39. Essos

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'It like she doesn't even care that taking Tyrion puts her daughters in danger!' Everly shouted as she paced the room.

'Maybe she doesn't.' Ned told her.

'She doesn't think, her actions have consequences for others not just her. You and the girls are in the fucking lions den and she is yanking on their tails.' Everly told him.

'I'm not worried about me, I'm worried about you and the girls.' Ned told him as he wrapped her up in his arms.

'What's going to happen?' Everly whispered into him.

'I don't know... I have to speak to Robert.' Ned told her. "How is Arya?"

"All cleaned up.' Everly told him. 'Snug like a bug in a rug, tucked in bed. still a little worried about the fat man and a savage though. Do you know what she was on about?'

"I do.' Ned said slowly.

'Ned?' Everly questioned as they sat down he pulled her legs over his as he let out a long sigh.

'I found Robert's bastard son.'

"I'm sure he has many.' Everly reminded him.

'He is older than Joffrey.' Ned told her.

'But an unknown bastard why is that dangerous?" Everly questioned she still didn't understand.

'If Joffrey is not his son.' Ned told her.

'What?' Ned reached behind them and pulled out the book the maester had given him.

'The answer is in here.'

'That is what Lord Arryn was looking at?" Everly pondered running her fingers along the cover, leather and worn with age.


"Ned, value your head.' Everly begged. 'Lord Arryn died, I cant lose you. The girls cant lose you.' Everly begged.


'Ms Everly.' Varys said coming up behind her. Everly spun around.

'Go on with your septa,' everly instructed. 'I will find you later.' Sansa nodded heading off. 'Lord varys how can I help you?'

'Oh no my dear I was wanting to speak with you.' Varys told her

'About?' She pondered

'You, of course.' Everly stared at him. 'Please have a drink with me. Get to know each other. Im not flirting.' varys assured when everly hesitated just intrigued.

'Well... alright I suppose, the girls are at their lessons.' So everly followed varys to the gardens.

'So where are you from everly. I sense a bit of an accent. Essos perhaps?' Varys mused

'Thats right you have a good ear,' varys smiled happily. 'I was in pentos and myr and volantis before I crossed the sea and made my way to westeros.'

'How old were you?' Varys went on

'I was young i moved here when I was maybe ten and two.' Everly told him

'Any family?'

'The starks are my family.' Everly corrected

'Of course but any blood?'

Jon. Everly thought and it made her sad to think if him so far away at the wall. She looked to varys and he saw the pain in her eyes

'I'm sorry my dear how rude of me.' Varys told her.

'It's bitter sweet to think of family.' Everly told him

'You were lucky to have found lord stark,' varys said bringing his glass to his lips and everly knew it was a trap

'I didn't.' Everly corrected. 'He found me. The woman he was seeing was giving birth-'

'Jon snow.' varys recalled and everly nodded

'She died in childbirth. I was her handmaiden. Lord stark took pity on the child asked if I could raise him.' Varys nodded slowly pondering her words. 'I have grown quite attached to all lord starks children. They are wonderful.'

'The girls seem so lovely.' Varys told her and a smile pulled at her lips. 'So you have been with lord stark and his family for...'

'Almost 18 years now.' Everly told him

'Well that is a special bond.' Varys told her. 'Most lords and ladies go through people like us rather quickly'

'People like us?' Everly asked

'Yes. Lower born. Our names mean nothing we might sit and eat with them but we will never be one of them. We are replaceable.' varys told her. Everly knew her name meant very little but ned had wanted to marry her he loved her. She would not have been no one. She would have been someone to everyone. But being Neds everything was good enough for her.

'You are right.' Everly agreed offering him a soft smile. 'But I'm glad of the life I have and the friendships I have made with the starks. They are good and honorable people. If not for lord stark I would have died the day jon was born. I know it. So I take every day as a blessing.'

'What a lovey way to think of things.' Varys told her

'This was nice,' everly said standing up 'but I must check on the girls.'

'Of course of course.' varys said rising as well. 'Please let me know if you need anything, he said clutching her hand. 'Westeros is made brighter with your presence.'

'Oh I'm sure you say that to all the girls,' everly mused as she headed back inside. Varys watched her curiously as she went.

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