new person

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Dean pov

*Some weeks from when Sam forgot about me.*

Someone nocked on the door. Sam was in the house and opened the door. A lady stood there and a another one some away close to a car.

"hi how can i help you?" Sam asked confused.

"i am from child service. Are you Dean Winchester?" the lady asked.

"No.. i am his brother" Sam said confused.

"he has a daugheter who doesnt have her mother anymore so she have been put to Dean Winchester her father. She needs a home if he doesnt take her she will be put in the forster care system" she said calmly.

"i.. i dont think he knows he has a daughter. She can come in. I dont know where my brother is now but i can take care of her" Sam said softly. They went and got her and Sam let her in. Her mom had passed away. Sam spent some time with her. They left after Sam signed some papers he said he was better and more stable than me. He told her about me. It wasn't much good. He said he would be there for her so her life would be okay. She is 8.

I came home after a long day of saving some people from a bank robbery. It took a while. I hoped nobody was home because I had a cut on my lip and a little purple on my eyebrow. I walked in I heard Sam talking. Shit I am not sure what to do. I looked like I was in a fight. Because i had been of course. Sam heard me. I turned to walk out.

"Dean" Sam said annoyed seeing me trying to run away. Fuck. I knew he would think i got it from being irresponsible.

"are you really trying to get away??" Sam asked upset. I took a deep breath and turned and looked at him. He looked immediately at my face at the bruises. He raised an eyebrow.

"what is it?" I responded.

"you are not gonna say what happened? Oh I forgot you don't say shit. Someone came at the door saying you have a daughter. I told them how unfit you are so I will be taking care of her" Sam said. I was so confused. And stunned. I knew I had dated girls but that i had a daughter is the next lvl of craziness. Sam walked away.

I heard him talk to a girl. She was drawing. I went around the corner. I could see who the mother was just by seeing her. She looks so much like her mom. Her age added up. I went over. Sam looked at me judge showing he didn't want me there. But I wanna get to know her and be in her life. She looked at me. She tilted her head seeing my cut lip and purple bruise over my eyebrow. She gave me a concerned look. I looked at Sam wanting him to give me some space.

"pls" I said begging him. He sighed upset and left knowing she should have the option to get to know her dad.

"h-hi" I said softly.

"hi what happened to you?" she asked. I thought about what will i say.

"I got hurt while helping someone. But I am okay and they are. But..but you cant tell anyone. Its my secret and now it became yours too" I said softly smiling softly and playfully taking my hand in fist and taking in carefully on her arm. She smiled and laughed a little. It made me smile in a genuine way.

"what you drawing?" I asked softly. She looked back at her drawing. She turned it to show me. Sam walked in. She showed me what it was. I looked at her. She looked happy. She didn't seem scared of me. She went closer to me.

"I think it looks beautiful. You know I can draw" i said softly. She smiled

"mom said i probably got it from my dad. Because she said she isn't good at it" she said softly.

"your mom didn't tell me about you. If i knew i would have been there" i said caringly looking at her. She looked at me, and went in me hugging me. I hugged her back.

"i am glad i am here. I was scared. I didn't wanna come to some people who wouldn't love me. I miss my mom" she said sad.

"i am so sorry" i said sad.

"I just wanna be safe" she said sad closing her eyes enjoying me hugging her keeping her safe.

"i will do my best" I said softly. Sam was glad i was treating her right. But he was scared she would get hurt by my recklessness. She fell asleep in my arms. I took her up. She didn't have a bed. So I put her in the sofa and stayed there for the whole night. She woke up the next day. She smiled softly seeing me sleeping beside her and holding her. 

I felt safe with her like i forgot about my problems for a moment. I snored. She laughed keeping it in trying not to wake me. She thought i was cute. She got up and drew some while i was asleep. Sam came and didn't care to be quiet for me. He woke me up by smashing shut the door. Emilie looked at me. I was breathing a little fast. I flinched when i came up. I had gotten hit in my ribs. Emilie came to me.

"are you okay dad?" she asked softly. I laid down while looking at her. I took a deep breath.

"y-yeah" I said softly. Smiling a little at her calling me dad. She hugged me softly. We ate after. I followed her to her new school. I watched her go. Thoughts were going all over my head. I need to take down David. I can't let him find out I have a daughter. And the other i need to stop my job. I cant deal with this anymore. I went home. I looked at my phone. I was thinking should i try to get Cas back. What will my dad think when I say I can't do this job? I will work to i get David out of the streets. After that i just can't do it anymore. I went down to the 3 floor and did some work looking at cameras to find David. I kept thinking about Cas.

*Some days later*

I had spent time with Milly its her nickname. She likes it. It was my idea. I had another fight with Sam. About me not coming for Milly's birthday. I had tried hard to get there in time. He told me i wasn't allowed to see her because I hurt her so much. But because I didn't listen I went to her room. She looked asleep. She turned hearing someone come in.

"dad?" she asked sitting up.

"i am really sorry" I said tears filling my eyes. I didn't wanna fuck this up too.

"it's okay dad" she said softly. She hugged me. I hugged her back.

"it's okay" she said softly again. I tried not to cry. I put her to bed after. I kissed her forehead good night. I stayed until she had fallen asleep. I went to my room after. It had been a long day so i went to sleep.

*Next day*

Cas asked me out or not really that. He asked if we could talk. I meet him at a restaurant.

"hi" i said softly he told me to sit. I looked down and did as he said.

"Sam said you didn't come to your daughter's birthday. You really gonna fuck it up there too?" Cas asked. I looked at him.

"n-no" I said stunned by how harsh he was. He sighed seeing the sadness all over my face.

"you need to try harder. For her. She deserves her dad there. And your brother deserved his brother there" Cas said.

"i-is that why you came here?" I asked sad.

"some of it. I wanted to talk about us. I don't want you to try and get back to me. It hurt me a lot while being with you. I don't want that for anyone. So its fully over don't try" Cas said upset going up leaving.

The words stabbed into me. The words hurt so bad.

"Cas pls" i said sad going up after him. But he showed my hand away. My heart broke. I watched him leave. I came home. I avoided people. Just went to say good night and hi to Milly. 

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