Chapter 16: Battle of Cascade (Arc 3)

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We see Noble Squad outside of the base trying to figure out a plan to sneak their way inside the Cascade Freedom Fighters base and free the Republic forces along with the general. Molly is inside the Blue Light, feeling betrayed by the fact that her own Freedom fighters just betrayed their own planet and their Freedom just to sided with the enemy that they have been fight for all these years.

Brains step out of the Blue Light and walks over to Y/n and the rest as they stand around in front of the base waiting for Brains which they turn to see Brains walking up to them.

Rusher: So have you connected the fleet?

Brains: Indeed and they can't sent more back up to help us. There is too many Separatist ships and more has arrived. We're on our own.

Cleaner: So any plans to sneak our way inside the base and save the General and the Republic forces inside?

Rusher: There must be tons of Cascade Freedom fighters inside just waiting for us to come back. There's no way we can't stand against all of them, especially getting inside.

Y/n: We have Molly. Remember she was one of them and she can help us.

Brains: Yeah but are you sure about this? How can we be sure Molly isn't going to betray us just like them?

Y/n: You saw her reaction she didn't know this would happen and she is shocked as all of us are. If she was going to betray us, she would have killed us all at the control room.

Brains: True you have a point.

Rusher: Yeah but they cast her out of their group so what makes you think they're gonna let her in?

Y/n: Maybe she knows another way inside. Let me speak to her.

They node as Y/n make his way inside the Blue Light and find her sitting near the hologram with R2-JB next to her as she place her hand on top of R2-JB while the droid made a sad noise as Y/n walks up to her.

Y/n: How are you feeling?

Molly: Not good. I just can't believe they would do such a thing. Our planet was in ruins because of the Separatist and they join them because the Republic didn't came to help?! Unbelievable!

Y/n: I know how you feeling and believe me I'm angry at them as well. But right now we need to get inside the base and rescue he general and many Republic troopers and your the only one that knows another way inside the base within being detected.

Molly lower her head down which Y/n bend down to her and then ask her.

Y/n: Please Molly. I know your shaking of this but please, do this for your the right thing and help us.

Molly looks over to Y/n and then ask him.

Molly: How can you trust me?

Y/n doesn't say anything and took off his helmet and look at her and guve her a warm smile and said.

Y/n: (smile) Because I know your fighting for freedom and you'll do anything to protect this planet and bring justice to those who have fallen. Don't let any of your friends deaths be forgotten, do this for them.

Molly is surprised by his trust towards her and her heart rush a bit as Y/n stood up and lend out a hand to her. She then take his hand and help her up. Then she hugged him with a smile along with a singal tear while Y/n hugged her back.

Soon the other Squad were inside the Blue Light ad Molly opened a hologram of the Cascade Freedom fighter base and points to the top of the mountain.

Molly: There is a hatch at the top of the mountain that can lead you down and soon you'll be at storage room.

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