Chapter 13: The boys in blue

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We see the blue light fly through the sky heading to it's destination as we see Noble Squad, Sonic and Tails inside the Blue light as Brains pilots the Blue Light with Y/n as he check up on Brains and then head to see the rest. Tails work on some upgrades to R2-J8 while Sonic chats with Rusher and Cleaner as Y/n enters the room and Sonic see him and walks over to him.

Sonic: (smile) So are we close?

Y/n: Almost. We be arriving at Station Square in one minute.

Rusher: By then the 501st will be there and start the fun without us.

Cleaner: (smirk) That's what the 501st are bro.

Tails: I am curious about the 501st Legion. I over heard by some clones that they are the best clone Legion around.

Y/n: (smile) That's right. They're one of the toughest Legion within the grand army of the Republic. It's lead by Captain Rex along with General Skywalker of the Jedi order.

Sonic: Is his actual name Anakin Skywalker?

Y/n: That's right. What I heard General Skywalker is one of the most clever Generals around and rarely lost a fight. He's also the Chosen one that will bring balance to the force.

Sonic: (smirk) Chosen one huh? Sounds cool, I always wanted to be a Chosen one.

Rusher: (smirk) The Chosen one that eats Chili dogs for the rest of your life type of Chosen one?

Sonic: (smirk) That and be the fastest Hedgehog and handsome Hedgehog of all time.

Rusher: (smirk) Keep dreaming that.

Cleaner: I also heard he got a Padawan with him. I believe his Padawan arrived during the battle of Christophsis.

Y/n: Really? Huh. Well that's a fun fact.

Tails: (smile) Still can't wait.

Suddenly the blue light shake follow by some explosions coming from outside as Y/n race over to the cockpit and once there he looks out of the windows and see Station Square with some towers in flames while there is a Republic Venator hovering over the city while gunships fly out of the hanger.

Brains: Looks like they started their attack without us.

Y/n: Looks like it. Find us their base and set her down.

Brains: Already on it bro.

The Blue light flies through Station Square as the battle is seen below with the 501st Legion clone troopers battling against the Separatist.

Soon they reach the Republic outpost as they set down on the landing pad and once down they exit out of the Blue Light and look around to see many Clone trooper with blue markings on their armor as they march around while some stand around either talking to thei brothers or in guard duty.

Soon they reach the Republic outpost as they set down on the landing pad and once down they exit out of the Blue Light and look around to see many Clone trooper with blue markings on their armor as they march around while some stand around either ...

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