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Jimin, rosé and lisa are in car as jimin driving them home this afternoon. Saturdays is always a happy day for them as office closes noon and next day is super fun Sunday. Three of them were carving as they didn't had lunch yet.

Jimin's pov:
Rosé is sitting beside me as I wanna ask her for lunch along with lisa but I don't know these girls accept it or may think of me in a bad way as I am being cheesy with rosé these days.While driving straight with not much traffic as in the morning road was plane now I looked at the mirror lisa was into her mobile in back seat and rosé was looking out from the window thinking something maybe about way why would she think about me.She was looking so cute today i feel like pinching her chipmunk cheeks but nope it's not possible in this eternity.Her hand was placed beside the shotgun seat I was changing the gear but accidentally caressed her hand.

Jimin: .....

Rosé: it's okay *nodded*

Jimin just smiled looking at her rosé gestured him to concentrate on road and smiled.While lisa was watching both of them and said

Lisa: * clearing her throat* ahem ahem

Jimin: what..?

Lisa: nothing Mr.park * teasing manner*

Jimin: soo girl aren't you hungry?

Chaelisa: yes we are carving *same time*

Jimin: *chuckled* while stopping the car.

Both the girls were confused and looked outside saw a fancy restaurant.Smile curved their faces while walking in lisa was rushed inside rose is walking along with jimin as noticed lisa went in jimin called rosé.

Jimin: Roséshi.. listen*hold her hand*

Rosé was flinched but thought herself to be normal.

Rosé: yes jimin shi...

Jimin with huge smile on his face I like it when you call me jimin shi.

Jimin:chae I don't know it's right time to say it or not but I...I..

Lisa from inside the restaurant hey guys come in I am hungry...*screaming*

Rosé: let's go in..but you wanted to say something jiminshi what is it?

Jimin: nevermind *smile* let's go eat I am hell hungry too

At office:

Tae: seriously Jennie what the hell is this...*frustrated*

Jen: what happened*almost scared*

Tae: come here...*rude* look at this revenues.

Jen:*scared as f* le- let me c-check sir...

Jennie saw the revenue sent from jeon's company but this was not added to the companies account and bank statement shows as they paid.Taehyung was really into this project and wanted to take the company to one step up but this one issue can ruien everything.jennie was too stunned to speak caz she also have no idea how did this happen as when she used be accountant this problem never happened.she trust rosé and lisa they work really good but what actually happend jen has no idea what to do now.

Tae: done looking ...*angry man*

Wow Jennie I trusted you and you said that you can take care of the amount amazing * fake claps* you did it so we'll Miss Jennie kim what an amazing work said taehyung not looking at her focusing on his system.

Jen: sry sir *about to cry*

Jennie was emotional girl she is strong in times when she is really prepared for something but this time everything happend suddenly she still can't figure out what happened and who did this..

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