Quoth The Raven, Nevermore

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(If you need a depiction of ???'s outfit, here's a drawing I found that looks like the visual I had in mind. Credit goes to the artist. Also, any underlined speech(Except for the triplets speaking in unison) Is Romanian. Also, they are non-binary, so respect that.)

??? PoV, one hundred and four years in the past:

                     I walked silently through the dead village, my cane tapping against the ground. The few surviving villagers scampered about, avoiding me with looks of fear in their eyes, and I smiled beneath my mask. I kept walking, continuing onto a ill-used dirt path through the woods, until I came to a cave. I walked inside, stopping when I saw a sickly woman, with dark hair and closed eyes, who was laying on the floor. I stooped down to her level, and she cracked a dark eye open, before attempting to get up and away from me. She failed miserably, and fell into a violent coughing fit, indicating how near to death she was. I pulled a canteen off my belt, offering it to her, only for her to push it away.

                      "Begone, false doctor. I don't want to see one of you ever again." She turned away from me, as I lit a cigar and stuck it in a slot in my mask's beak.

                      "Because of your daughter, correct?" Her head whipped to me, a look of surprise on her face.

                      "H-How...?" "A ten year old girl, claimed by the plague wrongfully? Always had a bright smile on her face, even on the worst of days? Loved any kind of book, even if it was frowned upon for a young girl to read? Told by plague doctors that she would rest peacefully with God in Heaven?" The woman nodded, a few tears falling down her face at the memories.

                       "Y-Yes, but how did you-" "I am a bit more than a plague doctor, my friend. I simply chose this guise to walk among normal people with ease. But, pray tell, why are you killing yourself?" I asked, blowing smoke out of my beak, and she swallowed, closing her eyes before laying back down.

                        "There is no point in living with her dead. I plan to die in this cave, and join her wherever she went." I kneeled down next to the woman, snubbing out my cigar and throwing it into the corner of the cave.

                         "What if I told you there was a way to bring her back?" I asked, and her head shot up, eyes wide open.

                          "How?" "I have a gift for you. If you choose to accept it, it may take a long and painful while to bring her back, but she will come back to you. If you choose to refuse it, I will take your life quickly and painlessly, so you may join your daughter in whatever afterlife she has arrived in." I explained, and she stared at me, before nodding her head once.

                           "Tell me how to bring back Eva."

Miranda's PoV:

                            The strange plague doctor nodded, before raising their hand, and I watched as black and gold mold flowed from it. It climbed up my legs, and I found that it was comfortably warm. It latched onto my back, legs, and arms, before reaching my chest. I watched a spear of mold form, and before I could even blink, it had plunged into my chest. I screamed in pure agony, as fire flowed through my veins, and I felt a secondary heartbeat against my own. Slowly, the pain subsided, and the mold sunk into me, turning into fine golden robes. The plague doctor bobbed their head at me, and I nodded back.

                            "All hail Mother Miranda." The doctor said, and I could hear the smile in their voice. I cocked an eyebrow at them.

The Doctor Is In (Daniela Dimitrescu X female OC)Where stories live. Discover now