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Dahlia PoV:

                       I sighed as I stared out the window, trying not to think of everyone's faces when I mutated. Utter fear, disgust, and horror at the sight of my massive wings and nauseating eyes. At the black armor that replaced my usual leather, and the massive pike in my hands that crackled with energy. I didn't dare open the window to leave and hunt, knowing that any of the sisters could come swarming in, but I did walk over to the front door. I opened it and stepped outside, before closing it behind me. I extended my wings, before I mutated, taking flight as my hideously monstrous self. I flew low, letting the current blizzard hide me, until I saw a young couple laughing as they trudged through the woods, holding hands. I raised my pike, and threw it, pinning and killing one of the two instantly. The other screamed, rushing over to their lover and shaking them, trying to see if they were still alive. I landed near them, folding my wings in and walking over to them. They were cradling their lover's head in their lap, crying softly, until my armor chinked against the ground. They looked up, and a furious expression crossed their face.

                        "Y-You monster! Why would you do this?" They sobbed, an angry expression still present on their face.

                         "To hunt." I put it simply, because that was the truth. I wasn't hungry, I just wanted to take my anger out on something.

                          "You bastard! Do you have any idea what it feels like to lose a lover? Never mind, actually, monsters like you can't be loved!" They spat, and I roared, pulling my pike out of their lover's body and raising it, before reality set in. I had just killed someone's lover because I was angry at something else entirely, and I was about to kill them just for being angry at me for doing that. I lowered the weapon, before realizing their words were true.

                          'I... really am a monster.' I thought to myself, extending my wings and taking flight, leaving the sobbing person and their dead lover behind, before heading away from everything, and anything.

Donna PoV:

                        I walked through the halls of Alcina's castle, Angie held securely in my arms as I searched for Alyssa. She had been cold and distant ever since Never's explanation, and every time I had looked into her eyes, they looked dull and shattered. Alcina had said it would take time for her to heal, but I wanted to help her through her pain. I found a door that was open just a crack, and I peered through the small opening, finding Alyssa on the other side. I watched as she stared at her knife, speaking to it as if it was a person.

                         "Well then, what do you think will happen next, old friends?" She muttered, and I watched as a thin column of smoke filtered out of the blade, forming into a ghostly version of Alyssa.

                          "Well, Dahlia has already flown the coop, so to speak." The ghost said in a raspy voice, and my eyes widened at the news that Dahlia had left. "It is unlikely she will ever return, even for the love of Lady Daniela. We should fly next, lure Ash away from this place. Our friends and loved ones here will hate us, and we will hate ourselves, but fleeing is our best option, and the only way to keep them safe." As the ghost spoke, another version filtered out of the blade, forming into a second ghost, made of golden light.

                          "All of us know very well that Ash will finish the job. We can't leave, otherwise he'll kill everyone here. If not with that moldy meat puppet Winters, with his own powers. We must also retrieve Dahlia from wherever she has ran to. She will be instrumental to our success, and her leaving will break the youngest Dimitrescu's spirit and heart once she hears. Mother Miranda should be able to help with that, even if she is reluctant. We also need Never to retract the Mold's gift to Ash, to attempt to remove him from the board forever." One more column rose, and a red spirit formed, causing the other two to move aside.

                          "Kill them all, Alyssa. We have the power to do so, and you know it. Give in to your corrupted side, and you'll never feel pain again. In fact, no one will be able to stop you, and we can bury that idiotic brother of yours. Let loose your power." At this point, it looked like the other two were trying to force the red spirit back into the blade. It broke free from them, eyes glowing with crimson fire.

                           "KILL THE OVERGROWN BAT! MUTILATE THE DEFORMED FISH! SLAUGHTER THE UNLOVED MECHANIC! KILL THE BIRDS, THE SPIDER, THE WOLF, THE FLIES! AND LAST, BUT NOT LEAST, KILL THAT DAMN UGLY, PHYSCHOTIC DOLLMAKER YOU'RE SO ATTACHED TO!" The spirit roared, before slamming Alyssa against the wall, ignoring the pull of its two companions. I flinched at the sounds of snapping bones as the spirit repeatedly slammed her into the wall, before throwing her into the corner, walking over and placing a boot on her chest.

                            "Attachment is weakness, Alyssa. Death is strength. THE WEAK SHOULD FEAR THE STRONG!" I rushed in as the spirit raised its boot, grabbing the knife it came from and stabbing it in the back. It froze, looking back at me with a look of pure horror on its face.

                            "What did you..." The sentence was cut off as the spirit cracked, before splitting into a million little pieces and falling into a small pile on the ground, which promptly disintegrated. The other two spirits looked at me, smiles on their faces.

                             "Thank you, Dollmaker. You've done us a great service, and thus we owe you a great debt." The first spoke.

                             "But for the moment, simply keep Alyssa company, please? We can only help her so much." I nodded, and the spirits smiled again, before disappearing. I slowly walked over to Alyssa, who sat on the ground, staring dejectedly at the floor. I sat down next to her, and she looked at me with tears in her eyes.

                              "T-Thank y-you." She managed to say, before she burst into tears. I pulled her into a tight hug, before beginning to hum, trying to calm her down. We stayed like that for a long time, simply enjoying the comfort of each other's presence.

Alex PoV:

                               "DAHLIA'S FUCKING GONE!" I ran screaming into the dining hall, noticing that Lady Dimitrescu and Cassandra were sitting there, looking at a stack of papers. Their heads shot up at my arrival, and their eyes widened at my words.

                               "What do you mean Dahlia's gone?" Cassandra demanded, and I shot my hands into the air.

                               "I don't know! All I know is that when Dahlia runs-" "She never comes back." I spun around to see Maggie standing there, a grim expression on her face.

                               "I heard about this from Alyssa. Dahlia left, but Mother Miranda can help us find her. So, let's hurry the fuck up, shall we?" Maggie stormed out of the room, and I could feel my anxiety growing. I blinked rapidly, before composing myself and walking to the front door. I opened it, shutting it quickly behind me as I stepped through. I walked out into the snow and ice, before seeing exactly who I was looking for, leaning on a sword in the snow.

                                "Hello Alex."

                                "Hello dear."

                            And that's another chapter, everybody! I also would like to thank everyone for the nearly seven hundred reads. That is amazing, so thank you so much for reading this story. I hope you all have been enjoying reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. In other news, I have two stories in the works, meant to be released after this one is finished, or close: The Countess Vernon, a solo story for Maggie, basically just Maggie X reader. Your Friend, The Bloodhound Knight, which is an Elden Ring OC of mine, (You'll meet another in this book) X Donna. I would like to know which you all would prefer, so I can work on that one first. At any rate, have a lovely day, and goodbye!


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