"Have you ever cheated on someone you love?" Jungkook asked him.

"No." Hoseok knitted his eyebrows in confusion ...

"I have and it's terrible. It's like falling for that...temptation and when it's over, you want to punish yourself so badly but you want the person whom you cheated on to give you the punishment."

"What are you trying to say?"

"I cheated on my own fiancé and I can't get a punishment from him. I want a punishment but I can't get one."

"You know what MR jeon? I would really like to have this conversation with you if you would just Stop. Staring. At. The. Damn. Bookshelf." Hoseok snapped very angrily... he was angry because the pretty boy was looking everywhere but him...

Jungkook shift his gaze from the bookshelf and saw his therapist giving him a stern look.

His lips quivered as those tears fell on his face. "I'm a cheater."

Hoseok closed his eyes and sighed."Kookie, tell me what is a cheater."

"A person who betrays the trust of his loved one by hurting them."

Hoseok bended down to the coffee table between them and pushed the tissue box which was already there on the table in the pretty boy's direction.

Jungkook helped himself.

"You mean to say, a person who betrays the trust of his loved ones around them. People who can actually be hurt by your actions." Hoseok corrected him.


"I am not going to ask you with whom you cheated with or what you did to cheat on your fiancé because I respect your privacy. I—"

"I kissed a man at the night of the wedding and I kissed him again today." Jungkook said truthfully.

Hoseok's face turned to somewhere between astonishment and sympathy. "Oh."

the pretty boy sniffed. "I want to feel his anger, his sadness or anything. I can't survive like this. I stopped trying to join my baby because of him."

Hoseok doesn't say anything and thought for a long time. he kept tapping his pen between his lips and stared at Jungkook as if he was a painting.

"You want a punishment, you say?"

"Yes, I deserve it."

"I see. I have no right to say my opinion for these things but only guide you to the right, happier and new path." Placing his pen on the desk.. the therapist spoke up.


"I think we have had enough chatting." he closed his diary. "It's time to work now."


"I am not like your previous therapists who recommends you to go to the other one because they are more likely to treat you better. That's what has happened in your case, right?"

"Yes. My first recommended the second, the second recommended the third and so on." the pretty boy said nonchalantly.

"I am not the one who is going to sit in this chair and preach you about life and its value. I'm gonna make you work till your mind accepts the plain truth."

"What about my heart? It belongs to them."

Hoseok smiled. "I don't need to take care of that. It will work on its own."

"What are you going to do?" Jungkook asked him.

"You want a punishment, you say? I'm going to give you one for even trying to harm yourself. Do you not realize the people around you? They are your parents, your friends and your co-workers. I want you to sit down and have a conversation with them."

A Chance To Make Things Right-(TaeKook- BXB) Cmplt✅Where stories live. Discover now