the end of the hero

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Dean pov

It was black for a while. I started to get conciseness again. But this time I wasn't tied to a chair. I was in a white room. laying in a white bed. A hospital. I never liked the plane white hospital look. My body felt like crap. I started to get my vision as i opened my eyes. 

I wasn't fully alone. Milly was laying on me. She was asleep hugging my arm. I looked more around it was just Milly who was here right now. But stuff was laying at some chairs. I wasn't sure what to do. So i ended up comforting Milly rubbing her back softly. She suddenly jumped up. I jumped a little not seeing it coming. She looked at me. I wasn't sure what she was gonna do next. 

"DAD!" she yelled going at me hugging me. 

"Mmm" i said groning in pain. She jumped up regretting it immideltly. 

"i-its fine..i am h-happy to see you too" i said softly. I heard someone walk in. I guess Milly made them aware. I took Milly's small hands and held them. It was sam and dad. I didn't look at them. It was dads fault Sam hates me so I don't wanna look at him either. I helped Milly lay on my arm again as that doesnt hurt. It was quiet. Sam went to my side where Milly wasn't. 

"w-why d-didnt you t-tell m-me?" sam asked hurt. I looked at dad so he understood who stopped me. I looked at my hands after. I guessed Sam knows who i am. Sam got mad at dad. Taking out his pain on him. Saying it was so messed up how he was letting him be mean to me. 

i stayed quiet. Sam went out of the room to fight with dad.  I could hear them talking/arguing.  I tried to not think of what Cas may think. what his thoughts were and if he would want me now. I just sat there looking at my hands. time passed and sam walked back in. I looked at him. he sighed sad and came and hugged me. Milly moved so Sam could hug me fully. She sat by my legs.

Sam started apologising saying how much he regrets what he has done to me. 

"its okay. its not your fault..a-and I was apart of the role to not tell you..i-in the start at least. for your safety and c-cas-tiel's" I said. Sam tried not to get to emotional. 

"o-okay but pls don't keep anything from me anymore. i...i w-was s-s-so h-hor-rible to y-you" Sam said some tears escaping his eyes. I looked down as I can't say he wasn't. he really hurt me a lot. and much of it build me up to ending my life as nobody cared about me. at least I didn't have enough people. as dad cared but still I didn't have enough. I needed sam and I needed my best friend cas..

we tried to talk about other stuff. when Milly left with dad to get some food. Sam asked if I remember what happened. 

"no I don't or I remember the torture and most of it but I don't remember anyone finding me. to be honest, I didn't think anyone would..but then again I had the mask on at first. David is right about that nobody would notice me being gone and I would just die there if he hadn't put on the mask on me" I said honest not looking at sam just in front of me. at my legs. 

"I am so sorry D-Dean" Sam said sad. 

"its okay you didn't know. In your eyes I was some criminal who didn't care about his brother or daughter o-or b-boyfriend.." I said boyfriend purposely not looking at Sam. 

"me and Cas watched the live stream we tried with the cops to find you as fast as possible" Sam said. 

"just because I had the mask on?" I asked looking straight at him. He looked at me sad. 

"yeah b-but when we found out it was more personal and me and Cas just wanted you to be okay and safe" Sam said caringly. 

"yeah sorry..but where is Cas if he cared?" I asked I got the guts to ask it now. he looked down. 

"he is taking some time off as.." Sam said knowing I didn't know. 

"b-because he shoot David, killing him" Sam said not sure what I would think. 

"h-he killed David?" I asked shocked to find out David is dead. 

"yeah he-D-David took his knife around your throat wanting to take you with him to die. But Cas understood it before it was too late and shoot David. saving you. I think he is still dealing with what he did..k-killing someone" Sam said. I looked down at my hands. 

" you think he would wanna see me?" I asked not sure if I even had a little chance still in my relationship with him. 

"I don't know. I can ask him for you" Sam said caring he got up and left. Milly came back and distracted me while I waited to see if he would come. I tried to not get my hopes up. but I know what it means if David is dead I can stop living the life I didn't want. I can at least have my daughter. maybe not all the things I want..and need but I..I c-can survive that I think.

Some hours passed

It was getting later. Milly and dad had left as I wanted Milly to get a good night of sleep. I told her I will be fine alone. but to be honest it was scary and lonely. I was laying on the bed on my phone to distract myself when the door opened Sam walked in first but Cas came after. he looked at me and then down. sam told Cas to get him if he needs him. he left us two alone in the room. I looked over at him. 

"h-hi" i said. he looked up at me. tears started to fill his eyes. 

"i...." he said looking down. 

"i-i a-am s-s-so s-sr-ry" Cas said tears starting to fall. It broke my heart. 

"Cas..pls don't cry. You gonna make me cry" I said caring and worried. 

"come to me" I said sitting up in my bed. carefully. 

"Cas.. it's not your fault I told Sam the same. You didn't know. i-its okay" I said hoping he would stop crying but I seemed to have made it worse. 

"o-omg p-pls s-stop" I said concerned starting to tear up too.

"i- a-am s-so s-s-sor-ry" he said again. 

"Cas pls stop saying it. I know you are sorry. but I am not mad and I don't wanna hear it as it just reminds me of what we lost. b-but now i am free from it and can live my life.." I said. 

"I just have one question..w-would y-you wanna g-give me another c-chance?" I asked waiting for what felt like forever but wasn't. he nodded. 

"O-of course" Cas said rubbing his tears. I took my arms out. Cas laid down with me. "Sam told me you saved my life. Thank you for that" I said softly kissing the top of his head. He stayed with me for the whole night. We spent the next weeks together and it just kept going. I felt happy for ones and it didn't feel like it was gonna vanish any moment soon. 

I found a home with Cas and Milly moved in. sam came over each day to see Milly most but also me and Cas. I applied for a cop job and got it. I started working beside Cas. I love my life now. I am so happy my life didn't end that day or any of the days I put my life on the line for others. I still do it at work sometimes but at least now people thank me. not like I need it but it makes me feel like I am worth something. 

Thank you so much for reading❤️

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