Chapter 17: Battle of Cascade (Arc 4)

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Republic AT-TE and AT-RT are seen making their way through the abandoned city of Cascade so they can join up with Republic forces at the other side and aide them in their battle. There are five AT-TE walkers and ten AT-RT along with eight TX-130 Republic tanks with gunners on top of it as they keep an eye on the buildings for any Separatist snipers that might try to shoot them down.

Inside the first AT-TE walker we see Plo, Woffle, Raven, Molly, Rouge and Noble Squad as they are sitting and waiting for something to happen. Molly is seen still a bit hurt how her friends just betrayed her and what they were fighting for which Y/n noticed this and ask.

Y/n: You okay?

Molly: Just still hurt about before.

Y/n: Well don't worry about that. Your not like them, your with us.

Molly: Thanks.

Cleaner: So what's the plan to free Shadow and omega from the Separatists hands?

Rouge: First we need to deal with the Separatist forces on the ground, then we rescue Shadow and Omega. Besides Shadow wants us to complete the mission first.

Brains: But they may try to escape as soon as the battle is lost.

Plo: I have call in more back up so even if Jelcho's fleet try to escape, they will be block off.

Raven: We all do respect general, I believe Jelcho will not back down until he will punch through and escape.

Then Raven came down of the ladder and lands on his feet as he make his way to Plo and the others as Woffle tells Plo.

Woffle: He may got a point sir. You know how some September leaders will not give up and will not back down from a fight.

Plo: I agree. Then we must be quiet before we will miss our window.

AT-TE pilot: Sir! I got a radio call from Republic forces. They wanna know when you be arriving.

Plo make his way over there while the rest stand around until Rusher ask Raven.

Rusher: You think Plo's plan might work? We have no idea where those snipers are or how many of them is there.

Raven: Woffle?

Woffle: I trust my general. He knows knows he is doing.

Raven: Let's hope so.

Plo's forces make their way through the abandoned city as the gunners scan around for any snipers that might try to take them down. We then see one of those snipers appear on a building as we see a Commando droid aim down his blaster sniper rifle and take aim at the gunner. He has his finger on the trigger and was about to pull it when suddenly a bolt came out of nowhere and hits the Commando droid in the head, killing him immediately.

We then see cloaked Shadow Clone Troopers armed with blaster sniper rifle with thermal scope as they scan around and see more Separatist snipers and they take them out. Many Commando droids get shot and killed before they can even have a chance to snipe at Plo's forces as they walk by.

Rusher: Looks like those snipers are doing their jobs quite well.

Cleaner: Probably better then you (Chuckle).

Rusher: Oh shut up.

Suddenly there was a explosion follow by the AT-TE they were in shake as if there was a explosion happened right next to them. Then they heard blaster fire as they see the Separatist are now taking on the Republic forces the loud way.

Y/n: Looks like they are going with plan B.

Raven: Then let's show them how a bad idea this is.

The back of the AT-TE opens up and a ramp comes down ad Raven, Rouge and Woffle came out along with Rusher, Brains and Cleaner. Then Y/n grabs a DC-15S blaster rifle and gives it to Molly.

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