The reveal

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Dean pov

I missed Sam invitation for eating at a restaurant with Milly. He said it was my last time. As it was like a second birthday for Milly for me to be at. But i wasnt able to. As of course something happened. It broke my heart that i couldnt be there. I know Milly wont hate me but the rest do. And it wouldn't surprise me if it rubbed on Milly eventually.

Its passed a week and Sam had taken Milly away from me not letting me see her. They were fully committed to not let me see her. I felt miserable. Now i didnt see much happiness after i would catch david. i have tried to talk to sam but he just throws me off. This kept on for weeks. The depression i have was fully starting to affect me.

I was more and more in the third floor just to be alone and feel the darkness come closer and closer to me. I was thinking if i will just end my life after David is in jail. Its no point in trying to fix all of this when nobody wants to listen or give me some kind of chance.

I went out driving. I drove to a place i know nobody says at and just sat there looking at my phone in silence. I went out of the car at one point to get some fresh air. I was walking a little walk. Suddenly i felt a sharp pain in my head and fell forward. I felt myself get hit in the face. My eyes went up and everything went black.

It was black for a while. Maybe hours. I was gone for a while already but nobody had wondered if i was okay. As they dont care.

I woke up in a dark room. I was tied to a chair. I guess the person in there saw i woke up and turned on a light right in my face. I pinched my eyes for a little while as it was all white by the light. When my vision got used to it..

I saw David. he was smiling. "hi Dean" he said smiling. He then started to get things ready. To what it seemed like torture me. I guess he wants to end me. Or just make me suffer. Or both. I dont know. He put a video camera in front of me. And did some stuff on a pc. Maybe he was filming it for his own pleasure later or to show people i care about. But the problem is that i am the only one who cares about them. At least with sam and Cas. Milly maybe loves me still i don't know..

He went away for a while and got the mask i normally use. And put it on me. He had an evil smile on his face.

My head hurt from the punches he had taken to my head. He did some more stuff on the camera and pc. "so Dean we are going live so everyone can see you" he said with a smile. "now we are going live" he said hitting a button.

He then came to me. He took his hand through my hair and held my head up. He started to talk. "hi everyone. I guess you all know who this is. I am here to tell you all who is behind the mask. But of course, i can't just do it right away" he said. I knew this would be a long painful road to death. I am sure he will kill me in the end as then he can have fun watching it and also causing people pain. I think he knows its no reason to keep me alive. As i will just kill myself.

He took a knife. I looked at him taking a deep breath. "here it comes" David said. He made a cut on my face. He after that punched me in the face. He kpt hitting me diffrent places. Some in the stomach. He then stopped to talk some more while i was suffocating trying to get my breath back.

"you all probably think he has life together. And that his family loves him. But that is so so far from the truth" he said with a smile on his face. I cant care enough to speak i just let him talk and beat me up.

"if he didn't have the mask on nobody would be trying to find him. His family probably haven't even noticed he is gone" David said.

While David was ranting about me and how nobody cares about me. The cops were trying to find out where i was. And David was right it was just so into finding me because they know i am the hero. If it was just normal me nobody would care. It's the reality.

Cas and sam was there helping.

Daivd kept talking and then suddenly pushed a knife in my stomach. Fuck i didnt see it coming. I stopped breathing for some seconds. I took a wheeze when i tried to breathe. He then started to twist the knife while it was in me. I clinched the chair arm handles. I groaned load in pian and half screamed as he kept going. It hurt like hell. I stopped screaming as i didn't have air for it. Tears went down my face. They started to shut. He took the knife out. He talked to the camera while i came back to conciseness. I wished i would have just died there but i didnt. Unfortunately.

While this was going on Cas and Sam was getting closer at finding me. They were in a car driving to the location they thought i was at. Or the hero. Sam had his pc on his lap watching the live stream while Cas was driving.

"here is the reveal" he said seeing I was dying and would probably die soon so he wanted to do the revile. He took my mask off and punched me in the stomach. I groaned and some blood came out of my mouth. He laughed. I caught some to get some out.

Sam was watching the live. He just stared at it when he saw the revile. David grabbed my hair again and took my head up. So everyone could see. I looked at the camera a little but stopped eventually as i didn't have any hope to be saved. Sam eventually got Cas to look. They were both stunned and not sure what to say. They just kept driving.

David hit me again in the stomach and blood came up. I caught trying to breathe. I let my head stay down. Blood droping from my mouth. He hit me some more times. I just groaned. Tears going down but not in a crying way. I have already cried out how i hate my life. He was just slowly taking away the pain i hate the most. The mental pain in my heart from my family and lover not loving me.

My stomach was soaked in blood. My head was pounding. Blood was dripping out of my mouth. My heart and breathing was slowing more and more down. He of course hit me more times but just got less of response each time that passed. He let me sit there bleeding on camera. david just watched me slowly die and take my last breath. I was about to fully give up when i heard a loud song and yelling. I stayed still tho. I didn't have much energy to look around. David went fast with a knife. Taking it around my throat. "if you come closer i will cut his throat" David said. He pushed it closer to my throat starting to cut it. I stopped breathing so i won't accidentally make him cut my throat. 

"David put the knife down" Cas said mad. 

"why would I do that?" David asked. I looked at Cas a little but decided for my own good to not look at them. 

David moved the knife to cut my throat but I heard loud gunshots instead. I felt the knife fall away from my throat. I heard David fall. I know he wanted to kill me if he would die. That was his plan I knew it but he failed as Cas didn't wait. I took a shaking breath in relive. But I am not sure what I am reviled about. My adrenaline was slowly fading away. And my vision went slowly black. That's the last thing i remember.  

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