the injury

22 1 0

Sam's pov

I tried to find something for Deans birthday. He had been a lot more there. He had been late on some stuff. He apologised a lot. We said it was okay seeing he felt really bad. It was his work. We asked what it was but he said he couldn't tell us. I didn't like it but he was more honest actually telling us that he wanted to tell us but wasn't allowed. It made it a lot better that he was so honest.

I found a cute dog I thought Dean would love. It was an collie. I went back through the woods to go home with her. She is one year old. So I had her on a leach. She was so happy to get a family. I wanted to adopt a dog knowing Dean would love her.

I was suddenly nocked hard in the head. I blacked out. I fell to the ground someone had hit me with a stone. He came over and saw the poor dog who was scared. She didn't have a name yet. I wanted to let my brother name her. I was bleeding from my head. He took the dog with him and took me. I was what he came for. He took me more in to the woods.

He tied me to a chair. He tied the dog to the tree. He hit the dog. I started to wake and he went to me. I was bleeding from the back of my head.

Jess had called Dean worried about me not answering her calls. Dean said he hadn't seen me. Jess said I was supposed to surprise him. Dean went out looking for me. Jess couldn't go because of work. Dean tried to comfort her and said not to worry to he wouldn't find me close to the house. Dean went in to the woods.

The guy who kidnapped me had a mask on so i couldn't see who it was. He punched me in the face. My nose started to bleed. He laughed. And went to his phone. I looked at the poor dog.

"Why would you hurt her?" I asked feeling like that was more cruel then hurting me. Because she was cute and adorable how could someone have the heart to hit a dog.

"why not she wouldn't listen I think she knew you weren't okay. So I hit her maybe she is dead I don't know or care" he said. I felt like I have heard his voice before. He took his phone up.

"nah" he said having on the camera. He went to me and punched me again. My nose started to bleed more. He punched me in the face again this time on the cheek bone. He then took a photo. I had my eyes close blood dropping out of my mouth. I had cut my tong when flinching.

"perfect" he said and texted Dean saying to come with money or he would kill me. He knew who Dean was. Dean went back and got the money and meet up where he was told. He came in to my view. I heard him and looked over towards him. Blood down my mouth and from my nose. My right cheek bone purple. The guy had left. Dean ran to me worried.

"he did this to you?" Dean asked worried. I nodded weakly. He cut me free. I was worried the guy would come back. I was right. I suddenly heard a gun shoot. i closed my eyes as blood splatted on me and opened them again after. Deans body fell down. I was frozen in shock. He was shoot in the head. He had fortunately missed what would have killed him. But he was nocked out cold.

"I told him to listen" he said. Dean's unconscious body liad on me. I thought he was dead. Tears started to appear in my eyes. He started to laugh seeing me. I was in shock. The thought of Dean being dead kept coming up in my head. Someone heard the gun shoot and called the police. Jess saw it and came with the cops Cas did too. Not at all ready for what had happened.

"it felt so good to actually kill him after all the back and forth. I thought I would kill you in front of him, but i guess I was wrong" he said laughing. Deans head was laying on my shoulder. I didn't have any power to move. I was frozen in shock. Just saw my brother care for me some seconds ago and get murdered right in front of me. Tears came as I started to come back to reality. They started to go down my face. He laughed but then the cops came.

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