feelings are getting brought back

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Deans pov

Cas said he would stay with me. I am nervous. I knew my feelings would come back and hurt a lot. I know he doesn't like me.

The first day of Cas taking care of me. He came in at 10 am with breakfast. He was so nice and kind to me. It hurt a lot. I started to try to distance myself from him. He was confused and sad about it. He left me more alone. I didn't say I was hungry. Or that I was in pain and needed painkillers. I didn't wanna seem weak. i just stayed in my room in silence sometimes crying.

Cas accidentally heard me crying one time. He was outside the door. He closed his eyes while his heart broke. He opened the door a little seeing me curled up crying. he walked in and closed the door carefully. He went up to me. I didn't hear him. He sat down on the bed and rubbed his hand on my arm. I tensed realising he had just heard me cry.

Cas pov

"It's okay Dean I don't want you to be alone" I said caring.

"do you want a hug?" I asked softly. He didn't answer I helped him turn around. I hugged him softly in bed. I didn't do it too tight so I wouldn't hurt him. My heart warmed when he took his arms around me too. I rubbed his back softly and drew on his back. Deans head was on my chest. I put my head on top of his. I could smell Deans smell. He didn't move away. It was like he wanted it. It made me feel better. I really like him seeing he liked me back meant a lot. Dean felt really safe and fell asleep in my arms.

I stayed with him to I needed to leave to work. I didn't wanna scare him when he would wake up alone. I wrote a note saying I would be back after work at 6 pm. I kissed his forehead suddenly his arms went up trying to take me back with him in bed. I laughed my cheeks going red. He is so cute. He was asleep. I kissed his forehead again.

"I need to go Dean" I said softly and took the blanket softly on him. He smiled softly and calmed down and I left after.

Some hours later

Deans pov

I woke up seeing Cas was gone. My chest got tighter. I missed him. M-maybe I was dreaming.. tears came to my eyes. I then saw a paper and went fast to look at it some hope still in me.

It said "I needed to leave for work. See you later💗Cas" I felt relived. My heart melted by the heart he drew. I got up slowly and took with me the paper. I went down and ate some food. I didn't need Cas to help me but I love getting his help. Cas got a brake at lunch. He came in. I was in the kitchen drinking some water.

"I thought you couldn't get up?" Cas said seeing me up laughing a little. I choked on the water seeing him come back. it caught me off guard

"You okay?" he asked caring when I kept coughing. He patted my back. I eventually got my breathing back to normal.

"You should still rest" Cas said taking the glass and taking me back to the elevator.

"I am bored" I said sad.

"watch some tv but don't walk around okay?" Cas said helping me to the sofa. I smiled happily I won. He rolled his eyes smiling. I was smiling. He sat down beside me. I took my head on his arm kinda as a test to see what he would do. He took his arm around me.

"I never thought you liked me?" Cas said softly. I had turned the tv on.

"You like me?" I asked softly.

"of course why else would I kiss your forehead. And you tried to take me back to bed in your sleep after I kissed your forehead" Cas said softly. My cheeks went red. He laughed. His laughter is so beautiful.

"Yeah I r-really like you" cas said softly and kissed the top of my head. I hugged him softly.

"I lo.." I started but realised what I was doing and stopped myself.

"you love me?" Cas asked. I nodded nervously.

"wow I never thought you did even that I.. I love you too Deano" Cas said softly. He laid down in the sofa with me. I blushed by the nickname. He was supposed to go to work but he didn't wanna leave me so he took the rest of the day off. We cuddled hugging each other the whole day. I felt so much better. Throughout the whole week, we were together. I loved it. I didn't want it to end.

When Sam and dad came, Cas went with Sam and I was alone again. I didn't think he would come back but I was wrong. He came later after Sam came home and went to me and kissed my forehead and tucked me in to sleep. It made me feel better. I love him so much. He stayed to I fell asleep. He left after and talked with Sam some more about our relationship.

Sam told dad so he could tell me he loved me still, because Sam didn't want anything to hurt me. He felt bad for me when Cas said I cried alone before he found me. He was really sweet to me. I told him I was sorry for scaring him. He said it was okay. I felt better knowing he cared about me.

I fell asleep one night my head on his arm after watching movies. I felt so happy. I didn't want it to end. 

But of course it did when my dad said I need to start working again. David was watched secretly. He was suspended for shooting me and almost killing me. Sam didn't say that I was threatening. He said I talked calmly and softly to him not wanting to scare him. They were trying to find out how my fingerprints was found on the gun. It had more fingerprints on another guy but they didn't know who. I was out back to work. I texted Cas a lot. 

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