotten used to me dressing this way, but I can't deny I look great. Plus on the bright side, I get to wear my comfy converse, which makes me smile.

We have a light lunch at the mall before we head home. I enter the flat and check the clock, seeing that we had been out for nearly four hours. I anxiously wait until it's time to get ready for the date. My cousins beg to help me get ready and I accept. Before I know it, it's almost eight, my hair is nicely straightened, I'm dressed in my new outfit and my makeup has been done. I'm in awe from my appearance, I absolutely love it.

I grab my purse and phone and follow my cousins to the living room to wait for Harry. My nerves are growing, and visions of my nightmare appear on and off in my mind. I'm psyching myself out, I know it.

Somehow the storm seems to be enforcing my scary thoughts even more, and I'm not enjoying the thunder sounding from the dark, cloudy sky. I've never liked storms, especially because they remind me of the..bad times.

The butterflies in my stomach have grown and I'm almost feeling sick though I haven't eaten in awhile. My thoughts are interrupted when I notice my cousins staring at me.

I guess I didn't hear what they asked?


"I asked, do you think we could possibly meet Harry this time?" Hayley asks, putting her hands together in plea.

Ha-ha, they're really asking this? After last time?

"You aren't seriously asking me that," I question both girls sarcastically as I shake my head.

Jen and Hayley's expressions sadden.

"We won't say anything mean this time! Promise!" Hayley promises, whining at me.

But before I can answer, the doorbell rings. My butterflies grow even more and my hands begin to shake. This isn't the first time Harry and I've gone out, so why do I feel this nervous?

Slowly, I rise from the couch while my cousins sprint from the couch to the door. Once I make it to the door, I open it, and find Harry smiling brightly at me with one hand behind his back.

"Hey Harry," I return his smile.

He brings his hand around to show me a pink tulip he's holding. For me? How does he even know I love tulips?

"Good evening, love. Ready to go?" he greets as he hands the tulip to me.

It smells absolutely lovely. No one has ever done something like this for me before. Such a small gesture, but it has a huge impact.

"Thank you for this. Yes I'm all set."

Jennifer and Hayley clear their throats behind me before I walk out with him.

Let's just get this over with I suppose. I better not be making a mistake by doing this.

"Harry wait," I tell him, turning us around. "These are my cousins, Jen and Hayley. Jen, Hayley, this is Harry."

They both blush as Harry shakes their hands.

"It's so great to finally meet you. We're both such big fans. But really, thanks for taking her out, she seriously needs it." Jennifer laughs nervously, bravely speaking first.

"Okay..." I rush them. They don't need to embarrass me, I fear what is about to come.

"Alright, alright Rach. You both have fun, but not too much fun," Hayley jokes, or at least attempts to.

"I'll only do what she allows me to. She's a hard one to make her say yes." Harry smirks as my jaw drops, and my cousins laugh way too hard.

Harry grabs my hand and leads me out of the flat before I can get a word in. We quickly stroll to his Range Rover, under the pouring rain and he helps me in. I should have brought an umbrella.

Once he gets into the car I finally notice what he's wearing, and damn is it attractive. His hair is down just the way I love it, and he's dressed in some floral button up, which he decided to button up practically halfway. I couldn't care less, the chance to see his beautifully inked chest is something I'd happily take.

"I guess we dressed somewhat similar?" I tell him, pointing to my floral blouse. He stares at me and grins.

"Seems we did, though you look way better." he almost whispers as we get onto the road and into the city. I laugh at his comment and blush as he rests his freehand on my thigh. I put mine over his, purposely this time, and he entwines our fingers again. This night is already going really well, and it just got started.

Harry opens his mouth to speak but his phone rings, silencing him. Harry looks a tad annoyed. He removes his hand from mine to grab his phone, and a whimper involuntarily exits my mouth from the loss of his touch. I flush but luckily I don't think Harry heard me.

"Hello?" Harry answers, already sounding somewhat impatient.

I can't hear who's on the other line or what they are saying, but Harry's hands tense on the wheel and his expression suddenly changes.

"What do you mean they know?! How the hell does someone find this out? It was the restaurant wasn't it? Fuck!" He yells before hanging up the phone and shoving it back in his pocket.

What on earth is going on?

"Harry? Is everything alright?" I ask him calmly, nervously stretching my hand over to hold his but luckily he accepts my gesture.

"Ugh...no. The paparazzi found out about my reservations at the restaurant I chose for us tonight and they are waiting there for us. We can't fucking go there now."
we are getting to a really good part next chapter and i'm so excited to write it and for you to read it!

please vote for this story, comment suggestions for me, and thanks for reading it! ily all, thanks. -lexia :)

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