i love my brother

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Dean pov

Sam was mad I left Cas. I guess Cas didn't say he chose it. I guess that's how my life is. I have gotten used to getting hated. I was in my room. 

It was on the news that David had run from prison. I knew I wasn't a good thing. It worried me a lot.

Sams pov

I was walking home from work. I was texting with jess about Dean. I was suddenly dragged in to an alley. I was confused when I was hit in the head. I hit the ground hard. He went on me taking some fabric over my mouth. He had put chloroform on it. I tried to fight but I slowly lost my consciousness as my eyes went back everything went black.

He took me some away from where he captured me. He sat down and looked at me to I woke up. I jumped scared. He smiled. I could see who it was now. It was David. It scared me a lot. Knowing he was capable of so many horrible things.

I got up trying to run away. He fired at me. At my leg. I fell down. I screamed a little in agony. He went up to me. He was smiling. It was sick and creepy. He pulled me down to the ground.

"It's nice to see you again" David said. I tried to move away. He held me down strongly. He was stronger than me.

"Do you think anyone will save you? I am kinda hoping the hero will come in. Maybe I can make you and him suffer" David said laughing. He punched me in the face. He then took his hands tight around my throat. Choking me. I put my hand on his arm. I tried to fight but I got weak fast and wasn't able to do anything. Some tears went down my face. I like my life I don't wanna lose it. Or I like the part with Jess and Cas. I felt myself go more and more numb. I felt my life slowly fade away. My eyes started to close. They eventually did and I stopped breathing.

Dean pov

I heard some cops on the radio saying someone had heard a shooting at the forest. I went to the location. I found Sam. I froze. Sam was laying there not moving. Looking dead.. I felt my heart skip a beat. David smiled at me. In a psychopathic way.

"this is what happens. He is dead. You lost him. You couldn't save him" david said smiling. I came back to realisation and went towards him, not at all staling on my decision to go at David. David went backward showing he was scared of me to an extent.

I punched him hard in the face. I kicked him over and over some tears filling my eyes of thinking about Sam. Taking my anger out of David. I hate him. I kicked him to he stopped moving. I went fast to Sam.

"S-Sam.." I said tearing up more it was starting to go down my face. I took my hands together ready to do cpr. I started and pushed down on his chest he flinched and his eyes opened and a wheeze came. I felt the light come back. I took a deep shaking breath in relief. I took him on his side.

David sighed. Sam coughed. I rubbed his back. He didn't know who was helping him, but he did appreciate it. When I felt like he would be okay.

I got up and went and punched David again. But this time he kicked back taking over, and punching me in the face.

Sam saw it was the hero and went to help me. He took his arm around David neck taking him up making him let go of me. David kicked Sam in the leg he had been shoot in. He flinched in pain, going backward screaming a little in pain. I felt my heart hurt. David punched Sam hard in the face. He fell and hit the ground. I kicked David and he fell. David laughed. The laughter just screamed of a creepyness.

"it's fun fighting you two. Was fun to almost kill you Dean. Oh shit Sam doesn't know" David said laughing evilly. I got up and punched him in the face. It was like David just loved playing around.

Sam heard it and was still not sure what to say. I was fighting David when he kicked me. He went away. I fell to the ground. Sam went to me. He looked at me. I looked at him. it was quiet.

He realised it was me. His eyes filled with tears. My heart broke.

David aimed at Sam seeing the opportunity to traumatise me. I heard it and went in front of Sam. The bullet went into my back. I fell on Sam. He was in shock hearing the gunfire. A second one came. He shoot closer to my chest he missed my heart by some few inches. I had on a bullet Prof West it made the bullets go slower in.

"i came to kill Sam but guess this is fine too. Guess I won't have you as enemy anymore" David said laughing he went away and left. I was on top of Sam. I was breathing slow. He took me off him. I looked at him helplessly wanting help. I thought for a second he was gonna leave me. But he went to me taking off his jacket. I looked at him helping me. It warmed my heart. He took off my clothes.

"You have bullet proof West on?" Sam asked looking at me.

"I.. I d-dont t-think i-it w-work-ked w-wel-l" I said weak. His eyes went to worried again and took it off me. It hadn't gone through to my front side so he turned me carefully on my chest with my back up. He tied his jacket around me tight. I groaned in pain.

"a-are you okay with going to the hospital?" Sam asked worried.

"y-yeah" I said weak. Sam turned me and took me up carefully. He carried me to the hospital. I passed out in his arms. I went off to surgery when we came there. Sam stayed before and after dad came. He didn't know Sam knew. Sam didn't say anything.

some hours later.

I had woken up. He went up to me and hugged me tight.

"you scared me" Sam said sad.

"I am sorry" I said rubbing his back carefully and barely because I was still felt like shit.

"I am r-really s-sorry" Sam said starting to tear up remembering he had treated me like shit. He let go of the hug and sat down.

"Sam it's okay you didn't know" I said caring taking my hand on his. Dad looked at me for answers.

"he knows" I said a little nervous for what dad would do. I hoped he would leave it and let Sam know but dad didn't want that. He went home and got some stuff that would make Sam forget the whole day. Sam looked at me scared and sad not wanting to forget. He didn't wanna hurt me more. He started to tear up more when dad came. I told him to give us some time. Sam cried saying he didn't wanna forget. I tried my best to comfort him.

I changed the stuff in the syringe. So it would just make him pass out. Sam didn't know tho. I didnt get time to tell him. Dad came back. I begged Dad not to do it. Sam was crying. It broke my heart.

"d-dad p-pls" Sam said crying.

"it's better that you don't know" dad said caring holding him still. Sam tried to fight. He was crying. I took my hand on his to tried calm him down. Dad put the needle in. Sam flinched as it went in. He pressed it and the liquid went into Sam. Sam cried more. I took my arms out and hugged him softly. He cried into me.

"It's better this way" dad said. Sam cried to he was totally out. Some hours passed. He slowly woke up. He first laid there when he realised he remembered he jumped up looking at me in disbelive.

"Are you okay? I changed it. I don't want you to get forced to do something you don't want" i said caring. Sam cried again and went back to hugging me.

"I was s-so s-scared" Sam said sad. I rubbed his back softly.

"just remembered you can't tell anyone" I said caring.

"b-but c-cas" Sam said sad.

"it's better this way. He deserves someone better. Who can be there for him" I said trying to hide the sadness. I comforted him. He pretend later not to know when dad was around. It stayed like that to some days later when dad had found out and did it again. It made me really mad he did it anyways of Sam crying and begging him not to do it. Sam started to hate me again and it went all back to normal. 

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