Chapter 11: Defend my island!

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Republic gunships fly through the cloads approaching to thier location which was Angel Island as we see more and more Republic defenses set up around the island and they were ready for a Separatist attack that will come to take the Matser Emerald away from the island.

Republic clone troopers march around the island while engineers are seen repair some cannons while a small camp is set up as we see Y/n with his helmet on the holotable as Sally, Zack and Knuckles are seen as holograms after Y/n told them what happened.

Knuckles: (hologram) How dare they step onto my island and trying to steal the master Emerald!

Sally: (hologram) What are trandoshan's?

Zack: (hologram) They're hunters that love to hunt and they make deals with the Separatist.

Y/n: And now they're working with them to try to steal the master Emerald. Luckily my squad manage to take out their base before they could plan anything.

Sally: (hologram) That's good to hear. Listen, don't allow the Separatist to get their hands on the Master Emerald. Robotnik may have captured it several times but who knows what the Separatist may do with it.

Y/n: Possibly to make weapons that is more destructive then Ronotnik's.

Sally: (hologram) Maybe but I hope you'll do this alright without Sonic or Knuckles. Sorry we need them on a mission, we believe there is a Chaos Emerald and we need all the help we can get.

Y/n: (smile) That's alright. Besides we have Gemerl with us and he's pretty powerful to a robot that copies anyones attacks. Not to mention Rouge who seems like she knows what she is doing.

Sally: (hologram) Alright. Just keep an eyenon Gemerl, Cream doesn't want it to return badly damaged.

Y/n: (smile) Don't worry, we keep him safe for Cream.


Y/n: Knuckles were protecting a master Emerald. How are we suppose to protect it if we are far away from it.

Sally: (hologram) He's got a good point.

Knuckles: (hologram) Fine.

Zack: (hologram) We sent some backup as best we can. Till then, may the force be with you.

He nodes and the transmission ends. He exit out of the tent to see many Republic troops setting up defenses as he walks over to the temple where the master Emerald is at as his squad and Tangle were there as Tangle looks at the master Emerald.

Tangle: (smile) Whoa, Jewals will wanna take a look at that if we ever come back here.

Rusher: Knuckles may not allow that.

Y/n: What's the report?

Rusher: Nothing much. The defenses are settling up perfectly and it seems like we're ready for anything.

Y/n: Let's keep it that way. Where is Gemerl and Rouge?

Brains: They're away with some clone troopers to search for anymore camps set up by either Separatist forces or trandoshan's.

Tangle: Have you ever encounter those lizard like hunters before.

Brains: Well no, this was the first. But I do hear Delta squad encounter them a few months back. The trandoshan's have taking control of a Republic ship and Delta squad was sent to find out what happened.

Tangle: So how strong are they?

Cleaner: Very strong. Remember they were born to ight in order to survive and hunt so yeah. They are pretty strong in so many ways.

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