Questions and Sickness.

Start from the beginning

"Peeta!" I yell. I look around but I don't see him. Where is he? I need him. "Peeta!"
Clove is the first one to make it to me, and she holds a knife against my throat.
"Where's loverboy?" She asks, the same cackle as always. "Oh I see, he isn't coming to save you—"

I cry out in pain as the knife slits my throat as she plummets to the ground. I feel blood trickling down my neck, and tears begin to stream down my face. I watch as Finnick is the next one to arrive to me, and part of me relaxes, hoping he'll know how to save me.

"Finnick," I breathe helplessly, and I watch as the blood seeps onto the ropes. "Help me."
"You sacrificed my life, Katniss." He says, holding his trident at me. "I never got to meet my son." I watch as tears build in his eyes and then he draws back his weapon. A sigh of relief escapes from me, thinking he'll begin to cut me free, but I find him start to throw the trident as he falls down—just like he had in the sewer. Only this time, the trident meets my stomach with a wrenching impact.

I wake up suddenly and scream. I sit up and look around, trying to catch my breath. I start to feel tears stream down my face as Peeta rubs my back. I grab at my neck and I pull my hands away to see no blood on my hands, and then Peeta soon pulls them away from my neck.

"Katniss, you're strangling yourself." He says quietly. "You're okay, darling. It was a nightmare."
"You didn't save me." I say, in between tears. I gasp as I try and catch my breath, while causes him to wipe the tears on my face with his hands.
"Save you from what, love?" He asks, pulling me into his arms.
"Finnick." I turn into him and I bury my face in his shoulder. He brings me close to him and wraps his arms around me.
"Finnick would never hurt you." He reassures me. "It was just a nightmare."

My breathing is slows down, and my tears eventually stop. I lay there frozen, remembering the impact of the trident against my gut.

"Haymitch is going to kill you for screaming." He says, brushing the hair out of my eyes. I try to laugh, but more tears spill out. "Don't cry, darling." He says softly, and I my lip begins to tremble. "Nobody's going to hurt you, I promise."

All too quickly, I fall into a shallow sleep, to which vivid memories begin to shine in my head. I open my eyes quickly to find that no time has passed. I sigh and stare at a specific spot on the wall until my eyes fall dreary.


I wake up three times after that. Peeta didn't get much sleep, he was too busy calming me down. I feel so guilty, like this is all my fault. Not to mention, I've thrown up every morning for the past week. It's living hell, but I shouldn't complain, because I should be in hell already. Although, I haven't mentioned this to anyone. I don't want to bother them more than I have to.

I'm shaken from my thoughts when there's a knock on my dressing room door, to which I am surprised to see Effie.

"Effie." I smile and walk to greet her. She embraces me with a warm hug and I hug the rest of my prep team.
"Katniss," she exclaims. "You look lovely," I smile softly and she looks me up and down, "but we have to get you ready!"

I laugh quietly and she urges me to a chair that faces a mirror. I notice my sunken cheekbones when Effie speaks up. "They are already on Johanna's interview, so we don't have that much time. Luckily, Haymitch is going before you." That's good news. Atleast I get to see him be miserable for a short while.


I get dressed in a long flowy dress. It's a muted orange, Peeta's favorite color, and it has small flowered design. It's a bit loose on me, but it's not very noticeable.

"Do you like the color?" Octavia asks.
I shrug my shoulders and I look into the mirror. "No I don't really like it." I say.
Effie gives me the dirtiest look and I laugh. "What is so funny about being rude—"  I cut her off.
"It's a joke. I don't like it, I love it, Effie." She rolls her eyes at me and I smile softly. Octavia gives me a content look and turns away.
"I don't find that very hilarious." She scoffs and she finishes my makeup.
I have very neutral makeup on, which I'm happy about, and I have small heels on. Over the years I've learned how to walk in them, but I still hate them with a passion.
"Let's get you to the stage!" Venia shrieks. I laugh as we make our way there. In the elevator, Octavia, Venia, and Flavius awe about Effie's new clothing line. I roll my eyes as they talk about types of dresses I didn't even know exist. I sigh of relief as we step off the elevator and walk to the side of the stage. I spot Peeta and begin to move towards him.

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