Favorite Colors and Birthdays.

Start from the beginning

Haymitch usually watches the kids if we ever leave the victor's gate. Nobody except close family knows about our kids, and I want it to remain that way. I want to protect them from the cameras and people who will most certainly invade their privacy.

The reporters has gotten increasingly worse, because Johanna came to live here in 12. She had no family; except for her wife, Birch, and she didn't want to be alone. Birch is a wonderful lady, she loves Willow and Rye so greatly. They got married about a year ago, which we all attended. I don't think I've seen Johanna ever happier than she is now.

"Mama?" A gentle voice asks quietly. I turn around and look down at her waiting at my legs.
"Yes, darling?" I respond while bending down to her level.
"Can you please wake up Rye?" She asks with a slight smile. "I know I shouldn't ask, but I miss him and I want to sit by him at breakfast."
"Of course." I nod my head while smiling. I stand up before making my way to the stairs. Just as I take the first step, Peeta grabs my arm to pause me and carefully pulls me towards him.

"Are you sure you want to wake him up?" He asks. "You both barely slept last night."
"He'll be fine." I remark. He gives me a look and reaches up to brush my cheek softly.
"It's you I'm worried about." He says, and I give him a reassuring smile.
"I'll be fine, Peeta." I say, leaning in to quickly kiss him. "I always am."

He kisses me back but narrows his eyes at me before turning back towards the kitchen. I sigh before I quietly walk up the stairs and into his room to find he's still sleeping. I walk up to the crib and slowly lower my hand to his back. I gently rub his back and wait for him to rise. I watch his eyes open and light up when he sees me.

"Good morning." I smile. He stands up and reaches for me to pick him up. "I'm sorry that I woke you up, but it's Willow's birthday and you couldn't miss that."

He smiles before resting his head on my shoulder, and I continue rubbing circles into his back as we leave his bedroom. I carefully take the steps one at a time and I eventually make my way back downstairs. I hear Peeta laughing and I walk into the kitchen to find Willow covered in flour.

"The flour went boom." She says with a scowl on her face. I raise an eyebrow at Peeta, who is bent over the counter laughing.
"She turned the mixer on high." He finally admits, and I can't help but let out a chuckle.

I set Rye down in his high chair before grabbing a damp cloth to wipe down her face. I make sure all of the powder is off her face before picking her up and setting her in a chair next to Rye. She immediately forgets about what was just happening and begins to play with Rye. I smile at the sight before cleaning the rest of the counter that's caked with flour.

He leans over my back to grab a measuring cup and I smile at the touch. He kisses my neck once before moving away, and I glare over at him before going back to my cleaning. He laughs slightly at my face and I stick out my tongue at him playfully. Sometimes I forgot that this is my actual life, and not just one I dreamed about when I was stuck in District 13.


I stare at my plate while trying to make it look like I've ate something from it, when in reality I haven't. I notice Peeta staring at me, but his attention is quickly diverted to Willow who begins to talk about all of the animals she's seen today from the windows.

I stand up while taking my plate to the trash and I empty it into the garbage. I rinse off the plate before setting it in the sink, and I look back to see Peeta still talking with Willow. I know eventually he will be upset with me for not eating, but as long as he doesn't notice right now, everything will be fine.

He eventually stands up and lets Willow take Rye into the living room to play, and I watch as he moves towards me. I brace myself for a talk with him about it, but he just gives me an empathetic look and leaves it at that.

The Epilogue - Katniss and PeetaWhere stories live. Discover now