26. Run

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Sansa was terrified. They were on their way to Kings Landing, stopping on the kings road for the night as everyone made camp and all of the knights were horrifying beasts she stumbled backwards running into Sandor. She stared up at him taking nervous steps back away from him, her eyes wide her lip quivered.

'Do I frighten you so much girl?' sandor questioned she didn't answer, 'or is it him that's making a shake? He frightens me to look at that face.' Sandor teased.

'Sansa my dear, I see you met Sandor.' Everly said and Sansa cowered behind Everly.

'I'm sorry if I offended you sir.' Sansa said sheepishly he only stated at her, a deep frown on his face as he walked past them. 'Why won't he speak to me?' Sansa questioned sandor. Everly turned to see the man in question.

'He hasn't been talkative the last 20 years since the mad king had his tongue cut out.' Sandor informed her his gaze drifting to Everly a protective hold around sansa.

'He speaks well with his sword though.' Joffrey remarked and sansa smiled turning to him pulling away from everly and towards the Prince, 'serving the kings justice... he is the royal executioner.' he clarified 'what is it my sweet girl? Does the hound frighten you?' Joffrey asked, concern in his voice. 'Away with your dog you're scaring my lady.' Sandor tipped his head leaving.

'Sansa?" Everly questioned.

"I'm fine, thank you Ms. Everly.' Sansa assured following Joffrey off.

'Ms Everly.' Sandor repeated and she turned to him. 'Not Septa Everly.' He remarked.

'I am not a septa.' Everly confirmed.

'But you teach them, turn them into little lords and ladies.' Sandor told her.

"I make sure they are loved and cared for, well fed and well rested, I tell them stories and sing songs, septas yell usually and make the children mad. I try and keep smiles on their faces.' Everly corrected. 'Lovely talking to you Sandor.' Everly said heading off.

Arya was sparing with one of the children, Mych by the river. Practicing with wooden swords.

'I probably shouldn't have any more,' Sansa said as Joffrey offered her a jug of ale. 'Father only lets us have one cup at feasts, Ms Everly says it makes your head feel funny if you drink to much and you should always have a clear head especially when you are traveling.'

'My princess can have as much as she wants, who cares what they say.' Joffrey said kindly and Sansa took it, taking another hesitant sip. They heard the sounds of grunts and wood clashing and sansa's face was one of panic. 'Don't' worry, you are safe with me.' Joffrey assured heading off to see the commotion.

"Arya!' Sansa declared pulling her attention away from Mych and he got her in the arm. Arya whipped her head around at Mych clutching at her arm.

'What are you doing here? Go away!' Arya demanded. Josie heard the shouting and came running.

"Your sister...' Joffrey remarked. "And who are you?'

"Mych my lord.' He answered politely.

'He's the butchers boy.' Sansa said with distaste.

'He's my friend!' Arya corrected.

'Butcher's boy who wants to be a knight.' Joffrey remarked. 'Pick up your sword butchers boy lets see how good you are!' Joffrey challenged drawing a real blade from his belt.

'She asked me to me lord. She asked me to.' Mych said nervously.

'I am not your lord I'm a prince,' Joffrey sneered. 'and I said pick up your sword.'

'It's not a sword my prince it's only a stick.' Mych remarked.

'and you are not a knight.' Joffrey remarked, 'only a butchers boy. That was my lady's sister you were hitting, did you know that?' He raised his blade to Mych's cheek.

'Stop it!" Arya demanded.

'Arya stay out of it.' Sansa demanded.

'I won't hurt him...much. ' Joffrey drew his blade down mychs cheek, Arya wacked Joffrey from behind and he spun around as mych ran. 'YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Joffrey spat swinging at arya as she ducked and ran.

'Stop it the both of you, you are spoiling everything!" Sansa declared. Joffrey got arya on her back and Josie ran forward.

'I will gut you, you little cunt!' Joffrey screamed his blade pointed at her face but Nymeria came running up. She lunged at Joffrey latching onto his arm, he screamed in pain and Josie pulled at Nyneria.

"ARYA!" Sansa yelled.

"NYMERIA!" Arya tried to her get wolf under control but she keep ripping at his arm.

"NYMERIA!' Everly demanded and Arya's wolf took a step back Joffrey lay on the ground his arm bloody. 'Sit,' Everly said but she stared at Joffrey ready for more. 'SIT!' she demanded her butt dropped to the ground. Arya grabbed joffreys sword pointing it at him as Joffrey blubbered.

"No, no please no.' Joffrey cried.

'Arya leave him alone.' Sansa demanded and arya took the blade throwing it in the river.

'Come on.' Everly demanded she pulled Arya away their wolves followed. 'What were you thinking?" Everly questioned dropping to her knees in front of Arya.

'My prince my poor prince, you stay here I will go back to the inn and get help.' Sansa said sweetly.

'THEN GO!' Joffrey spat. 'Don't touch me.'

Guards were out looking for Arya, and Nymeria, Cersei was out for blood, her baby had been attacked and there would be hell to pay.

'Everly I'm so sorry.' Arya sobbed.

'What happened?' Everly coed holding her close.

'Everly don't let them kill me.' Arya begged.

'They wont kill you, I wont let them but Arya, they are going to kill Nymeria, and lady too.' Everly told her as she moved out into the woods.

'NO!" Arya cried out hugging Nymeria.

'we have to send them away and hope they survive on their own.' Everly told her calmly.

'Everly no!' Arya sobbed.

'Your father won't let them hurt you...' Everly went on as arya shivered in her arms now hugging tight to Everly. 'Please arya you have to let her go, they will kill her.' Everly said confidently. Arya nodded begrudgingly as she hugged her wolf and sent Nymeria off, shoeing her into the woods.

'RUN!' they hissed. 'GO!' Arya slapped at Nymeria's rump and she ran into the woods thinking it a game.

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