"Why is she just now telling you that's going to be hard on you and your son" dad says

"Actually ashley didn't tell me because she couldn't get in contact with me but she tried to for a, long time" I say

"Ashley your college girlfriend found you?" mom says

"No her best friend did mom you knew don't lie to me" I say

"She.. She tried okay years ago but the first few times she called she wouldn't tell me what she wanted then the last time she did but I knew she was lying for how long you both had broken up and you were so young" she says

"You never told me any of this meredith!" dad says

"It wasn't important and our family didn't need that we're already dealing with Kleo" mom says

"Yes it did matter you stole time away from our son and his kid all because of what you thought we didn't need to deal with the situation you didn't even take the time to find out if she was being truthful" dad says

"I.... I didn't think okay I was trying to keep us together our son was being ripped away from us I couldn't lose another or tabloids making more of mockery of us" she says

"You pushed Kleo away mother that's on y'all Camille didn't do anything and how could you not tell me I don't even know how to speak to my kid now" I say

"I'm sorry but I can't go back in time! how did you find out about Dash? " she says

"You said her best friend told you how did she find you?" dad says

"Rylee has custody of Dash on the birth certificate that was handed to her she saw my name and went on hunt for me she almost didn't get me either thanks to you again mother you are on roll" I say

"Me I have never met a Rylee in my life" she yells

*She's the girl who came to the office and you had her wait over 30 minutes and you finally come down and you called her a black bitch" I say

"That woman has custody of my grandson and  I didn't mean it I was just talking and in most in shock she doesn't have a ghetto name especially with the way she looked " she says

"Your hateful selfish ways almost cost me my son twice and yes she is" I say

"Where is Ashley? Why wouldn't she come with her son to see you"dad asked

"She died and if it wasn't for Rylee my son would be in foster care so I'm thankful shes in his life" I say

"How does he feel around her being away from his mom!" now she ask

"He's great he calls her mommy she's been in his life for years more then I could've come close too" I say

"He should be with you... Your his father and can offer him a better life we can" she says

"You don't even know her mom or what life she offers him she adores him and claims him as her son I will not rip that from him" I say

"Are you ready for her to fit in your world.... How will your future wife put up with her being around?" she says

"If a woman comes into my life she needs to accept me and my son and all that comes with it if not she shouldn't be with me and I'm not even dating so it doesn't matter" I say

"Don't you think a two parent household would be better for Dash?" dad says

"Dad while that would be a perfect world and maybe if Ashley were alive I could but Rylee and me will never be together I have jo interest in her or ever will the one thing I admire about her is her love for Dash she considers him her world and hers like she birthed him" I say

"Thank goodness at least!" mom says

"Mother stop I will not let you near dash if you talk like that he loves her fiercely I can tell you can't talk about his mom like that I need this to be a smooth coparenting and you already dented that" I say

"I want to meet her and my grandson of course" dad says

"I'm having a barbecue this weekend and I will be inviting them tomorrow when I walk the park with them so if you want to come and be respectful to them and to Kleo, and Camille because I invited them first then you both may come" i say

"Oh how nice a family reunion and a new addition all in one day huh let's see if I lose another child" mom says

"Mother you will I promise if this continues I'm not dating her but I don't need you saying that yes she black and we don't have the best relationships with African Americans but the only way for this to work for me is by behavior so stop the comments or don't come around" I say

"Fine whatever I'm telling you now she will ruin you and this family they always do I'm leaving" and she dashes out

"Good riddence you're racist anyways" Blair yells
And I look at dad and he smiles

"I messed up once with Kleo and while I know things I've said in the past are not nice and I let my judgment jump I won't this time because I can't lose you too ill ne there and I will be making amends with your brother missing out isn't fun I'll see you on the weekend son" he hugs me and kisses Blair on the forehead

"Well what's he smoking?" Blair ask

"I have no idea but I hope he's being honest and I hope mom isn't right" I say

"Stop before I clock you i hope you realize even though dash is full white he has a black queen as a mother and you need to recognize her as such" Blair says

"Yeah.... I never thought I'd end up in this position" I say

"Well I'm sure your hot blonde bombshell of penpal lover will support you" she says

"How do you know she's blonde?" I say no matter what hair color she has I know she's beautiful and we have a connection maybe a redhead this time that'd be a first

"Because that's all you date typical I just have a feeling this one is special and makes you think and feel something I've never seen you do" she says

"Yeah me too" I smile thinking of her

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