The Doctor Is In

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WARNING: Mentions of medical needles being used scattered in the chapter. 

Dahlia PoV: 

      I trudged up the path, my walking stick tapping against it as I glanced up, adjusting the heavy doctor's bag attached to a strap slung across my back. I saw the massive castle where I would find my patients, and hurried up the path, hoping that their ailments were serious. This hope was not born of some sick hope that they would die, however, but a hope born of the need for something interesting to do. After a week of trudging through cold terrain, I needed it. I reached the grand doors of the castle, and knocked on them, my sensitive hearing picking up heels clicking against the ground in a hurried fashion. The door flew open, and my limited vision was filled with an off white color. I looked up, and I was glad that my mask hid my face, otherwise the massive woman in front of me would've seen my mouth drop open. She wore black gloves, a wide brimmed black hat, and the off white dress that filled my vision. She had heavy crimson lipstick, and her eyes were golden, and filled with anger.

      "Are you the doctor that Mother called? And, if so, why did it take you a week to get here?" Her tone was curious, but also held malice. I straightened, before speaking.

      "Yes ma'am, I am indeed the doctor that Mother Miranda called. I apologize for the wait, but I was outside of Romania at the time of the call, and I lacked vehicular transportation." I explained, my soft voice slightly muffled by the mask. The woman looked down at me, and I felt a bit odd, having to almost crane my head completely backwards, considering that she was four and a half feet taller than me. I myself sat at a comfortable but sometimes aggravating 5'0, and was constantly reminded that I was surrounded by people taller than me. She finally simply huffed, and gestured to me to come inside, which I took graciously. I walked inside, wiping my feet on the mat, as the woman strode past me. I followed her, my walking stick thumping against the carpeted ground, and my left leg complained as I followed the woman up the stairs. She suddenly turned to me, and I went stiff as she began to speak.

        "I forgot to introduce myself. I am Lady Alcina Dimitrescu, and normally most would refer to me as my lady, but from what Mother Miranda told me, the best you'll do is ma'am." I nodded to this, and she continued. "But, I expect you to treat my daughters the same as me, so refer to them as ma'am as well, unless they let you call them by their names. Understood?" I nodded, and we continued, until we came to a door different to the others in the hall. Lady Dimitrescu knocked on it, before speaking in a soft tone.

        "Bela, dear? The doctor is here, we're going to come in now, okay?" She pushed the door open, and I followed her into the spacious room. In the queen-sized bed laid a pale young woman with blond hair, and the same golden eyes as her mother.

        "Mother, is that the doctor?" She asked, in a soft and trembling voice as she looked at me. Before she could speak, I nodded, resting my walking stick against the ground.

        "Yes, I am the doctor. I apologize for my garb, but I dislike my own appearance. I have been called here to treat you and your sisters, and I will not leave until you all are cured. Now, what have you been experiencing since the illness started?" I asked as I limped over to her bed, unclipping the doctor's bag from its strap and placing it on the bedside table, before turning to her.

Bela's PoV:

          The bird-faced doctor stared at me, producing a notebook from their coat pocket, and pen from inside the coat, before opening it.

           "My sisters and I felt odd, at first, because we almost never get sick. Then, we started coughing violently, sneezing often, and vomiting, sometimes vomiting blood. After that, we became bedridden, and-" I was interrupted by a violent coughing fit, and I felt my Mother's hand on my shoulder. Once I stopped, the masked doctor pulled off their glove, revealing another glove that only showed their fingertips. They placed their hand on my forehead, and felt the temperature. Their fingertips were cold as ice, and I subconsciously leaned into them, seeking the cold. They put their glove back on, before pulling several objects out of their bag, consisting of, but not limited to: a mortar and pestle, a syringe, several bags filled with herbs, and a vial of liquid. They stood, and I realized just how short they were, not even taller than my Mother sitting down. They took the herbs from the bags, placed them into the mortar, and began to grind them into dust with the pestle. after that was done, they poured the dust into the vial, using a small stick to stir them together. They then filled the syringe, and turned to me.

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