Chapter 9: Battle of South Island (Arc 4 final)

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Two gunships racing over the cload City ans racing against time as Captain Fordo and Noble Squad have gotten word of a massive attack on the Republic base lead by General Grievous and now they have the chaos Emerald, they only have to install it into the chaos cannon and take down the Separatist fleet and end the battle.

Y/n: How close are we?

Clone pilot: Not long sir.

Fordo: Grievous is one dangerous General within the Separatist, you sure your squad is ready for this.

Y/n: Hey if you survive your encounter with general, why not a bunch of clone Commandos.

Fordo nods in agreement before the gunship shakes as they were taking fire by Separatist anti aircraft cannons from below as they fire at them. A few gunships get shot down as they were close. They could see two Separatist ships hovering over by the Republic base and before they get any closer the gunship gets it and they go down.

Clone pilot: We're hit! May day! May day!

Cleaner: Hold on!

Clone pilot: Brace for impact!

The gunship crashes onto the Presidents white house and we see the gunship crashed in the cafeteria as we see the door slowly slide open by Fordo as he order Noble Squad and the rest of his arc troopers to get out before it explod.

Once out they rushes out of the area and the gunship blows up just as they each outside of the cafeteria and Fordo slams his fist onto the button and shut the door before the flames hit them.

Fordo: We made it.

Y/n: That was close.

Brains: And here I thought our ship crashes more then gunships.

Rusher: Guess not.

The whole hallway shakes as it follow by an explosion behind them as Battle droids and super battle droids exit through the blow up wall and open fire at them which they found cover and return fire.

Fordo: We need to get to the cannon room and end this battle. Any ideas where it might be?

Brains: We know but we need the President's access to the room in order to use it.

Rusher: He could be anywhere and it's not like we ask them for directions.

Fordo: We hold them off as much we can while your squad find the President and place that Chaos Emerald into the cannon and end this battle.

Y/n: You'll be fine on your own?

Fordo: Ain't the first time we were pinned down by Separatist forces. Now go!

Y/n nod as he and Noble Squad rushes off while Fordo and his team handle the incoming Separatist forces as they open fire at them while Noble Squad rushes through the halls searching for the President.

Soon they enter the war room and as they enter it was a battle zone with Clone troopers taking cover as the lower floor while Separatist were at the second floor above them and shooting them down and picking them off one by one.

They see Sally and Tails as they rushes over to the two while they get down and once there they get to cover with them and Sally asked.

Sally: You have it?

Y/n: Yeah but we need the President to access to teh cannon. Where is he?

Sally: I think he is at his office being guarded by his troops but I believe that Grievous might try to get to him.

Rusher: That's not good.

Tails: Sonic and Zack are doing their best to hold him off as best they can.

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