You think it really over??

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Ya thought I'd really end it at that? Really??

Well you probably did because I thought I was at first too lol...

But here we are.

Bzzz bzzz!!!

Happy Thanksgiving break all!!

Happy almost turkey day!

I roll out of bed.
And no I didn't just wake up, it's like 1 pm and I'm studying in bed.

I'm a physics major guys..

I know y'all like to hear what I'm wearing so I'll care to share. I'm going to a pre-thanksgiving Friendsgiving potluck at work.

So I gotta look holiday snazzy 🤵🏼

I pull on a white and cranberry colored plaid button down and some khakis with moccasin shoes.
I never really know what to do with my hair because I always wear a hat and that's just not really a look for this lol.
And no, beanies don't work for me..

I kinda just comb it and swoosh the tips to the side? Idk 🤣🤣

I head to the fridge to pull out the brownies I baked last night..


No, I can't lie to you guys.

I bought them from Stop N Shop last night. I can't bake 😭😂

"Yo! Rony! Did you sprinkle in the special sauce?" Melle winks at me.

"I d-ddidnt make these..." I laugh.

"You're so fucking innocent!" Melle laughs.
"You don't have to bake them yourself to add a little magic dust if you catch my drift.."

I narrow my eyes.

"Mmma ma ma Melle! These are for like..old people mostly!"

"MELLE! Stop poorly influencing your brother!!" Mom yells from the other room.

"Oh please! He's the one who conned all those people at Greenstown!"

"Aaaaalright, I'm going to head."

"Don't forget your sister!" Mom yells.

I narrow my eyes at Melle again.
"You coming?"

"She means me.."

I turn around wide eyed.

"Wwwwwait?! Wh-wh-wheeeen did you get here?!" I exclaim as I hug Jasper.

"You knew I was coming!"

"Yyyeah b-but I didn't rrrrealize you were here sss-so soon!"

"Your dad got me from the airport this morning..we kind of wanted to surprise you."

"I'm glad you did.." I smile, also feeling relieved my speech is calming down.

Jasper hugs me and runs her fingers in my hair.

"So we are going to the studio now?"

Rony's Greatest Gig #Wattys2019 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now