Family Reunion

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(This is the armor mentioned in the chapter.)

Never PoV:

                      "Hello, Bela." I smiled at her under my mask, and she squealed in delight.

                       "GRANDY!" She slammed into me, enveloping me in a tight hug, a soft 'oof' leaving me on impact. 

                        "Good to see you too, dear." I gave her a hug in return, and I heard a familiar voice at the top of the stairs.

                         "Well well well, if it ain't the Devil themself. How are ya, you old codger!" Maggie loped over to us, a smile on her face. I heard scuttling on the ceiling, before Alex dropped into view.

                          "How are you, old friend?" Alex asked, a wide grin on her face. Bela finally got off of me, and I stood, only to get knocked over by her two younger sisters.

                           "GRANDY!" They shouted, and I chuckled, hugging them both.

                           "Hello dears." Miranda came over to the three of us, a smile on her face.

                            "Girls, your grandparent is still healing, so please stop squeezing them so tightly." The girls scrambled off of me, and I laughed, accepting the hand that Miranda offered. I stood, brushing myself off, before smiling at the girls and their mother, who had just entered the room, a shocked expression on her face.

                             "It's very good to see you four again. But, I must ask, how did you two get caught up in this?" I pointed at Maggie and Alex, and they opened their mouths to speak, only to get cut off by Dahlia and Alyssa. They ran into the room, stopping when they saw me. They stared at me, before a low growl came from Alyssa.

                             "Of course you're here. OF COURSE!" Alyssa roared, sliding her revolver out of her coat. Miranda stepped in front of me, wings extended to protect me.

                             "What is the meaning of this, Alyssa?" She growled, and Alyssa stepped forward.

                              "The meaning of this, KFC, is that's the bastard who turned Ash into a fucking monster!" She shouted, and Miranda bristled.

                               "You will say no such thing! Try it again, and I'll end you." Roots began climbing out of the ground around Miranda, only for Alyssa to laugh hysterically.

                                "Try me, you moldy bitch! Did you really think that you're the only one that Nevermore "blessed"?" Alyssa grew in size, old fashioned medieval knight armor covering her. Four skeletal arms grew out of her back, each clutching a large sword. Her regular hands filled with gold and black fire, and two golden eyes stared out from the helmet's slit. Miranda stepped back, eyes wide, and she turned to me.  

                                 "Y-Y-You... I wasn't the only one?" Miranda asked, utter sadness in her voice. I felt my heart shatter, and I nodded.

                                  "Yes. In fact, all three of the Quinton siblings were given the Mold. Dahlia, if you would like to show us?" Dahlia nodded, before her wings extended even further, having at least a thirty foot wingspan. She grew only about a foot and a half, but her plague doctor's outfit became black, spiked armor, with sharp spines running up and down the arms. Her hat was gone, replaced by her hood, and the eyes of the mask turned a pulsing, sickly green, that made me nauseous. In her hand she held a massive pike, energy crackling about the tip. Miranda looked at me in horror, her eyes wider than I thought possible.

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