Questions and Answers

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Dahlia PoV:

      I woke to the sound of someone knocking, and heard a maid's voice announce that it was dinner. I groaned in response, sitting up and stretching, before sliding down to the floor. I pulled on my plague doctor outfit, forgoing the hat for the moment, and grabbed my walking stick. I opened the door, and began to follow the maid, who led me to the dining hall. I waited until I heard heels clicking, and bugs swarming, and I turned and watched the door open, revealing the Dimitrescu family. They looked surprised to see me there, but they simply shook it off and sat down. I sat down as well, resting my walking stick against my chair. I moved into my regular stance of an impression of a statue, until Daniela asked me a question.

      "What happened to your hat?" She asked, and I smiled. "It's impolite to wear a hat indoors." She looked at me in confusion, mumbling about how I was wearing a whole outfit and a mask, but she stopped when Bela asked me a question.

      "How will you eat?" She asked, and I responded by pulling off part of the bottom of the beak on the mask, revealing a dark space. She nodded, and then Cassandra asked me a question as I replaced it.

      "Why are you so intent on hiding your face?" She asked, and I winced internally.

      "As I said before, I greatly dislike my own appearance, as it has led to several problems in my past. I only showed Ms. Daniela as a means to cure her." My red eye started watering after I said that, and I resisted the urge to tear off my mask and rub it, knowing that it would stop soon. 

      "I don't know why you dislike it so much, you're beautiful!" Daniela argued, and I blushed under the mask, before resting my hands in my lap.

      "As I said, it causes problems, usually leading to some people trying to kill me out of fear." I decided not to mention my abilities, granted I would have to drain someone at some point. Before they could ask anymore questions, the doors opened again and maids hurried into the room, setting out food and drink. My fangs almost flew out of my mouth at the smell, and I swallowed, before removing the chunk of my mask, clipping it to my belt. The others had already picked up their utensils and began cutting into the meat, and I noticed that they were watching me. I dug in as well, knowing full well that it was human flesh, and began eating alongside them, grateful that the maids had poured me blood wine, rather than the regular. The family stared at me in shock, and I smiled at them.

       "What, you didn't know that other vampires existed in the world?" I teased, and they regained their composure, before the Lady herself asked me a question.

       "If I may ask, how did you become a vampire?" She stared at me as I chewed, considering how to answer, and I decided to tell the truth.

       "I'm an odd case, ma'am. I'm a hybrid between human and vampire, so I still have regular human functions, while also needing to drain blood. I have enhanced regeneration as well, but not as significant as you and your daughters, as well as other abilities I won't go into now." I explained, and she nodded, before continuing to eat her dinner. After a moment, the deafening silence lifted, and conversation resumed at the table, mostly between the three daughters, their Mother occasionally commenting on something. I ate in silence, finishing quickly and clipping the beak piece back into place, before I noticed the eldest sisters staring at my mask. I immediately realized why, and decided to put a stop to that plan before it went into action.

       "Ladies, I highly advise you to not attempt to remove my mask without permission. I may eventually remove my mask once you have befriended me, but for the moment, it stays on." My voice turned from its regular softness to a harsh whisper towards the end of that sentence, and I knew that my hair had turned the same angry red as my eye. I shook my head, and I calmed down, before standing up.

The Doctor Is In (Daniela Dimitrescu X female OC)Where stories live. Discover now